Sarah Palin--Disagree must you Destroy ?


Strength through joy
Seeing red over Palin parody
Last Updated: 11:08 AM, November 23, 2009
Posted: 1:19 AM, November 23, 2009
A parody of Sarah Palin's book "Going Rogue: An American Life" has been causing huge confusion -- forcing Palin's publishers HarperCollins to take out ads to direct buyers to the official version.

The rival book, "Going Rouge: An American Nightmare," was released on the same day as Palin's memoir and features an almost identical cover. Colin Robinson, co-publisher of the book, compiled by Nation magazine staffers Betsy Reedand Richard Kim, told Page Six: "We have been contacted by numerous media outlets across the country asking for interviews with Sarah Palin, or companies offering security for her while on tour. "One Web site not only thought we were Ms. Palin's publishers but called the book 'Going Rough.' "We've noticed that someone, presumably HarperCollins, has been buying ads on Google redirecting people looking for 'Going Rouge' to 'Going Rogue,' which seems very unsporting of them."

Victims of the "Rogue"/"Rouge" saga include CNN's Political Ticker, which quoted Obama adviser

David Axelrodsaying he'd be borrowing Obama campaign manager

David Plouffe's copy of "Going Rouge."

USA Today's section The Oval wrongly posted the cover of "Going Rouge" with a review of Palin's book. It has since corrected the confusion with the statement: "Erratum: An earlier posting featured the photo of a different Sarah Palin book. The Oval regrets the error." Last week, Fox News Channel apologized for showing the cover of the takedown book while discussing Palin's memoir.

Robinson added: "We are sure that many people who mistakenly bought our book will have been pleasantly surprised. You learn more about the real Palin in our version."

HarperCollins did not respond to calls and e-mails for comment.

A parody of Sarah Palin's book "Going Rogue: An American Life" has been causing huge confusion -- forcing Palin's publishers HarperCollins to take out ads to direct buyers to the official version.
The rival book, "Going Rouge: An American Nightmare," was released on the same day as Palin's memoir and features an almost identical cover.
Colin Robinson, co-publisher of the book, compiled by Nation magazine staffers Betsy Reed and Richard Kim, told Page Six: "We have been contacted by numerous media outlets across the country asking for interviews with Sarah Palin, or companies offering security for her while on tour.

"One Web site not only thought we were Ms. Palin's publishers but called the book 'Going Rough.'
"We've noticed that someone, presumably HarperCollins, has been buying ads on Google redirecting people looking for 'Going Rouge' to 'Going Rogue,' which seems very unsporting of them."
Victims of the "Rogue"/"Rouge" saga include CNN's Political Ticker, which quoted Obama adviser David Axelrod saying he'd be borrowing Obama campaign manager David Plouffe's copy of "Going Rouge."
USA Today's section The Oval wrongly posted the cover of "Going Rouge" with a review of Palin's book. It has since corrected the confusion with the statement: "Erratum: An earlier posting featured the photo of a different Sarah Palin book. The Oval regrets the error." Last week, Fox News Channel apologized for showing the cover of the takedown book while discussing Palin's memoir.
Robinson added: "We are sure that many people who mistakenly bought our book will have been pleasantly surprised. You learn more about the real Palin in our version."
HarperCollins did not respond to calls and e-mails for comment.


Staff member
Apparently FOX news showed the wrong book cover a couple times. Not that surprising when you see them side by side:



Strength through joy
"Going Rogue" sold 700,000 copies - a number that includes pre-orders - in its first week of release, according to a publishing official close to the former Alaska governor. The official was not authorized to release the sales figure and asked not to be identified.

Palin's memoir came out Nov. 17 with a first printing of 1.5 million copies. On Friday, publisher HarperCollins announced that the printing would be increased to 2.5 million.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So that explains the anti-Palin's crowd bad reviews, they have been reading the wrong book.


Yours and tieguys love affair with this lady is a crack up. Both of you tout Sarah Palins book like its a piece of literary genius. The even funnier part is that the both of you believe she wrote it.


The ghost writer for her book "Going Rogue" is none other than Lynn Vincent, who works as the senior writer for the "conservative Christian publication World Magazine."

Chris Mathews of msnbc said back in MAY 09 that Palin would not write this book and he was right. He said that Palin did not have the skills to write such a book, and thats exactly the case.

Vincent, who has "ghostwritten" for others and the author of a book of her own with her political leanings in tow "Donkey Cons: Sex, Crime, and Corruption in the Democratic Party” , goes to show how far the publisher HarperCollins ( a fox news company- newscorp) will go to promote PALIN.

While the numbers are not adding up for retail sales, the pre-orders by right wing groups pushed this book to best seller status. An undustry expert said this about the PALIN book:

"Within the industry, figures for both print runs and pre-orders are notoriously inaccurate. Publishers inflate print-run figures -- a good rule of thumb is that the actual print run is half of what's reported -- so the 1.5 million-copy press run of Going Rogue is likely closer to 750,000. The Amazon-Target-Walmart price war has made cheap copies plentiful, but their sites' "bestseller" rankings indicate high velocity, not necessarily high sales; if several hundred copies of Going Rogue were rapidly pre-ordered, the book would shoot up in the rankings.

For Going Rogue to go big, she must attract her contingent through bulk sales to the Christian right -- an audience long ignored by The New York Times Bestseller List, and by publishing in general, until Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins's Left Behind series about the Rapture proved too big a cash cow to ignore. But a year after her failed candidacy as Vice President, Palin is no longer the great hope of her party. Her image is tarnished by gossip media's fascination with her and her family -- especially Levi Johnston, the teenage father of her infant grandson, who has proved indiscreet with reporters eager for sordid details."

Unlike President OBAMAs books, which were written exclusively by OBAMA and without help of a ghostwriter, his books were best sellers on their own merits and had no help from pre-orders from left wing interests groups.

His books continue to sell today.

As for PALIN and getting help writing the book, or in other words, having the book written for her, especially from a wacko right wing interest group in the WORLD MAGAZINE, it only demonstrates the desperation of the right wing to create an "image" for a candidate and not substance.

As for PALIN, her handlers know that having typical book signings will only work in RURAL america and that doesnt grab news headlines (cause those typically will swallow anything handed to them by the right wing) so they have opted to "USE" our military bases as a ground zero for her.

This is a shame. I hope the goverment steps in and prevents any further use of our military as a showcase to promote her political ideology.

TIEGUY stated earlier that she will be "coached" and "trained" to answer questions better in the future. Really? is that the best the right wing has to offer America? Someone who has to be told what to say and do??

What happens when she is in the White House? Who will pull the strings then?? Karl Rove? Dick Cheney? Bill Kristol? James Baker? Roger Ailes?

These people already have screwed up this country, why would americans give them another chance?

If PALIN is too dumb to answer simple questions now, 4 years from now will make no difference.

For example, shes already on RECORD stating the Israelis should expand into Palestinian land, if she changes her position sometime later, she will have transformed herself into a flipflopper. Something the right wing hates.

Everything stupid she says now will come back to haunt her later, just as TIEGUY experiences on this board.

At the end of the day, the PALIN book will flop at the retail end, and the publisher will hope to at least break even on the costs. It was an expensive adventure to pay both PALIN and her ghostwriter to make this book.

HarperCollins, an arm of NEWSCORP aka FAUX NEWS has a large vested interest in trying to promote the book, thus the reason they booked PALIN on every show on the channel for the next few weeks.

I say goodluck PALIN and FAUX, americans are not that stupid.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
pssst... backside....

Palin seen in fort bragg selling more of those darn books..

"Palin arrived at Fort Bragg this morning to a media mob and cheers from more than 1,000 people lined up for her book-signing event.
About a dozen people had been waiting since Sunday."

Let me be the first conservative to join my liberal brothers and sisters in saying that in 2012 I do not want president palin wasting time signing books and selling T-shirts as our current president has been doing.


TIEGUY, the article you posted contains two key points I think you should pay attention to.

1) About 20 reporters from newspapers, TV stations and other outlets are on hand. Fox News anchor Greta Van Susteren is traveling with Palin, Fort Bragg officials said.

2) I'm a strong supporter of Sarah Palin," he said. "We have a mutual kinship in our support for President Ronald Reagan."

To point 1, dont you find it strange that a "fair and balanced" news channel would assign a lawyer/host to tag along with PALIN on a bus tour to promote her book? Do you find it strange that a cable news channel would invest itself in the grooming of a potential presidential candidate?

As to point 2, this statement shows the intellectual level of PALIN supporters, those who believe Reagan was a good president. I hope PALIN comes out and tries to cling to "Reaganomics".

It will be a good thing to use Reagans economic record against her. For me, I dont think she really understands the Reagan Record and is merely caught up in the myth that is Reagan.

Its a shame she is trying to use the military as a base to operate out of.

She should visit Los Angeles, I am sure the crickets would love to stand in line to see her.



Well-Known Member
When she isn't worried about having to play 2nd string to an already poor presidential candidate then you will see that those tough questions will come with straight answers. The McCain camp really struggled with the fact the country was more interested in Sarah Palin than John McCain. Last I heard she has more followers on facebook and twitter than the white house has. 2012 is a long way off, but the prospects of this current failure of a President getting thrown out is looking better and better. Getting Sarah in there would be the icing on the cake.

Your self claim to fame of BC's magna *** laude recipient is rapidly falling if your thesis entails Palin intentionally struggled with questions on the issues as a result of upstaging McCain's camp to 2nd fiddle status. That's a razor sharp toothless assumption for Sarah Barracuda.....

.. Sarah's facebook and twitter crowd= equivlant to the American Idol fan club, yes large in numbers, however clueless on the issues, just as Sarah is .....Ron Paul had a huge following from the web, although a generally smarter fan base than most canidates, look how far it got him in 2008 election. However, voters are not laughing at Paul now, a significant silent crusade of conservatives are jumping ship from the far right neo-con, evangelical principled canidates such as Palin. To her credit, she does have a rabid (but misinformed) fan base, but IMO will die out faster than disco in the eighties. There will come a time, before 2012 rounds the bend, she'll have to open her mouth :surprised: on the issues (w/o handlers) and ends her interviews with a wink :wink2:.

We're not supposed to talk about his other half. :happy-very:

Tie, the missing link, is the fact that ignorant Americans react to Obama's outside phyiscal appearance and wouldn't have a clue of his whiteness unless exposed to that privy information. Lets assume, before rockstar status in total anonymity, he strolled onto a Tea party rally, :nonono: I mean a KKK rally, would the unruly mob think twice to ask the unkown Obama if he's half white before the noose was tied? :hang:

What you stated is not quite true, but little of what you state ever is.


Deny Deny Deny, that is what you do best when it comes to reality. It must be true that if you lie to yourself enough you really believe it.

:yawn: Your starting to bore me..
oh look Wkmac is about to chime in :woohoo:

I watched the YouTube video linked and very quick in I found a serious historical flaw presented as fact.

Direct quote from the New Jewish Encyclopedia copyright 62' 76' under the article Palestine. And before I quote let me point out that why would you have an article on something if it never existed in the first place?

page 369 under the article Palestine

It goes on to say this as well in the same article.

Throughout the entire article the text repeats the term Palestine over and over again with such phrases as:
Palestine is situated in the southwestern corner of Asia
Palestine covers 66k kilometers
Palestine contains 4 zones
Jewish history in Palestine began in about 2k BCE
The Syrian and Egyptian dynasties battled over Palestine
170 BCE Palestine conquered by Syrians
Palestine remained under Roman and Byzantine rule

So for a land of Palestine to have never existed seems a bit of a problem to say the least. Don't keep a copy of the New Jewish Encyclopedia on your bookshelf? A good student of history would! :wink2: I also guess it doesn't matter that the whole idea of a jewish homeland wasn't an issue until in the late 19th century when a french jew by the name of Theodore Herzl witnessed an anti-jewish event in France and then started what became known as the Zionist movement. I guess also it would matter if the early Zionist Congress voted on a Jewish State in Africa after land in Uganda was offered? Funny also that it was about this same time that the Dispensational Pre-Millennialism (a belief very centered on God establishing a nationstate for Israel in the end times) took strong root in protestant Christianity in Europe and America.

I've spoken before of the teachings of jew and arab being brothers and both sides accepting this as fact but for your sake, here's under the heading of Arabs, New Jewish Encyclopedia, page 18.

