

Well-Known Member
It seems as though the the country is pretty ineffective at most everything. Dear sweet moreluck postts some crap about Obama that was really Bush's idea and it throws you into a tizzy.

Hard to be effective when the opposition party makes it their stated goal to oppose everything you try to enact. You guys even had McConnell filibustering himself last week. Pathetic.

That's fairly incoherent. Would you try again?


golden ticket member
Unless these machines accept EBT cards, unemployed families can't
afford vending machine stuff anyway.....Looks like he gets his ideas fro "Parenthood" on TV..........

Via The Hill:
The Obama administration proposed regulations Friday that would prohibit U.S. schools from selling unhealthy snacks.
The 160-page regulation from the Department of Agriculture (USDA) would enact nutrition standards for “competitive” foods not included in the official school meal.

In practice, the proposed rules would replace traditional potato chips with baked versions and candy with granola. Regular soda is out, though high-schoolers may have access to diet versions.

“Although nutrition standards for foods sold at school alone may not be a determining factor in children’s overall diets, they are critical to providing children with healthy food options throughout the entire school day,” the proposed rule states.
The rules are a product of the 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which also overhauled the nutritional make-up of regular school meals. They would apply to any school, public or private, that participates in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program.

Those rules saw a backlash from conservative lawmakers who said students were going hungry as a result of calorie limits. A GOP House member famously compared the rules to “The Hunger Games.” The USDA eventually relaxed some guidelines in response.

The regulations state that all competitive foods must be either a fruit, vegetable, dairy product, protein food, “whole-grain rich” product, or a combination food that contains at least 1/4 cup of fruits or vegetables; or they must contain 10 percent of the daily value of a major nutrient.

All snacks must also meet a range of calorie and nutrition requirements, such as limits on sodium, total sugar and calories from fat, with few exceptions.

The rules states that all schools may sell water, low-fat and fat-free milks and milk alternatives and 100-percent fruit and vegetable juices, with portion sizes varying by student age.

High schools will also be permitted to sell carbonated beverages, as long as they contain five calories or less per serving.


golden ticket member
[h=2]Maryland Elementary School Bans Hugging, Birthday Party Invitations…[/h]

This crap gives me migraines.

Via HuffPo:
From the same state that suspended a 7-year-old for turning his Pop Tart into a Pop Tart shaped like a gun, comes a ban on hugging.

Southern Maryland Newspapers Online reports on the new guidelines for visitors, parents and students for St. Mary’s County public elementary schools:
“Birthday invitations should not be handed out at school, Hall said, because students who are not invited could have their feelings hurt. She said school PTAs could develop phone and email contact lists, with parents’ approval, to distribute.

Foods for celebrations should be limited to store-bought items that contain ingredient lists so as not to interfere with children’s food allergies, according to the rules.

Parents visiting the cafeteria should not hug or touch children other than their own, nor should they discipline other children, the guidelines say. Parents should also not walk with their child when he or she leaves the cafeteria.”


Well-Known Member
Parents should not discipline someone else's child. Ask the 61 year old white guy how it worked out for him when he slapped a 7 year old black kid on the airplane.

The rest of those rules are crap.


golden ticket member
You're confusing discipline with assault!! Big difference.

I will stare down a "brat" when they misbehave in the every time.


The Nim

Just checking, the EPA dropped their regulations on a federal level for this state?

While I personally think the EPA oversteps their bounds, I'm pretty sure that even if the state lowers their requirements for stuff the EPA on the federal level still mandates more than most states to be followed.

And if the EPA on the federal level allowed this to happen why aren't we attacking the current administration for allowing this to happen?