Storming the Capitol


Inordinately Right
Would any evidence or convictions be able to change your mind?
Sure, show me evidence for your conspiracy theory that Trump believed he lost and was trying to commit election fraud to cheat.

All the evidence you BlueAnon'ers have shown so far proves the opposite. Yet you've clearly made up your mind that it was election fraud for some reason.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
He fraudulently accessed and copied election ballots and/or data.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Mkay well they just tried and failed, let the guy off with misdemeanors.

They're doing a great job so far LMFAO.
They’re building their case against bigger fish.

That’s. How. This. Works.

They could’ve thrown the book at Hall but he’s more valuable as a cooperating witness. Are you this dense? I doubt it. You’re playing dumb.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Very stupid take.
You need help.
Why exactly is it stupid? This is clearly the prosecution’s strategy.

Are you concerned Hall will have corroborating testimony that will adversely affect, say, Sidney Powell’s case? And that she may seek to cut a deal with the prosecution to, oh, I don’t know, offer damaging testimony against someone like Rudolph Giuliani…? And so on.