Spreading the wealth....

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Spreading the wealth....CARL MARX!

If you would like to learn anything in your life HOAKTER you need to know what socialism is not. It is historically incaccurate to claim that Barack Obama is a socialist because he plans to make the federal income tax slightly more progressive. The idea is not one thought up by Karl Marx. In the Wealth of Nations, the bible of modern capitalism, Adam Smith wrote, "It is reasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense not only in proportion to their revenue, but in something more than that proportion." So please, when you talk, try to make some sense and explain not only what you believe but what someone bigger than you believes as well. I dont know everything but it is reasonable to believe if you are making more you should contribute some of that back. We all should contribute in proportion to what we earn! Capitalism will still prevail! According to Marx, pure capitalism contained the seeds of its own destruction.

Pay your fair share and life will treat you very well!

FE FI FO FUM .... I smell the blood of a Marxist!

PLEASE keep working so you can pay my part! Thanx!


Nine Lives
Re: Spreading the wealth....CARL MARX!

If you would like to learn anything in your life HOAKTER you need to know what socialism is not. It is historically incaccurate to claim that Barack Obama is a socialist because he plans to make the federal income tax slightly more progressive. The idea is not one thought up by Karl Marx. In the Wealth of Nations, the bible of modern capitalism, Adam Smith wrote, "It is reasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense not only in proportion to their revenue, but in something more than that proportion." So please, when you talk, try to make some sense and explain not only what you believe but what someone bigger than you believes as well. I dont know everything but it is reasonable to believe if you are making more you should contribute some of that back. We all should contribute in proportion to what we earn! Capitalism will still prevail! According to Marx, pure capitalism contained the seeds of its own destruction.

Pay your fair share and life will treat you very well!

This is sort of weird.

You are trying to say that Obama is not a Socialist but then everything you say afterwards sounds like a Socialist.

Thanks, the posts I like best are amuzing and this one was that.


Well-Known Member
Re: Spreading the wealth....Alaska is its own Country?

Your avatar fits your position well. Mr. Pork Barrel! If you could put some lipstick on that pig you would be right up to date.

You gave me another idea! I think I will buy a home in Alaska also! With that home and the home down in New Orleans - I will have it made. Free hand-outs where ever I am....

Hey paidslave - keep working - I need your tax $$ ! I am winking at you every time you see the deductions coming out of your check!

There is nothing like the sound of a pig squealing for his mama!
Oink! Oink!
Squeal baby squeal!

Not sure why you refer to my taxes....You get a dividend check from the oil profits that Alaska makes. I am voting for Obama and I will pay lower taxes so when you wink I hope another pig catches your eye because that is all you will lie with!

Oink Oink! Enjoy.....


Well-Known Member
Re: Spreading the wealth....CARL MARX!

This is sort of weird.

You are trying to say that Obama is not a Socialist but then everything you say afterwards sounds like a Socialist.

Thanks, the posts I like best are amuzing and this one was that.

I didn't say it I quoted it. I will give you the benefit that you didn't comprehend it so here it is one last time before I go to bed,

"It is reasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense not only in proportion to their revenue, but in something more than that proportion."

This is quoted for Adam Smith, remember him? He wrote the bible for modern capitism......

I will help you again. The keyword here is reasonable.....Adam Smith wasn't referring to socialism.....


Nine Lives
Re: Spreading the wealth....CARL MARX!

I didn't say it I quoted it. I will give you the benefit that you didn't comprehend it so here it is one last time before I go to bed,

"It is reasonable that the rich should contribute to the public expense not only in proportion to their revenue, but in something more than that proportion."

This is quoted for Adam Smith, remember him? He wrote the bible for modern capitism......

I will help you again. The keyword here is reasonable.....

Within the context of your post as a juxtaposition, its still funny...Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Some words of Adam Smith below. He was as most would guess a harsh critic of taxes on labor. He also wrote that taxes on profits were a disincentive. These things seem like common sense to most now.

1. "The subject of every State ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the State."

2. "The tax each individual is bound to pay ought to be certain, and not arbitrary. The time of payment, the manner of payment, and the quantity to be paid, ought all to be clear and plain to the contributor, and to ever other person."

3. "Every tax ought to be levied at the time, or in the manner in which it is most likely to be convenient for the contributor to pay it."
4. "Every tax ought to be so contrived as both to take out and to keep out of the pockets of the people as little as possible, over and above what it brings into the public treasury of the State."

