Someone had 18 misloads yesterday, is that a new record


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Preloaders are appropriately compensated for what is a very simple job.
You really think so? I think they are some of the most underrated employees in the system and the pay reflects that. A loader can make or break a driver's day, save or cost OT, and make us look bad or make us look good. I think $12-$15 hr is sufficient for what they do.

Rack em

Made the Podium
I've never been a preloader (besides helping load my own car) but that is seriously unfair...and a newbie at that. Ouch.
I agree, it's a horrible way to spa things but it still hasn't changed. They still spa them the same this year and while misloads aren't as bad, we are still getting a decent amount. They should re-label the spa's which I don't think it very difficult.


Half the lies they tell about me aren't true!!
I guess I'm lucky, my loader has been loading for about 30 years. He has about one misload a month.


Box Monkey
I can top that. If they give me an add cut late and not in my edd I just send the entire section in as misloads. I get a message to stop at about 20.

I did the same thing. Told me to stop. Sent the rest in. None of them were in my area, so none of the streets were loaded in the diad. Still had to hit 'override' when I scanned, but at least the addresses were there.

Son't send them in individually then. Send them all at once. Hit Comm, 4 and scan your first one select No you can't deliver them and in remarks type WIWC then your bottom left it will say "add additional" and you can scan a second, third, fourth, ..... until you have all your packages sent in at once when you hit the bottom right button on the screen.


Well-Known Member
Son't send them in individually then. Send them all at once. Hit Comm, 4 and scan your first one select No you can't deliver them and in remarks type WIWC then your bottom left it will say "add additional" and you can scan a second, third, fourth, ..... until you have all your packages sent in at once when you hit the bottom right button on the screen.
But each one I send individualy makes me feel a little better.


Staff member
Son't send them in individually then. Send them all at once. Hit Comm, 4 and scan your first one select No you can't deliver them and in remarks type WIWC then your bottom left it will say "add additional" and you can scan a second, third, fourth, ..... until you have all your packages sent in at once when you hit the bottom right button on the screen.

That would have caused multiple strokes in my old building.

I wish I would have known that then.:)


Retired 22 years
Not even close. I can't remember the exact number, but about 4 peaks ago some brand new hire on his first day had over SIXTY misloads between 4 cars. The cars were spa'd mdu2-mdu5 so I can see how they happened, but wow was it bad!

Another time a person who couldn't do the simplest job of spa'ing had 30 something mis spas.

Is that Klingon you are speaking?

What The Hawk?

There's a guy at my hub, we were hired the same day. He got 15 misloads. Most I ever got in one day was 5 BUT I didn't sign anything because they sent me someone to load my truck and they realized that the person they sent misloaded not me.

Rack em

Made the Podium
There's a guy at my hub, we were hired the same day. He got 15 misloads. Most I ever got in one day was 5 BUT I didn't sign anything because they sent me someone to load my truck and they realized that the person they sent misloaded not me.
You're not a true preloader until you've hit double digit misloads in a day. I remember when I was a few months in I thought I was hot :censored2: one day and could handle a 4 car pull no problem. The next day my sup told me I had 12 misloads and I was instantly deflated lol. But I ended up being one of the best preloaders in terms of misloads. I averaged 1 or less a month toward the end of my preloading days.

What The Hawk?

You're not a true preloader until you've hit double digit misloads in a day. I remember when I was a few months in I thought I was hot :censored2: one day and could handle a 4 car pull no problem. The next day my sup told me I had 12 misloads and I was instantly deflated lol. But I ended up being one of the best preloaders in terms of misloads. I averaged 1 or less a month toward the end of my preloading days.
I don't think that'll happen. Simply because my hub is tiny. So tiny. I always try to remind myself that I can't get cocky. Because when that happens, you're gonna be humbled in the most embarrassing way.


Well-Known Member
I had 6 misloads on tuesday this week, wednesday i find 7. About 5 of them had my hand writing on them from the day before. Not sure how you misload the same stuff 2 days in a row unless they didn't take it off the car at night.

Do they have new labels or not being re-scanned?


Well-Known Member
Preloaders are appropriately compensated for what is a very simple job.
Nobody said we are uncompensated. To not expect misloads with cars named "mdu2-mdu5" means you're an idiot. Most good preloaders work with a sense of urgency. Majority of the time, our misloads come from (either) the temps or our most senior belt splitters who load two cars. They stand at the front of the line, gossiping and rambling on about why they are angry that day...