The Trump Election and FedEx


Well-Known Member
Wait and see, OF. He'll either resign or be impeached. Last month's Forbes. Google "Forbes and Trump Real Worth". The article on his Russian ties is in the same issue. I know you don't read the magazine, but be assured that it is thoroughly Conservative, with many Trump supporters.

Facts don't matter. If Trump pardons Assange? Again, I fully realize you have no idea who I am talking about.
Well gee MFE Assange isn't an American citizen so how can Trump pardon him? Will be really interesting to see if Obama issues a blanket pardon to Hillary or if he lets Trump go after her. After all, she knows where all the bodies are buried....


Well-Known Member
White people had no reason to fear Obama because it wasn't open season on them like it's going to be on LGBT, Hispanics etc. now that the deplorables have won the day and are going to put those pesky coloreds in their places. He's going to build that great wall and deport all the desirables. You know, the ones that watch your kids. mow your lawn, and serve you at almost any local restaurant.

It's ironic, but Trump will kill the underground network of illegals that big GOP business uses to keep wages low and profits high.
No, we just get told over and over that white cops are hunting down black men when the truth is that blacks are murdered by blacks more than 90% of the time. It was black men the other day beating the crap out of that white Trump supporter. Blacks have been mistreated horribly by whites in the past, no doubt. But they should look at what was done in South Africa as a guide. Forgiveness. Moving forward. Because there are too many whites who are tired of having nothing to do with past transgressions but are accused of being racist just because they're white. And a lot of that is stoked by white liberals who need the black vote to obtain and retain power. You're tearing the country apart.


Well-Known Member
That's a drop in the bucket and doesn't represent pure profit.
It's a clear conflict of interest and shows exactly what is most important to Drumpf. He was going to win one way or another with this campaign. You are just as blind to his greed and lust for power as the rest of the Drumpf voters.


Well-Known Member
That's a drop in the bucket and doesn't represent pure profit.
You've got foreign governments donating 100's of millions to the Clinton Foundation, corporations paying both Clinton's hundreds of thousands a speech, and they're now worth over 100 million when they were "broke" in 2000. And you're worried that his campaign, that spent an unprecedented low amount, legally used his facilities for his campaign and was compensated for it. Really?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You've got foreign governments donating 100's of millions to the Clinton Foundation, corporations paying both Clinton's hundreds of thousands a speech, and they're now worth over 100 million when they were "broke" in 2000. And you're worried that his campaign, that spent an unprecedented low amount, legally used his facilities for his campaign and was compensated for it. Really?
Your arguments for Trump need to stop being about the Clintons now.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Comparing apples with oranges but can see how Clinton supporters would want the light of day to shine elsewhere.
I wasn't a Clinton supporter. The whole campaign was about how the other person sucked. Let's start to focus on what Trump actually will do. Republicans can't shift blame now. They own everything now and the results will be theirs entirely.


Well-Known Member
I wasn't a Clinton supporter. The whole campaign was about how the other person sucked. Let's start to focus on what Trump actually will do. Republicans can't shift blame now. They own everything now and the results will be theirs entirely.
True. Obamacare was 100% a Democrat idea. But getting back to Trump. I was accused of blindly covering for Trump when what he did was perfectly legal. Clinton was probably the most corrupt politician to ever be nominated. But Clinton supporters chalk it all up to Republican lies. Makes me want to scream sometimes.


Well-Known Member
True. Obamacare was 100% a Democrat idea. But getting back to Trump. I was accused of blindly covering for Trump when what he did was perfectly legal. Clinton was probably the most corrupt politician to ever be nominated. But Clinton supporters chalk it all up to Republican lies. Makes me want to scream sometimes.
Yes because we all know Republicans are the beacon of righteousness and honesty. SMH

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
True. Obamacare was 100% a Democrat idea. But getting back to Trump. I was accused of blindly covering for Trump when what he did was perfectly legal. Clinton was probably the most corrupt politician to ever be nominated. But Clinton supporters chalk it all up to Republican lies. Makes me want to scream sometimes.
The problem with the ACA is no work was done on it after it was passed initially. The GOP wouldn't make adjustments to make it successful because then they couldn't scream about what a failure it is. I suspect Trump will keep most of its provisions intact, make some changes and call it Trumpcare. All changes that could have been made over the last 6 years. People like most of the ACA, kids under 26, no prexisting conditions, expanded Medicare. They don't like the lack of cost control. There's no help for small businesses, I know firsthand. As someone who pays the full amount of my insurance premiums I hope they do something. I don't believe they'll repeal the whole thing and dump 20 million people off the insurance they get through it.
There's too much finger pointing and blaming the other side and too little actual legislating to help people. The cries from the left saying to obstruct everything isn't helping.