If you know your Sunday School lessons, remember Ishmael and Hagar as opposed to Sarah and Issac? And what is the first law of family succession of property and name? To the first born and who was the first born in this case? Even Jacob who's name was changed to Israel was not the firstborn and only achieved the birthright through deception and trickery. But then all this claim to a land is all predicated on a religious document that grants special privedge and rights to a certain people and whom from them the bible came into existence. Do we ever dare question a man made document that truth be told had more to do with a political/social motive than knowing all truth about God? But yet we sit here and see no problem nor conflict in the fact that the people who claim the divine conduit of God to us also have for themselves a very specific and special place of which no one is to ever question or ever doubt. And the only proof is their word based on our faith?

The claim to land ownership by both sides is rooted in a system of religous dogma written by the hand of men (way after the fact) and not divinely inspired by the spoken word of god. As I've said before, this is a family fight and we should stay out of it completely as we have no business in it.

Also Brett, as you stated to D' comments about being untrue, you might spend some time reading up on the Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Balfour Declaration. As to Sykes and the broken promises to Arabs, the british told the arab tribes if they fought with them against the Ottoman Turk's, the British after the war would grant them and their lands full soverign independence and yet if was Lord Balfour himself from the post war Paris talks that stated all promises to arabs would not be honored and then Arabia was made a british protectorate. Even today, the royal Saudia family is a puppet gov't of the west who only grow rich and care little about anyone else.

Between broken promises and locked kneed stances of denying historical fact that Palestine existed, I see no reason where the arab should trust us.

And we wonder why the arab peoples hate us so!

Wkmac, I was going to respond to Brett's charges that I state falsehoods and lie to myself on subjects such as Israel/Palistine, but I don't want to ruin a well worded summation that you vested your valueable time on Earth to debunk this cherry picked You Tube video selected by Brett as the "end all, be all" "supposed" Truth and Origins of Israel/Palistine. No doubt, your perspective will go unchallenged and hopefully clear me of any intentional ficticious imput.


"Going Rogue" sold 700,000 copies - a number that includes pre-orders - in its first week of release, according to a publishing official close to the former Alaska governor. The official was not authorized to release the sales figure and asked not to be identified.

Palin's memoir came out Nov. 17 with a first printing of 1.5 million copies. On Friday, publisher HarperCollins announced that the printing would be increased to 2.5 million.

Pssst Backside.....2.5 million?


Tie, the missing link, is the fact that ignorant Americans react to Obama's outside phyiscal appearance and wouldn't have a clue of his whiteness unless exposed to that privy information. Lets assume, before rockstar status in total anonymity, he strolled onto a Tea party rally, :nonono: I mean a KKK rally, would the unruly mob think twice to ask the unkown Obama if he's half white before the noose was tied? :hang:
I think it would probably be easier for Obama to enter a KKK rally then it would be for a conservative to enter one of Obamas staged townhalls.:surprised:

:yawn: Your starting to bore me..

If you get bored you might want to try actually attending a tea party so you know what you're talking about when you dish it.:happy-very:


Number one review at Amazon:

Ain't afraid of no Vietcong king, November 17, 2009 By Gen. JC Christian, patriot (Tremonton, UT United States) - See all my reviews
There are many kinds of truth. There are truths based on facts, truths based on faith, and truths based on something that sounds as if it should be true (truthiness). Then there's the kind of truth we find in Sarah's book: stories and concepts that become truths simply because she states them. She's a lot like our Lord and Savior, Glen Beck, in that respect.

Sometimes, she states truths that would be considered ludicrous if uttered by someone else. Her claim that the McCain campaign forced her to spend $150,000 in RNC funds to dress her family in designer clothes is one example of that. Although it might be easier to believe that she acted like a trailer park Zsa Zsa who'd found a credit card left behind at a possum feed, she blames McCain staffers. That's good enough for us, because we have faith; we want to believe her truths.

But the book isn't perfect. As much as I enjoyed the few short paragraphs in which Mrs Palin laid out her policy objectives, she could have condensed it all into one sentence: "I'm going to grab an Oxo Good Grips Stainless Serving Spatula and go all mavericky on your non-white, non-Christian and non-heterosexual butts."

The book also fails to expose Mrs. Palin's intellectual brilliance and keen grasp of foreign policy issues. Why wasn't the text of her recent speech in Hong Kong included? Although it remains secret, it's rumored that she viciously rebuked the Vietcong king for his assault on the Empire State Building. That's a speech we've been waiting for nearly 75 years to hear. It's big news and should have been included.

