President Obama!


Space Cadet
Re: Obamanation here today


For someone claiming to be a conservative / libertarian you should run to the liberal defense quickly.

As a conservative, I believe in the Enlightenment, and rational discourse. Facts are the true coin. What are the facts? There is nothing I hold in more contempt than hypocrisy. And there is an awful lot of hypocrisy coming out of the RNC and the Republican members of congress these days.


Re: Obamanation here today

As a conservative, I believe in the Enlightenment, and rational discourse. Facts are the true coin. What are the facts? There is nothing I hold in more contempt than hypocrisy. And there is an awful lot of hypocrisy coming out of the RNC and the Republican members of congress these days.

ROFLMAO. The hypocrisy you should decry should be the hypocrisy you personally display.


Re: Obamanation here today

"So what? I have the utmost respect for the military, but if we want every one of our politicians to have that experience, we should make a constitutional amendment that requires that. And if you consider the time that GWB 'served' in the Texas Air National Guard to be military experience, you are delusional."

I'm sure the many fine servicemen and women who have served their states and country in the guard will feel appreciated after reading your comments. ROFLMAO.

Tell me that thing about you being a conservative again. ROFLMAO


Re: Obamanation here today

"He got a scholarship; unlike GWB, who got into Yale and Harvard as a legacy. And his wife worked for a living, as a lawyer."

for some odd reason Obama's college years are kept a big secret. For some odd reason you a self professed conservative are hell bent on defending the great messiah? ROFLMAO

Your slip is showing.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

"He got a scholarship; unlike GWB, who got into Yale and Harvard as a legacy. And his wife worked for a living, as a lawyer."

for some odd reason Obama's college years are kept a big secret. For some odd reason you a self professed conservative are hell bent on defending the great messiah? ROFLMAO

Your slip is showing.

I bet Obama was one in the 30% range of college students that don't have healthcare coverage.
When I heard that today on CNN, kinda made me sick, that the mighty USA can't even take care of health for college students.
They walk out with already $5000.00 in debt once finished... , and some of you will say it's thier fault, they couldn't set aside $6.00 a day for Bluecross or whatever insurance plan.
Screw that !
I'm happy, it does not happen here !


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Setting up a white house snitch line?
As opposed to turning the FBI and NSA loose on every conversation held by Americans? Without warrants of any kind?

This is just absurd, cretinous, daft, foolish, half-witted, idiotic, inane, moronic, silly, sophomoric, stupid. How do your propose that it is physically possible for the FBI and NSA to monitor every conversation held by Americans? Forget the warrants how the heck do you propose this even happened. Where do they get the manpower to monitor my hundreds of conversations plus keep the country free of terrorist attacks for seven years? I am truly interested in what type of conspiracy you can cook up here.

Moving hard core terrorists to freedom via our court system?
Just like the Blind Sheik, who ran 1993 Twin Towers attack, Eric Rudolf, the handsome white Christian who loved to dynamite people and clinics he didn't like, Timothy McVeigh and his buddy? Our Justice System worked for them. Don't see why it won't work for others. I laugh hysterically when 'patriots' who LOVE OUR COUNTRY are afraid to let our country follow its own Constitution.

You are walking down a dangerous path when you demand that you apply our constitution to non citizens captured during a war on a foreign battlefield. What part of the Constitution do you propose that we apply to citizens of other countries?

A country run by a teleprompter.
This is so ludicrous it merits guffaws. Every professional politician uses teleprompters. Watching Pres. Obama ad lib makes it clear that he has a command of oratory and grammar, unlike his predecessor, who regularly mangled the English language.

LMAO Not even close. Zero is a walking unexact, ungrounded, unreal, unsound, unsubstantial, unsustainable, untrue, untrustworthy, wide of the mark fool.

Suppression of political debate by crying racist?
Why do you hate Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh so?

Why do you care? If it helps lots of people dislike these two.

Oh heck I'm out of Ideas:happy-very:
I have nothing to add to that...


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

under bho's plan everyone would have to do not military service but community service, kind of like everyone being forced to join ACCORN.

Hey, that would be a good plan, work off that huge national debt, instead of higher taxes ! :funny:


Re: Obamanation here today

I bet Obama was one in the 30% range of college students that don't have healthcare coverage.
When I heard that today on CNN, kinda made me sick, that the mighty USA can't even take care of health for college students.
They walk out with already $5000.00 in debt once finished... , and some of you will say it's thier fault, they couldn't set aside $6.00 a day for Bluecross or whatever insurance plan.
Screw that !
I'm happy, it does not happen here !

No one knows what Obama did and didn't do. For some reason everything he did during the college years is hush hush. Thus the point that was made that offended our libertarian/conservative Obama supporter. :happy-very:


Re: Obamanation here today

Hey, that would be a good plan, work off that huge national debt, instead of higher taxes ! :funny:

how does that work off the national debt of 9 to 14 trillon? Canadians don't really take an interest in the doings of government do they?


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

how does that work off the national debt of 9 to 14 trillon? Canadians don't really take an interest in the doings of government do they?

We have a higher voter turn out. We have an auditor general the overlooks spending, and makes reports (always something for the opposition to use for ammunition).
Every expenditure a politcian makes is a public record. I can see how much my local or national politician spent on dining, or travelling, or whatever else went on "our" bank account.
We also don't have a 2 tier party system. I see the divide here on bc.. kinda sad.
We have 4 parties in a minorty goverment currently.
Basically, nothing can be passed without oppostion approval. (keeps them in check, I suppose).
And how long this goverment will exsist, is anyones guess. Opposition can call an election anytime, with a non confident vote.

What happened in Japan this weekend, has happened here several times. Totally ousted the ruling goverment party into almost non existence !

Work off your trillions.. easy, everyone has to work Saturdays for free... buliding roads, garbage collection, you name it. Any city or goverment "hands on " job.
(but that was just a joke , ofcourse).


Space Cadet
Re: Obamanation here today

"So what? I have the utmost respect for the military, but if we want every one of our politicians to have that experience, we should make a constitutional amendment that requires that. And if you consider the time that GWB 'served' in the Texas Air National Guard to be military experience, you are delusional."

I'm sure the many fine servicemen and women who have served their states and country in the guard will feel appreciated after reading your comments. ROFLMAO.

Tell me that thing about you being a conservative again. ROFLMAO

Get real, Tieguy! The National Guard is a fine example of the military. I was not generalizing about all National Guard soldiers, I was being very specific about one individual, the ex-President of the United States, George W. Bush. Who was able to pull strings to get a cushy billet in the Texas Air National Guard so that he didn't have to go to VietNam with his contemporaries. And then went AWOL and didn't even finish his hitch. And avoided any consequences for that, again due to his connections.

Then there was Dick Cheney, who 'had other priorities' and couldn't find it in himself to sign up for the war he supported so strongly.

Too many 'patriots' like these talk a good war, but are really really really good at sending other kids to fight them.


Space Cadet
Re: Obamanation here today

Originally Posted by TechGrrl

Setting up a white house snitch line?
As opposed to turning the FBI and NSA loose on every conversation held by Americans? Without warrants of any kind?

This is just absurd, cretinous, daft, foolish, half-witted, idiotic, inane, moronic, silly, sophomoric, stupid. How do your propose that it is physically possible for the FBI and NSA to monitor every conversation held by Americans? Forget the warrants how the heck do you propose this even happened. Where do they get the manpower to monitor my hundreds of conversations plus keep the country free of terrorist attacks for seven years? I am truly interested in what type of conspiracy you can cook up here.

Try these links:

Electronic Frontier Foundation:

Electronic Privacy Information Center:

And, finally, here's a press release about a book by the AT&T whistleblower who brought forward the existence of the program:

The way it works is, you hook some black boxes in-line to the fiber that carries all our electronic communications, including voice (all digital now, you know). Then you set up computer programs to analyze all that traffic and put stuff in databases.

This is a really poor method of getting actionable intelligence, for a variety of reasons that will be left as an exercise for the student. HINT: too much chaff means it's easy to lose the wheat.

I hate to burst your bubble, but this stuff really did happen, and it continues to happen. You see, when an administration goes to great lengths to blow up the Constitution, and stakes out positions that ignore the balance of powers, and claims that the Executive is all-powerful, that power doesn't disappear after the election. It's still there for the next administration to use.
So the FBI continues to do this sort of thing, and so does the NSA. Which is very disappointing to many civil liberties supporters, who really hoped that the new Obama administration would at least try to put the genie back in the bottle.