Well-Known Member
The problem with the ACA is no work was done on it after it was passed initially. The GOP wouldn't make adjustments to make it successful because then they couldn't scream about what a failure it is. I suspect Trump will keep most of its provisions intact, make some changes and call it Trumpcare. All changes that could have been made over the last 6 years. People like most of the ACA, kids under 26, no prexisting conditions, expanded Medicare. They don't like the lack of cost control. There's no help for small businesses, I know firsthand. As someone who pays the full amount of my insurance premiums I hope they do something. I don't believe they'll repeal the whole thing and dump 20 million people off the insurance they get through it.
There's too much finger pointing and blaming the other side and too little actual legislating to help people. The cries from the left saying to obstruct everything isn't helping.
While there were issues with Obamacare., there's no denying the fact that it's almost a carbon copy Romneycare the plan used in Massachusetts so VT's claim that it's all a Dems idea is wrong. The destruction of it is found in 3 key areas. People signing on paying a few months of discounted premiums while they get long postponed procedures done then drop out. Kids choosing to pay the fine then learning the hard way that they were lied to being told that they would still have coverage if they payed the fine. And finally for the first 3 years participating insurers in the ACA would have any losses they incurred reimbursed by the government so knowing that they badly under priced their plans to try to get people signed up. Government auditors caught on to this so now they are in court over the matter.


Well-Known Member
The problem with the ACA is no work was done on it after it was passed initially. The GOP wouldn't make adjustments to make it successful because then they couldn't scream about what a failure it is. I suspect Trump will keep most of its provisions intact, make some changes and call it Trumpcare. All changes that could have been made over the last 6 years. People like most of the ACA, kids under 26, no prexisting conditions, expanded Medicare. They don't like the lack of cost control. There's no help for small businesses, I know firsthand. As someone who pays the full amount of my insurance premiums I hope they do something. I don't believe they'll repeal the whole thing and dump 20 million people off the insurance they get through it.
There's too much finger pointing and blaming the other side and too little actual legislating to help people. The cries from the left saying to obstruct everything isn't helping.
Wow, nice spin you've got going there. The Republicans were completely shut out of the process, weren't allowed to contribute. Nancy Pelosi famously said "we must pass it so we can find out what's in it." The Dems own it.


Well-Known Member
While there were issues with Obamacare., there's no denying the fact that it's almost a carbon copy Romneycare the plan used in Massachusetts so VT's claim that it's all a Dems idea is wrong. The destruction of it is found in 3 key areas. People signing on paying a few months of discounted premiums while they get long postponed procedures done then drop out. Kids choosing to pay the fine then learning the hard way that they were lied to being told that they would still have coverage if they payed the fine. And finally for the first 3 years participating insurers in the ACA would have any losses they incurred reimbursed by the government so knowing that they badly under priced their plans to try to get people signed up. Government auditors caught on to this so now they are in court over the matter.
It was Romney working with Democrats in Massachusetts that produced Romneycare. And Romney pointed out in his presidential run that Romneycare was a local plan, that it wouldn't work for every state. And it hasn't.


Well-Known Member
Yes because we all know Republicans are the beacon of righteousness and honesty. SMH
Who says they are? But the closest we've ever got to a Hillary Clinton was Nixon, and what he did was trivial in comparison to her email scandal and pay-for-play scandal. Luckily for her it's a Democrat administration.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Wow, nice spin you've got going there. The Republicans were completely shut out of the process, weren't allowed to contribute. Nancy Pelosi famously said "we must pass it so we can find out what's in it." The Dems own it.
Shut out? The republicans have controlled both houses of congress for most of obamas presidency. The only thing they voted on was a complete repeal of the law. They never sent up any adjustments to the law. They never proposed any changes, just a total repeal of the man's signature legislation which they knew was ridiculous. Watch, they'll keep most of it and rebrand it to take credit and the suckers will believe it.


Well-Known Member
Shut out? The republicans have controlled both houses of congress for most of obamas presidency. The only thing they voted on was a complete repeal of the law. They never sent up any adjustments to the law. They never proposed any changes, just a total repeal of the man's signature legislation which they knew was ridiculous. Watch, they'll keep most of it and rebrand it to take credit and the suckers will believe it.
I haven't chimed in yet, because I wanted to get a feel for where some of you guys stood on this election. Thank goodness Trump won, maybe something will get done in politics instead of the status quo.
America first!


Well-Known Member
Shut out? The republicans have controlled both houses of congress for most of obamas presidency. The only thing they voted on was a complete repeal of the law. They never sent up any adjustments to the law. They never proposed any changes, just a total repeal of the man's signature legislation which they knew was ridiculous. Watch, they'll keep most of it and rebrand it to take credit and the suckers will believe it.
Excuse me but the Dems passed Obamacare in 2010 while they had complete control of the Presidency and Congress. They put Obamacare together in closed door sessions that Republicans weren't allowed to participate in. After it was passed with no Republicans voting for it Obama protected it by vetoing all legislation ending it. Do you really think the Dems asked for suggestions or offered suggestions to modify it after the Republicans regained control of Congress? And by the way the Dems controlled both Houses 2009-2010 and controlled the Senate from 2007 to 2014. Harry Reid shut down pretty much all Republican legislation from the House during that period.