State of Emergency in Virginia


This is what started all this fear? This? What, at best 300? and I think that is generous. If I didn't know better I'd think it was a bunch of college frat boys gathering for a night of pranking and punking.


GAWD this has become a cowardly society on both counts.

Or is this just actually perfect to gin up for other political purposes?

I guess I'm just very fortunate that where I live we've moved way beyond crap like this.

Then they left the park and headed to a Black church, chanting racist slogans along the way.


It will be fine

Well-Known Member
not talking about charlottsville. I said all year. these same anitfa thugs have been jumping innocent trump supporters for a year now .

now you guys want to turn them into innocent victims. these antifa nuts are every bit as hateful as the Nazi nuts. why are you guys taking sides?
You think the 32 year old female paralegal from Virginia had been beating people up in Berkeley all year? What color is the sky on your planet?


Well-Known Member
You think the 32 year old female paralegal from Virginia had been beating people up in Berkeley all year? What color is the sky on your planet?

its black , the same color as the antifa nuts wear when they cover their faces before they commit their violence against innocent people excising their right to assemble peacefully.

I don't condone the death of any innocent to your point.

did you see the video ? did you see all the antifa nuts near the collision point carrying baseball bats and sticks with their faces covered? those were your "counter protestors"


Just a turd
not talking about charlottsville. I said all year. these same anitfa thugs have been jumping innocent trump supporters for a year now .

now you guys want to turn them into innocent victims. these antifa nuts are every bit as hateful as the Nazi nuts. why are you guys taking sides?
I am not taking sides. Wrong is wrong no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on. There is no justification for driving a vehicle into a crowd of people. Big difference between a fist fight with someone you disagree with and plowing a car into a crowd of people


Well-Known Member
its black , the same color as the antifa nuts wear when they cover their faces before they commit their violence against innocent people excising their right to assemble peacefully.

I don't condone the death of any innocent to your point.

did you see the video ? did you see all the antifa nuts near the collision point carrying baseball bats and sticks with their faces covered? those were your "counter protestors"
Zach D Roberts‏ @zdroberts

Earlier in a parking garage in #Charlottesville - white supremacists beat this black kid w/poles. [Photo for by @zdroberts @NationofChange]



Inordinately Right
did you see the video ? did you see all the antifa nuts near the collision point carrying baseball bats and sticks with their faces covered? those were your "counter protestors"
Hey buddy, turn on the news.
See all those people in body armor, military style uniforms, riot gear, and carrying assault rifles? Those aren't police. They're neo nazi alt right losers. You're complaining about counter protesters carrying sticks. LMFAO.


Just a turd
Hey buddy, turn on the news.
See all those people in body armor, military style uniforms, riot gear, and carrying assault rifles? Those aren't police. They're neo nazi alt right losers. You're complaining about counter protesters carrying sticks. LMFAO.

Don't forget the fancy color coordinated shields and the spiffy matching helmets that the counter protesters had too.


Well-Known Member
I am not taking sides. Wrong is wrong no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on. There is no justification for driving a vehicle into a crowd of people. Big difference between a fist fight with someone you disagree with and plowing a car into a crowd of people

not talking about a fist fight. if you're not taking sides then don't try to diminish what antifa has been doing. I'm talking about an organized effort by antifa to show up at all opposition rallies and create a violent confrontation in order to intimidate people from the opposing side against exercising their lawful right to assemble.

I don't condone the car thing but now those on the opposing side are showing up with bats and even guns to protect theirselves. you guys looked the other way when it was just your side doing the violence. now that your side is getting hurt we suddenly see the outrage.


Well-Known Member
not talking about a fist fight. if you're not taking sides then don't try to diminish what antifa has been doing. I'm talking about an organized effort by antifa to show up at all opposition rallies and create a violent confrontation in order to intimidate people from the opposing side against exercising their lawful right to assemble.

I don't condone the car thing but now those on the opposing side are showing up with bats and even guns to protect theirselves. you guys looked the other way when it was just your side doing the violence. now that your side is getting hurt we suddenly see the outrage.

So you claim Nazis and white supremacists on your side?

I know you are all up in the conspiracy theory debate, but all this means is you see Nazis and white supremacists as on your side and you view Nazi's and white supremacists as the people who were getting beat by this antifa group at opposition rallies, what were they opposing?

And now you claim those same people who were getting beat by this antifa group are now defending themselves by bringing bats and guns and by driving cars into people.

Wow. The things people admit to.

I can assure you 99% of people you think support this antifa group have never even heard of it and don't know it even exists.

But in an effort to smear the left and claim both sides, you are willing to claim Nazis and white supremacists as being on your side. Wow.

Also, does this Antifa group identify itself as left?

We know that Nazis and white supremacists identify themselves as right since the title of their protest was unite the right.
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