Space Cadet
Re: Obamanation here today

Moving hard core terrorists to freedom via our court system?
Just like the Blind Sheik, who ran 1993 Twin Towers attack, Eric Rudolf, the handsome white Christian who loved to dynamite people and clinics he didn't like, Timothy McVeigh and his buddy? Our Justice System worked for them. Don't see why it won't work for others. I laugh hysterically when 'patriots' who LOVE OUR COUNTRY are afraid to let our country follow its own Constitution.
You are walking down a dangerous path when you demand that you apply our constitution to non citizens captured during a war on a foreign battlefield. What part of the Constitution do you propose that we apply to citizens of other countries?

I am not suggesting that we apply our Constitution and civilian justice system to combatants captured on actual battlefields. We have a perfectly capable Uniform Code of Military Justice for that, -AND- established International Laws of War based on the Geneva Conventions. Both of which were blown off by the Bush Administration.

In addition to that, the Bush Administration claimed broad powers to the Executive that included declaring that legal residents, and even citizens, arrested on the streets of the US, could be summarily declared to be 'unlawful enemy combatants' by the fiat of the President, and that they therefore had no rights whatsoever, including the right of Habeas Corpus.

Get the actual facts involving the situation here, rather than parroting something Dick Cheney has promoted. At the end, even President Bush came to realize that Dick was too far outside the reality-based world to be listened to anymore.


Re: Obamanation here today

Get real, Tieguy! The National Guard is a fine example of the military. I was not generalizing about all National Guard soldiers, I was being very specific about one individual, the ex-President of the United States, George W. Bush. Who was able to pull strings to get a cushy billet in the Texas Air National Guard so that he didn't have to go to VietNam with his contemporaries. And then went AWOL and didn't even finish his hitch. And avoided any consequences for that, again due to his connections.

Did that guy join the military and fly fighter jets? I would think someone who joined the military and flew fighter jets without killing himself must have something going on.

Then there was Dick Cheney, who 'had other priorities' and couldn't find it in himself to sign up for the war he supported so strongly.

there's the Dick cheney liberal fall back. Oh thats right you're a conservative i forgot.:happy-very:

Too many 'patriots' like these talk a good war, but are really really really good at sending other kids to fight them.

Ah I think that gw at least signed up and put himself in a position where he could have ended up in harms way fighting for our country. His military record is absolutely 100 percent exemplarary when compared to Obamas military record. Thus the point that the guy was concerned that Obama had not signed up and did not have a clue.

The concern you have about patriots talking a good game and sending others kids to war actually applies to Obama more then GW. Last time I looked Obama was sending those kids in there for more. I thought Obama was supposed to pull us out?

Hypocrisy my dear Hypocrisy.


Space Cadet
Re: Obamanation here today

Ah I think that gw at least signed up and put himself in a position where he could have ended up in harms way fighting for our country. His military record is absolutely 100 percent exemplarary when compared to Obamas military record. Thus the point that the guy was concerned that Obama had not signed up and did not have a clue.

The concern you have about patriots talking a good game and sending others kids to war actually applies to Obama more then GW. Last time I looked Obama was sending those kids in there for more. I thought Obama was supposed to pull us out?

Hypocrisy my dear Hypocrisy.

Obama promised to draw down Iraq, and build up Afghanistan. Which he is doing.

And there was never any chance that GWB was going to be in harm's way.

Finally, to go back to my original point, if we want our Presidents to be required to have served in the military, we should amend to Constitution to say so. And I would go even further in that case, and require that the individual qualify for the infantry combat badge.

It would make the Presidential elections for the next 20 years or so very interesting....


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

"Obama promised to draw down Iraq, and build up Afghanistan. Which he is doing."

Gee, last I heard, AlQaeda was winning again. Our head Muslim commander in chief is probably pleased about that.

fact check

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

"Obama promised to draw down Iraq, and build up Afghanistan. Which he is doing."

Gee, last I heard, AlQaeda was winning again. Our head Muslim commander in chief is probably pleased about that.

No respect for our duly elected president?

What do you mean by " Our head Muslim commander in chief"? Is that supposed to be a slam? Is there something wrong with Muslims?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Well, I avoid them like the plague !!! I can't tell the good ones from the bad ones so I avoid all rag-heads and burka-clad beeatches.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

More! The good ones are the ones that denounce all the killings and bombings that the bad ones do.

Oh wait...


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I do have respect for the office of president.....too bad B.O. doesn't !! He a horse's arse !!

Someday I'll tell you how I really feel.