The WAR on Women! Lets talk about it!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Cotton candy is sweet. Very true. It is also fluffy and full of the hot air it takes to make it. It has no substance. It has no nutritional value. It is amorphous. So, in that light, are you still of the opinion I was complimenting you?

Yes, but cotton candy is loved and desired by many. Nobody loves cotton candy for its nutritional value, they love it because it makes people feel good.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I love your interpretation. I run with that one!!!!

It must be a great feeling for you two to avoid the reality of the conversation and personally attack a "moderated" poster who cant respond likewise. When you dont have something legitimate to post, you collectively go after the poster.





bella amicizia
The reality of the conversation is you are atrocious at respecting certain women on here. That is the reality. I have said nothing I am ashamed of. If I get moderated, it is because I deserve it. I accept that. The mods are doing there job. I respect them for it. I might not make it easy some days, but it is their job to 'sensor' what I post. I know some of my posts will be moderated or erased. But, that is the chance I take. I know when I am pushing the parameters of the rules and offer no resentment to the moderators for simply keeping me in line. The post you are referring to, is a unique way of verbalizing a feeling. I, for one, applaud Cach's ingenuity. Maybe, you could learn something.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The reality of the conversation is you are atrocious at respecting certain women on here. That is the reality. I have said nothing I am ashamed of. If I get moderated, it is because I deserve it. I accept that. The mods are doing there job. I respect them for it. I might not make it easy some days, but it is their job to 'sensor' what I post. I know some of my posts will be moderated or erased. But, that is the chance I take. I know when I am pushing the parameters of the rules and offer no resentment to the moderators for simply keeping me in line. The post you are referring to, is a unique way of verbalizing a feeling. I, for one, applaud Cach's ingenuity. Maybe, you could learn something.

What ive learned is that when posters have nothing to add to a conversation, they go after others that do. You are no different.

I dont live in a circle * others that echo my beliefs. You either like what I say, or post an opposing view. Instead, its only name calling, and that weakens your argument.


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Well-Known Member
TOS is just spouting what the far left are trying to spout to cloud the issue that the president has been a failure. He had total control for his first two years (controlling the senate and house). All he passed of meaning is Obamacare and this will be ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS. The deficit is incredibly high, the total debt has passed our GDP. After 3 1/2 years they are still blaming Bush. President Obama has failed. Time to move on with a new and better direction.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
The only person in America that Obama has not insulted is his follower(s). And he insults them also. From the police, to stay at home moms, to the SCOTUS.
I couldnt remember them all, but some of us do
Hes a loser, he may be a winner again, but thats coz he loves losers. And they love him, they think he will take more of our money to give them a better ride. Soon there will be more of them, than us, and then who is going to support the world, when we all decide its more fruitful to give up, than try to get ahead.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The only person in America that Obama has not insulted is his follower(s). And he insults them also. From the police, to stay at home moms, to the SCOTUS.
I couldnt remember them all, but some of us do
Obama’s Bus/Insult List � Pirate's Cove
Hes a loser, he may be a winner again, but thats coz he loves losers. And they love him, they think he will take more of our money to give them a better ride. Soon there will be more of them, than us, and then who is going to support the world, when we all decide its more fruitful to give up, than try to get ahead.

TOS is just spouting what the far left are trying to spout to cloud the issue that the president has been a failure. He had total control for his first two years (controlling the senate and house). All he passed of meaning is Obamacare and this will be ruled unconstitutional by SCOTUS. The deficit is incredibly high, the total debt has passed our GDP. After 3 1/2 years they are still blaming Bush. President Obama has failed. Time to move on with a new and better direction.

One of the fundamental problems with the right wing drones is the inability to accept its fate. To date, the GOP has passed 419 bills in 49 states against women and womens rights, yet, the drones ignore this fact because they are programmed to ignore it. This fact will be one of the largest reasons the GOP will fail in 2012 to take the White House and keep the congress. Too bad you'll have to wait till november to congratulate me for my vision.

None of you can intelligently explain why there isnt a war on women, you can only repeat the talking points of those who want you to be distracted from it. I laugh at these posts as I view them as WEAK, OOOHHH the best you can do is attack me personally?

Thats your contribution to the thread?




Well-Known Member
Interesting. You quote toonertoo and myself. You indicate that the best we can do is insult you personally. The quote you pulled from toonertoo didn't mention you at all. It mentioned Pres Obama and the poor job he has done. My quote mentions you by saying that you spout the same as the far left. Somehow we attacked you personally. Yet in your own response. You started about the problem with the right wing drones. Why is it that if a person disagrees with your point then they are right wing drones? More often then not I do vote for republicans, but I don't always. I have voted for the best person in my opinion and not just the party. I'm a registered independent. I like many other dependents are who will decide the presidential elections. No matter what happens the far right will vote republican, and the far left will vote democrat. The more you insult anyone who isn't a far left democrat, the lower your chances of having your party win.