Edit to add: "In all cases, a direct tax upon the wages of labour must, in the long run, occasion both a greater reduction in the rent of land, and a greater rise in the price of manufactured goods, than would have followed from a proper assessment of a sum equal to the produce of the tax, [levied] partly upon the rent of land, and partly upon consumable comodities."


Nine Lives
Re: Spreading the wealth....CARL MARX!

Funny? How?

Justapostion? Probably!

Yep ... to place side by side unexpected/incongruent concepts with the intent of having one support the other is creative (and to me) funny.

But I am easily amused...all apologies.


Well-Known Member
Someone sent this to me:

Both candidates want to make gasoline, or more specifically the cost of transportation and energy, more affordable. The question is how.

We all want to fix the economy. How? By putting money in corporate coffers, or in consumer wallets?

We want to see America healthy again. How do we work this?

Tax exxon's quarter after quarter record profits. Rid this monopoly. We have all paid dearly. It is Time to end the lies! Tax them higher and lower mine.....Enron constantly comes to mind and this country is becoming one big Enron.....enough of the lies and crap that someone might blow up a pipe and what not to raise the prices of futures...Or a rain storm is coming......This is a conspiracy and we need these con artist gone.....they are leaving their trades as we watch oil prices plummet!

The good time are here again.....


Strength through joy
As a shareholder of Exxon, I already got my slice of the pie.
Don't be upset , you to could become a shareholder and share equally as well.



Well-Known Member
As a shareholder of Exxon, I already got my slice of the pie.
Don't be upset , you to could become a shareholder and share equally as well.


Lucky you! Hold your head high just like Enron shareholders did as they were paper rich......we will see........everything comes crashing down!

Be smart and sell it.... A good thing will come to an end and will sooner than you think!

The bubble has bursted!


Nine Lives
Lucky you! Hold your head high just like Enron shareholders did.......we will see........everything comes crashing down!

The bubble has bursted...be smart and sell it.... I know you never think a good thing will come to an end but it always does sooner than you think!
I assume you have sold everything and not in the market?


Strength through joy
Exxon is nothing like Enron. Exxon actually has real profits.
Which bubble are you referring to ?
The housing bubble, which by the way EVERYONE said did not exist. Or another unknown bubble, like your brain.


Well-Known Member
Exxon is nothing like Enron. Exxon actually has real profits.
Which bubble are you referring to ?
The housing bubble, which by the way EVERYONE said did not exist. Or another unknown bubble, like your brain.

Did you forget the Tech Dot.com bubble? Beenie babys you name it!

Enron had revenue of $111,000,000,000.00 in 2000...do what you want Oil has fallen faster than it went up and we know what happens when a price goes down!

I hope you keep it and I will talk to you in the spring and see where the price share is!

Pretty warm here in the Midwest for Nov........

ps: The only good point you have in your post is that everyone said the Housing bubble didn't exist....They said the same thing with the Dot.com bust.....The next one that will pop is Gold!

Some people don't like honest answers and become defensive no prob! I am not sure where you have been but this chart looks like the bubble popped to me......hold on tight!

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Well-Known Member
Gonna be a slippery slope!



Livin the cardboard dream
Why is gold going to pop? It's always gone up and down with the dollar. Strong dollar weak gold, weak dollar strong gold. Also gold is a finite material. The more rare it becomes, the more it's worth.


Strength through joy
Paid Slave, gold is gold.
When all the other forms of payment go away, gold still works.

Now Google is something that should have popped. Way over priced.


Nine Lives
Why is gold going to pop? It's always gone up and down with the dollar. Strong dollar weak gold, weak dollar strong gold. Also gold is a finite material. The more rare it becomes, the more it's worth.
I think you laid it out pretty well:
It's always gone up and down with the dollar. Strong dollar weak gold, weak dollar strong gold.

There is a lot of talk in the US about making the dollar stronger and the EU, China, India and Japan are pushing and maneuvering to weaken their currencies in relation to the dollar.
I never got into gold (too bad) but this is not the time to be increasing your position in gold. If you have made gains in gold, this is a prime, critical time to rebalance your portfolio so that gold is at (or below) the original % of your portfolio that it started out 2 years ago.