The religion of peace strikes again...


Strength through joy
FBI believes they have cracked local terror suspects' code

The recordings involve Tarek Mehanna, the Sudbury man who is serving a 17-year sentence on a variety of charges related to supporting al-Qaeda.

In the phone recordings, Mehanna is speaking to associates in the Middle East.

When peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and culinary school are mentioned, the FBI says the conversation is really about terror attacks and training schools. The names Bob and Brian refer to the FBI.

The YMCA equals Yemen, and P-Town equals Pakistan.

Talk of travel to Yemen, to find a wife and settle down, really mean learning the craft of terrorism at a terror camp.

And I thought anyone going to the YMCA looking for a wife was a little weird .



Strength through joy


Engorged Member
Well, another noteable American Christian goes "nuts" over the Air Force dropping the use of the phrase "swear to god" for its recruits and officers.

All this because of some "small little jew"...

Hmm? This is what a good christian sez?

Oh wait, he's a christian so of course he hates jews, what was I thinking.


Religion has no place in our armed services. The separation of church and state applies to all aspects of government, of which the military is a part. And Pat Robertson? He's the best spokesperson that atheists and agnostics could ever "pray" for, because he is complete idiot and exposes the hypocrisy of Christianity every time he opens his mouth.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Well, another noteable American Christian goes "nuts" over the Air Force dropping the use of the phrase "swear to god" for its recruits and officers.

All this because of some "small little jew"...

Hmm? This is what a good christian sez?

Oh wait, he's a christian so of course he hates jews, what was I thinking.

When the far right Christians eventually turn on Jews (remember, the Christian end-timers are praying that Jesus will come back and kill anyone not Christian and then torture them for an eternity...sorry Jews) and they will, their contempt and hatred will be incredible; hell hath no fury like an evangelical Christian.