Sorry, I never really introduced myself.


Retired 23 years
I would introduce myself like Steve but then I'm afraid I would would get constantly hounded by the paparazzi:peaceful: Might have to start breaking cameras


KTM rider
Great thread.

Here's a shot of me getting ready for a short ride

It was a nice day when we left, then it appeared like we were riding into some weather

So we hung out under this gas station awning while it downpoured.

My daughter took the photos

keep your paws off.



Great thread.

Here's a shot of me getting ready for a short ride

It was a nice day when we left, then it appeared like we were riding into some weather

So we hung out under this gas station awning while it downpoured.

My daughter took the photos

keep your paws off.


Very nice post, you guys must have loads of fun. Where are you at? Don't worry, drewed is in Alaska, that's why he sounds like a 20 something guy on the prowl. Oh, that's right, he is a 20 something guy on the prowl!:surprised:


KTM rider
Central Mn. Doing what people do in central Mn

Yep. Kissin cows.

The jealous ones.

We don't have any photos of me in 'the truck.' My wife does have a UPS bobblehead on her desk with a photo of my face pasted on the head of the bobblehead.



KTM rider
The ride we took was a circle ride around northern Stearns county. We stayed north of I94, riding only on county roads.

It was a ton o fun.



Retired 23 years
"the jealous ones" --now that's funny--I don't care who you are:happy2: KTM makes an awesome bike. So do you work out of St. C. ?
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Retired 23 years
Yep. If you have been in on district safety calls, you've heard me.


I haven't been in on ANYTHING for 7 years-----come to think of it they never ever let me in on anything. I more or less drove around in a daze for 30 years:wink2:


Some guys were asking me why I didn't blur my pkg car numbers and why I used my real name? I told em, I wanted to be different. I'm not shy, I really do work here and I'm darn proud of that fact.

Ms Spoken

Well-Known Member
I would love to post some of my photo's on here or a website like you have set up but, all your doing is opening the door for anyone to find your family.
There is nothing I say that most don't already know who I am and where I'm from. Just the other day I was thinking of linking my website with BC but, I don't need my customers reading all the BS most of us have to put up with.


I would love to post some of my photo's on here or a website like you have set up but, all your doing is opening the door for anyone to find your family.
There is nothing I say that most don't already know who I am and where I'm from. Just the other day I was thinking of linking my website with BC but, I don't need my customers reading all the BS most of us have to put up with.

I don't get what you mean about anyone finding my family....were they lost? J/K I'm assumign that you mean find and harm? I live in the real world with real people, good and bad. My website is there for anyone to see. I want people to see my family because I love them and I love spending time together. I linked my blog to BC for just that reason. That's why I work so hard. That's why I strive to get home early, and when I don't, you know exactly what I'm missing out on. I actually invite my customers to view my blog because it would be really expensive to print out all of the pictures you see there. My customers are very interested in my life at UPS as well as apart from UPS. How was your vacation, how is your family and did you have a good weekend are always heard. I also reciprocate in this manner. I know who has kids, how many and who doesn't. This is all part of our job, like it or not. You have to be personable. This is better than a sales lead. People don't want to ship pkgs with the secretive grump, even if they are the cheapest in the world. If you're open and nice, people will usually be open and nice to you, if not now, then eventually. But even if there's one that doesn't come around, they will know that you genuinely are that way. Mind you, I'm not saying that you have to be like me. I'm just letting you know how I am. I'm out there and don't mind.


Runnin on Empty
I've been a member of BC since 2007, but have only been a watcher till recently. Iguess I saw you guys turning the rope and decided to jump in without introducing myself.

My name is Steve C. I'm from South Florida district slic 3343 in Stuart Florida. I've been a UPSer going on 13 years now. Actually I started on Feb 29th of 96, so I guess you can say I've only been a UPSer for a little over 4 years, if we count anniversaries that way. I'm originally from NYC and moved to Florida from the Bronx in late 1991. Moved here with my now ex and 1 year old daughter. Married again in 1999 and have 5 daughters now total. Yes I know, 5 daughters? Heard it all. I worked my way up from the preload to full time driver in about 3 years. I was a swing driver for most of the time, and have been on a bid route going on 4 years. I'm 43 years old and have lived a very full life and have tons of experience, which is probably why I fit into this position so well. Longlunchguy works out of my center and is the driver I replaced on the bid route. So there you have it in a nutshell.

Did I leave anything out?

I've been replaced:surprised:
Great post Steve! It's plain to see that you love your family very much and that you are a good man, husband and Dad. I have no doubt that you would give up your life to keep them safe. While I appreciate the fact that you are not paranoid about the "internet predators" just don't forget they are real and do exist. There is a fine line between paranoia and informed cautiousness.


Great post Steve! It's plain to see that you love your family very much and that you are a good man, husband and Dad. I have no doubt that you would give up your life to keep them safe. While I appreciate the fact that you are not paranoid about the "internet predators" just don't forget they are real and do exist. There is a fine line between paranoia and informed cautiousness.

Absolutely, I totally agree. I'm not a naive little waife, mind you. I'm born and raised in NYC, and on those very streets is where I received most of my edumaction, lol. Thanks for caring trplnkl. We should all care this much for each other.:happy2: