State of Emergency in Virginia


Nine Lives
Yes but the post did say no one would have even known about the protest if this group had never shown up, which implies that the majority of the counter protestors were antifa and it implied that the media wouldn't have covered a white supremacist pro confederate statue protest and the anti- white supremacist and anti- confederate statue protest, which is just nonsense.

So that's why I asked was he implying all or most of the protestors were antifa cause that's the implication I got.
Nope, I was not.
I assume Antifa was less than 10%.
I was talking about the entire Anti or Counter protesters who were trying to deprive the permit holding right wing protesters from exercising their 1st Amendment rights.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Nope, I was not.
I assume Antifa was less than 10%.
I was talking about the entire Anti or Counter protesters who were trying to deprive the permit holding right wing protesters from exercising their 1st Amendment rights.
the cops dont stand down, let the right protest, this dont happen. Instead you get these liberals who want this to happen to have a message

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Exactly the point I was making.
When that happened, there were not thousands of counter protesters trying to keep the Women marchers from exercising their 1st Amendment rights.
Do you think if there were counter protesters at the women's march they would have been run down with a car? I think the vibe was quite different with the Nazi rally.


Staff member
Do you think if there were counter protesters at the women's march they would have been run down with a car? I think the vibe was quite different with the Nazi rally.
I just think it's funny that someone would see any equivalence at all between a march for women's rights and a rally for nazis and racists.