Pobre and friends


Staff member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

My wife has a friend like this. Babbles on endlessly to the point where the original people in the conversation wander off one by one.
On the interwebz that's what's known as a "Last Word Freak", and that's Pobre to a T. He's been working this schtick for years and he generally does get the last word because at the end of the day everybody else has something better/important/more fun to do, and he doesn't.
Stand by for Pobre's response in 3...2...1...


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


While I respect your opinion, the fact is that I *KNOW* - got that? - "know" - that "Sober" *IS* a liar! It's not something i "heard", or I "assume", or "presume", or even "guess". Rather, I *KNOW* that he *IS* a liar BASED ON FIRST HAND PERSONAL EXPERIENCE! And, again, if he's NOT a liar, then it would be easy enough for him to simply prove it. All he would have to do is demonstrate WHO I am, and HOW he "knows" it. Correspondingly, in the context of a public forum in which I wish to maintain my essential privacy, I don't know what more I could over and above what I've ALREADY DONE to "prove" who and what I am in terms of work experience. I say that given the fact that there is a more-than-a-decade long record of posts here and on other Teamster-associated boards, by myself and others, which have pretty much documented my work experience with UPS. Just this week I believe that a poster here, although exaggerating, complained about my "15 year" record of such posts. And, as I've said several times now, the handle I've used on other boards is far from a "state secret". One would have to be close to brain-dead not to be able to discover that for one's self. Ask people that are not particularly my supporters by any means (say "Big Union Guy" and such) who frequent other boards and get them to privately agree with "Sobers" claim of who I am, or what my work experience is. I think it won't take you long to discover the truth of the matter. The fact is that "Sober" DOESN'T KNOW ME FROM ADAM! He MADE THE WHOLE THING UP!

That said, my "attacks" on "Sober" aren't personal by nature; what makes them "personal" is that he PERSONALLY deliberately took it upon himself to LIE ABOUT ME! That was HIS choice. HE chose to LIE! And I'm not going to sit idly by while some ethically handicapped individual like that besmirches my name. Believe it or not, INTEGRITY MATTERS! It's no laughing matter...even on a board such as Brown Cafe. And if those like you choose not to support it, then eventually I suspect its lack will come back to bite you in the behind. After all, if you don't demand integrity when individuals are speaking of other people, then what's to stop similarly morally deficient individuals from lying about YOU?

In any case, as long as I'm able, I'm going to continue attacking ANY individual who lies about me. If they, or you, don't like it, then may I suggest that simply STOP THE LYING, from whatever source it spews forth from!

Sound like a plan?


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


I'm curious; how could I be "working this schtick for years" when, according to "Sober", I just "have one or two peak seasons under [my] belt as a helper and a PT inside employee"? And just how do you see your recognition of what *I've* allegedly posted jiving with "Sobers" claim that I posted under the handles of "SloppyJoes7" and "AssistantSanta". Beginning to see a little dichotomy there, perhaps? [smile]

Actually, I suspect that I usually "get the last word" in because guys like you are prone to talk big...but, when someone a little bit more knowledgeable than yourself happens to come along - especially when they have a little bit more experience to boot - to call you out to back-up that "big talk", all-too-often you're found wanting. Seems like this is a case in point. You're not prepared to show HOW "Sober" wasn't lying, nor even to seriously deny that he WAS. Nope, you're just here to pester...and to demonstrate your own personal inadequacies..

Fair enough. The world takes all kinds. But save me your B.S. The fact is that your kind on boards like this are a dime a dozen....and you seldom get "the last world" simply because the world isn't quite ready to let the parasites take over.



Got the T-Shirt
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

I hate to sound like a Doubting Thomas

No.... You still sound like the "same old" :censored2:-bag Thomas that you are.

Post #3 and post # 21.... is where this thread went south. And then.... nothing but a barrage of insults from you.

Some things never change.

I hope your hand can reach around, to pat yourself on the back. You have put us dumb Teamsters in our place.... again.

Let's see how much, us "dumb Teamsters" can extract from the company.... this contract.

And then.... we can listen to you blather on, about being a share-owner.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

If there is anyone here that I owe an apology to, it would be 104Feeder. He went to a lot of trouble to type up a side-by- side comparison of the companys LBF offer vs what we won after the strike, and I am at least partially responsible for causing the thread to go off topic.

Its a topic I feel particularly strongly about, because unlike certain other posters, I was actually there and the strike had a very profound impact upon me as well as every other UPSer who either participated in it or was later hired under the language that resulted from it.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


Maybe, if there's a topic you "feel particularly strongly about", then perhaps you shouldn't corrupt it by establishing yourself as a liar. And, because of that, you're not "partially responsible for causing the thread to go off topic"; you're TOTALLY RESPONSIBLE! You deliberately fabricated a story about someone else and - quite rightly - GOT CALLED ON IT!

With that in mind, it seems to me that you owe a LOT of apologies to a LOT of people, "Sober"...and a lot of people need to consider just who and what you are before they ever again assign any degree of credibility whatsoever to what you say.

Simply put, you're liar. Deal with it.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


So you're here to confirm "Sobers" assertion that I'm "SloppyJoes7" and "AssistantSanta"", are ya'? And to tell us, perhaps, how my being a "share owner" correlates with "Sobers" assertion that I have just "one or two peak seasons under [my] belt as a helper and a PT inside employee"? [grin]

You'd think guys like you would learn by now "bug"...and finally figure out that, in the long run, keeping your head buried in the sand in denial really isn't going to get you anywhere. But obviously you haven't. That said, it was never my intention in coming here to "put dumb Teamsters in their place"....but if guys like you INSIST on presenting me with the opportunity, then I'm not going to back away from it. After all, being "dumb" is THEIR choice; not mine.

Have a good one....


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

Maybe its just me, but when I am listening to two people who disagree about something I generally tend to give more credibility to the one who isnt screaming.


Got the T-Shirt
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

Ask people that are not particularly my supporters by any means (say "Big Union Guy" and such) who frequent other boards and get them to privately agree with "Sobers" claim of who I am, or what my work experience is.

Come again ??



Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


What difference does it make WHO you "give more credibility to": you have none yourself.

You're a liar, remember? EVERYTHING you have to say is suspect. Deal with it.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals

One observation that I have made about life is that the people I have seen who are truly confident in the validity of what they say dont feel the need to expend huge amounts of time, energy and drama trying to convince other people of that fact.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


I suspect you've been making that wish for quite some time, presumably because (1) this "Pinocchio" has been a pretty splintery piece of wood for you to handle over the years, and you've got stuck more than once, and (2) as a "boy", I would be much more suited to your peculiar proclivities.

Sorry, but I think I'm gonna' stay just as I am for now. I'm afraid you're just going to have to find your "boys" and get your "wood" someplace else.


Well-Known Member
Re: Comparison: Last, Best & Final to Pre-strike proposals


Who cares what someone like YOU has "observed"? Anything you relate about it is automatically suspect. You're a liar.

Beyond that, what *I* have "observed" is that TRULY "confident" individuals don't feel the need to lie about others in the first place. I've also noticed that, if they make a claim, they're able able to back it up.

Yet another observation I've made is that swarmy little liars keep coming back, NOT with anything substantial to add, NOR to provide any evidence for comments they made, NOR, God forbid, to offer-up an apology, but rather only to try to find a way to squirm off the hook they set themselves on.

You are what you are, "Sober"....and what you are is a filthy liar. Deal with it.