trump 2016


Well-Known Member

Obama is on his way out: whether or not I take him seriously is irrelevant.

Trump, on the other hand...

I watched his 'Immigration' speech because I follow the guy.

I follow Trump because I'm a political-junkie, and, who knows, he might be our next President. :scared:

Point being, I cannot tell you what Trump's immigration policy is. I actually have no idea. I think he's trying to play both sides to the middle, maybe? Or, he actually has no attention span and says whatever he thinks he should say in whatever situation he finds himself in.


He says one thing in the morning and a different thing in the evening.

He was nice to the Mexican President, said 'conciliatory' things when they were on the stage together, then he choppered back to Arizona, where he gave a ridiculous speech about immigration in which he walked away from his morning performance in Mexico.


This guy doesn't know his D from his A.

Obviously I'm not a Trump supporter, but if I were, I'd be hella pissed that he's backing off from everything that won him the nomination.

Will he deport all those 'illegals'? Listening to his speech, I'm not entirely sure, and nothing he said was clarifying.

So, we have a proven-liar and a drunk-uncle for our Presidential candidates.

Honestly, as citizens, we deserve this hell we're in - we created it.
Obama is on his way out: whether or not I take him seriously is irrelevant.

Trump, on the other hand...

I watched his 'Immigration' speech because I follow the guy.

I follow Trump because I'm a political-junkie, and, who knows, he might be our next President. :scared:

Point being, I cannot tell you what Trump's immigration policy is. I actually have no idea. I think he's trying to play both sides to the middle, maybe? Or, he actually has no attention span and says whatever he thinks he should say in whatever situation he finds himself in.


He says one thing in the morning and a different thing in the evening.

He was nice to the Mexican President, said 'conciliatory' things when they were on the stage together, then he choppered back to Arizona, where he gave a ridiculous speech about immigration in which he walked away from his morning performance in Mexico.


This guy doesn't know his D from his A.

Obviously I'm not a Trump supporter, but if I were, I'd be hella :censored2: that he's backing off from everything that won him the nomination.

Will he deport all those 'illegals'? Listening to his speech, I'm not entirely sure, and nothing he said was clarifying.

So, we have a proven-liar and a drunk-uncle for our Presidential candidates.

Honestly, as citizens, we deserve this hell we're in - we created it.
What is the answer, my friend?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The DRUMPF campaign continues to IMPLODE on itself with less than 65 days till the election...!

On a live broadcast on CNN, DRUMPFS lead "BLACK VOICE" spokesman, walks off the set after being called out as a LIAR by the CNN host. It appears, the black PASTOR, FAKED many of his CREDENTIALS contained on his website and he got CAUGHT.

Just like Melania DRUMPFS website, it was PULLED DOWN immediately.

DRUMPFS lead "black" defender finds himself unable to DEFEND himself and is trying to apologize for the mis representations...

You just cant make this crap up folks!

How can DRUMPF run a country, and hire "the best people" when he cant even get "the best people" for his own campaign...?


Trump surrogate and pastor: I ‘overstated’ my biography


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How the invasion will occur!


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