Rick Perry focus of Criminal Investigation

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
No, let him and the rest of the TROLL PATROL keep going.
It is fun watching them spend so much effort on a non-issue.
This will not go any farther, so just watch the TROLL PATROL scream bloody murder in their posts.

In other words..

realbrown "i dont have anything of interest to contribute to the conversation"


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Did you see Gov. Perry's press conference today?
Game over. So sorry. Better luck next time.

oooohboy, a press conference, I guess the trial is over.

hahahah... poor boy. Just wait, all day tomorrow , fox will have perry on so he can keep you convinced he isnt a :censored2:bag.



Well-Known Member
oooohboy, a press conference, I guess the trial is over.

hahahah... poor boy. Just wait, all day tomorrow , fox will have perry on so he can keep you convinced he isnt a :censored2:bag.


You really don't think real far ahead do you? I guess that is what makes you such a rabid liberal. Lets entertain the idea for a moment that this is a successful indictment and Perry is convicted of these "crimes". Ever thought about what that means for future holders of not only state governorships, but the President of the United States? If this is a successful conviction that means that anyone holding executive authority in a local, state, or national office can be convicted of a crime simply by exercising the powers they have been granted by being elected to that office. Do you realize how many felonies Obama could be held liable for if Governor Perry were to be convicted of this nonsense?


Inordinately Right
You really don't think real far ahead do you? I guess that is what makes you such a rabid liberal. Lets entertain the idea for a moment that this is a successful indictment and Perry is convicted of these "crimes". Ever thought about what that means for future holders of not only state governorships, but the President of the United States? If this is a successful conviction that means that anyone holding executive authority in a local, state, or national office can be convicted of a crime simply by exercising the powers they have been granted by being elected to that office. Do you realize how many felonies Obama could be held liable for if Governor Perry were to be convicted of this nonsense?
Sounds good to me.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You really don't think real far ahead do you? I guess that is what makes you such a rabid liberal. Lets entertain the idea for a moment that this is a successful indictment and Perry is convicted of these "crimes". Ever thought about what that means for future holders of not only state governorships, but the President of the United States? If this is a successful conviction that means that anyone holding executive authority in a local, state, or national office can be convicted of a crime simply by exercising the powers they have been granted by being elected to that office. Do you realize how many felonies Obama could be held liable for if Governor Perry were to be convicted of this nonsense?

What this means is simple. Perry could face jail time.

That's all i care about. Ill let congress deal with writing laws they will never enforce.



golden ticket member
I hear that the Troll Vespa Brigade (TVB) is going to Texas to demonstrate.........also (UTI) United Trolls International.
And you all thought UTI was just an infection.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
What this means is simple. Perry could face jail time.

That's all i care about. Ill let congress deal with writing laws they will never enforce.

You sir, are delusional. It's over. No trial, no charges will be filed.
This was a purely political act.
It will not even effect any presidential aspirations Perry might have.


Strength through joy
hey, tos & other trolls .
Please watch this video ;
A police video has surfaced of a district attorney being arrested for drunk driving .

The video shows Democratic Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg acting belligerently to the arresting officers in Austin, Texas, after her car was stopped for driving erratically, The Washington Times reported.

She had to be physically restrained by two cops, and was found to have an open bottle of vodka in the vehicle. as well as a blood-alcohol level nearly three times the legal limit.

Why does she still have a public job ?


Well-Known Member
You sir, are delusional. It's over. No trial, no charges will be filed.
This was a purely political act.
It will not even effect any presidential aspirations Perry might have.
Oh what part of a grand jury indictment do you not understand?
He has been indicted therefore charges have been filed and there will be a trial.


nowhere special
The case will be dropped before going to trial. Or should be except for that grandstanding liberal DA who has tried smearing Republicans in the past and failed then also.


nowhere special
Now you can tell the future among being a forensic expert . :cool:

Even liberals are admitting Perry broke no laws and the indictment was purely a political smear tactic. Apparently some people are afraid of Perry possibly running for President (even though he has never said he was).