Got the T-Shirt
None of you can intelligently explain why there isnt a war on women


You tell me.



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
It's sort of ironic that a Union environment is one of the few places where women get equal pay for equal work with the men they work alongside of. UPS is a Union company, and yet it seems that a great number of people here support the Republican party, which is vehemently anti Union.

I wonder if the females here would still support the Republicans if they outlawed Unions and they all immediately got a hefty paycut.

Moerluck I can see being Republican. After all, she is in the 1%. Republican interests are in line with her own (except when a family member needed gov't assistance). For those who claim to be workers, you have to wonder. Easily duped by the repetitive talking points and a lack of understanding history? Maybe, I have no other explanation.


bella amicizia
Why does everyone have to have a label? I am not the person you can place in a box and put a label on. I am way too complicated for that. Why? Because I am a woman.

It's sad that men don't think their Mom's deserve to be paid as much as some stranger's Dad. Try thinking about along those lines. If you still agree with the pay disparity, you are the little boy my Daddy warned me about. He always hated hypocrites.
Why does everyone have to have a label? I am not the person you can place in a box and put a label on. I am way too complicated for that. Why? Because I am a woman.

It's sad that SOME men don't think their Mom's deserve to be paid as much as some stranger's Dad. Try thinking about along those lines. If you still agree with the pay disparity, you are the little boy my Daddy warned me about. He always hated hypocrites.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
It's sort of ironic that a Union environment is one of the few places where women get equal pay for equal work with the men they work alongside of. UPS is a Union company, and yet it seems that a great number of people here support the Republican party, which is vehemently anti Union.

I wonder if the females here would still support the Republicans if they outlawed Unions and they all immediately got a hefty paycut.

Moerluck I can see being Republican. After all, she is in the 1%. Republican interests are in line with her own (except when a family member needed gov't assistance). For those who claim to be workers, you have to wonder. Easily duped by the repetitive talking points and a lack of understanding history? Maybe, I have no other explanation.

Uh this would be a good place to set an example..................


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Due diligence, check and see. Thats what we all need to do. I dont blame anyone for voting for him once. To do it twice in my opinion, is disaster. He sucked everyone in with glamour smooth talk, money and youth. When in fact he was an empty suit. Not to say others have not done the same.
I do know I have never worked a job I was qualified for and made less than my male counterparts, and I have worked at restaurraunts, private businesses, and union shops. The disarity is only there if you accept it, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Why does everyone have to have a label? I am not the person you can place in a box and put a label on. I am way too complicated for that. Why? Because I am a woman.

It's sad that men don't think their Mom's deserve to be paid as much as some stranger's Dad. Try thinking about along those lines. If you still agree with the pay disparity, you are the little boy my Daddy warned me about. He always hated hypocrites.

My dad used to always tell me, figure don't lie, but liars sure do figure. Personally I believe that the average person (be it white\black, man\woman, straight\gay) are on average equal. If you look at jobs where pay is based on various factors including performance, longevity, special skills etc. I think the majority of companies pay the same no matter if it's a man\woman in the job. I know there are exceptions to this. But on average I believe this is true. This comes now to what my dad told me. If all you do is compare salary of people and apply it to an average you will get skewed results. For example, if you take 2 people one man and one woman who hold basically the same job for the same company they have the same degree and have similar\same performance results and they are both 40 years old. They also both are in a management type position (not a union job) You should expect to see the same salary for both people. However, if the woman took 10 years off from an office job to raise her child. (Which by the way I think is a very difficult job itself and very important for the child (IMO)). Then she would have 10 years experience vs 20 years of experience for the man. Then in this case, yes, the guy should make more since he has 10 more years of experience on the job. To me that is still fair.

Also, if you look at a lot of those studies, you may find that the comparison isn't comparing same jobs\same work experience etc of men vs women. Just comparing average salary of men vs women. Now, there are many jobs that tend to be dominated by women. Teaching for example is a profession that is dominated by women. Unfortunately, we don't pay the teachers what they really deserve (again IMO). So this alone negatively impacts the average salary of women by these teachers choosing to do a very important job that unfortunately doesn't pay too well.

I very rarely believe statistics and numbers without seeing the backup data. It's too easy to make the figures look any way you want.