As you read other reviews of this book, please remember that Mrs. Palin has many enemies who are eager to pan her work. The Palin family's most potent nemesis, Levi's johnston, is no dpubt fully erect and ready to spew globs of misfortune upon them for a third time. And reason-adoring intellectuals are certain to point out that an interview on Good Morning Topeka doesn't qualify as a policy summit in the Far East.

But a few bad reviews won't stop her. She's seen much worse from her kitchen window. It can't be pleasant to gaze upon Antichristograd every morning as you brew your coffee.

My review isn't complete, but I think I'll quit anyway, because writing reviews, like governing, is just too darned hard to finish.

the good general gave her five stars.:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Not to mention liberal women are not fans of make up or feminine virtues.

Well yeah....after looking at those caked up plastic face looking "Barbie Dolls" on Fox News, :princess: I'd prefer my women a little more natural....

If you get bored you might want to try actually attending a tea party so you know what you're talking about when you dish it.:happy-very:

You mean I can learn how to kill Grandma...:death: on a death


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member

Within the industry, figures for both print runs and pre-orders are notoriously inaccurate. Publishers inflate print-run figures -- a good rule of thumb is that the actual print run is half of what's reported -- so the 1.5 million-copy press run of Going Rogue is likely closer to 750,000. The Amazon-Target-Walmart price war has made cheap copies plentiful, but their sites' "bestseller" rankings indicate high velocity, not necessarily high sales; if several hundred copies of Going Rogue were rapidly pre-ordered, the book would shoot up in the rankings.

For Going Rogue to go big, she must attract her contingent through bulk sales to the Christian right -- an audience long ignored by The New York Times Bestseller List, and by publishing in general, until Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins's Left Behind series about the Rapture proved too big a cash cow to ignore. But a year after her failed candidacy as Vice President, Palin is no longer the great hope of her party. Her image is tarnished by gossip media's fascination with her and her family -- especially Levi Johnston, the teenage father of her infant grandson, who has proved indiscreet with reporters eager for sordid details."

Unlike President OBAMAs books, which were written exclusively by OBAMA and without help of a ghostwriter, his books were best sellers on their own merits and had no help from pre-orders from left wing interests groups.

His books continue to sell today.

As for PALIN and getting help writing the book, or in other words, having the book written for her, especially from a wacko right wing interest group in the WORLD MAGAZINE, it only demonstrates the desperation of the right wing to create an "image" for a candidate and not substance.

As for PALIN, her handlers know that having typical book signings will only work in RURAL america and that doesnt grab news headlines (cause those typically will swallow anything handed to them by the right wing) so they have opted to "USE" our military bases as a ground zero for her.

This is a shame. I hope the goverment steps in and prevents any further use of our military as a showcase to promote her political ideology.

TIEGUY stated earlier that she will be "coached" and "trained" to answer questions better in the future. Really? is that the best the right wing has to offer America? Someone who has to be told what to say and do??

What happens when she is in the White House? Who will pull the strings then?? Karl Rove? Dick Cheney? Bill Kristol? James Baker? Roger Ailes?

These people already have screwed up this country, why would americans give them another chance?

If PALIN is too dumb to answer simple questions now, 4 years from now will make no difference.

For example, shes already on RECORD stating the Israelis should expand into Palestinian land, if she changes her position sometime later, she will have transformed herself into a flipflopper. Something the right wing hates.

Everything stupid she says now will come back to haunt her later, just as TIEGUY experiences on this board.

At the end of the day, the PALIN book will flop at the retail end, and the publisher will hope to at least break even on the costs. It was an expensive adventure to pay both PALIN and her ghostwriter to make this book.

HarperCollins, an arm of NEWSCORP aka FAUX NEWS has a large vested interest in trying to promote the book, thus the reason they booked PALIN on every show on the channel for the next few weeks.

I say goodluck PALIN and FAUX, americans are not that stupid.
As to your last sentence...I thought the same thing, and then OBAMA was elected.
We will see if it flops, Im not her biggest fan, but those conservative women sure do look better in skirts, or In Palins case, anything, than any of those democrat women, Hands down.