Traffic ticket for PT driver


I'm a PT cover driver/preloader at our hub. I got a ticket today for not coming to a complete stop at a stop sign. Do the same rules apply for PT cover driver as a FT driver (3 within a yr)? This is the only ticket on my record. I just didn't want it to mess me up cover driving. Main reason I ask is I have been doing this for almost 2 yrs and still don't have my 30 days within 120. It's a small hub and I only get used sparingly and seasonal other than air almost every Saturday. Do I just not worry about it and report it next year when we fill out that slip again?


I was in my personal vehicle by the way. Yeah, I was having a bad day and trying to get to the dr appointment I had. So I was in a little hurry and did a rolling stop.


fight every ticket no matter what.

maybe the cop won't show. this happened to me. I fought it. he didn't show and the ticket was dropped. plus i saved 200 dollars a year for 3 yrs for my insurance.

most cops are just revunue agents anyway. check out the "antiterriorist" on U-tube on "you and the police"

scary stuff.

fight it . you have nothing to lose. you could of stopped for a micro second. I hope you did not admit guilt to the officer.


The Nim
fight every ticket no matter what.

maybe the cop won't show. this happened to me. I fought it. he didn't show and the ticket was dropped. plus i saved 200 dollars a year for 3 yrs for my insurance.

most cops are just revunue agents anyway. check out the "antiterriorist" on U-tube on "you and the police"

scary stuff.

fight it . you have nothing to lose. you could of stopped for a micro second. I hope you did not admit guilt to the officer.

Depends what department the officer is apart of. I've have 3 tickets in my driving time, and I've learned that highway patrol always show up for these things. I've also learned that some laws are complete bs in their vagueness.


Strength through joy
Been stopped twice while driving PC, first time was weird, as the officer was starting to say something another car came flying past and the officer jumped back into his car & took off, I waited a while then left, the second time I admitted fault and was only given a warning.


Pineapple King
fight every ticket no matter what.

maybe the cop won't show. this happened to me. I fought it. he didn't show and the ticket was dropped. plus i saved 200 dollars a year for 3 yrs for my insurance.

most cops are just revunue agents anyway. check out the "antiterriorist" on U-tube on "you and the police"

scary stuff.

fight it . you have nothing to lose. you could of stopped for a micro second. I hope you did not admit guilt to the officer.
Be careful with this. Some municipalities pay their officers to attend traffic court and the judge will most always side with the officer. Then not only are you paying the fine but you may also have to pay court cost's. Ask around and see if they are paid for showing up but like some one else said the Highway Patrol will always show up paid or not. Surely you must know someone who knows a cop in your area.