Union Politics - 804 members coming soon agitator 2


Well-Known Member
Tim S and Company is showing us that he's a Conservative republican and unions that squander there funds away regardless of matter should have to bare the brunt of the members not the company!! Tim S and Company doesn't seem to realize that the unfounded liability always fell on ups! That meant ups was 100% liable for fund efficiency or inefficiency! So when the fund was above 85% we would get a pension increase which drops the funding level! Before the ERISA act it didn't matter how much fund had in it or funding level. The only thing we did not need was to be fully funded! Why? Company doesn't have to give a dime to fund that 100% funded.

Tim S carries those same views to our healthcare! When TS took office Howie and Tony had filed for arbitration on healthcare! Which most of us knew! What we are funding out now is? TS raised our copays, lab work and x rays ahead of the arbitration why? TS didn't not want arbitrator to rule on case! So they cut a horrible deal! Tim S and Company proved that the members could afford to pay more out of there own pockets and the company could put pennies in! Even though we break our bodies for them on a daily basis! Now! We think twice about going to the doctor? We use to go for check ups quarterly! Now we relate the doctor as another bill we can't afford!

Tim S and Company along with the TDU affiliations is sending our local into Fighting against ourselves and causes problems throughout the country teamster unions!


Well-Known Member
804 brown is on another thread bringing attention to the Sean O'Brien video at a union meeting. Sean is allegedly threatening people!! 804Brown! Why are you trying to spread light on this issue! It isn't like local 804 doesn't have same documented problems in our local! We brought this to the forum in July of this year. TDU is trying to get him suspended so he can not run for office!!! Just like a union brother should act! Our own Pete Mastendrea outright threatened a member to his face! Not a general statement to membership in attendance? like he normally does at meetings! This attack happened at a building meeting with members around! If Sean O'Brien gets suspended so should Pete Mastendrea!! Hold all accountable!! Fairness for all!! Tim S should be held accountable for doing absolutely nothing! Tim hasn't stated publicly that Pete was wrong and members should not be treated this way because there political issues differ!

Find out what a real threat is!! Ask Pete Masendrea what he to a member that he represents!!

not what i voted for

Well-Known Member
804 brown is on another thread bringing attention to the Sean O video at a union meeting. Sean is allegedly threatening people!! 804Brown! Why are you trying to spread light on this issue! It isn't like local 804 doesn't have same documented problems in our local! We brought this to the forum in July of this year. TDU is trying to get him suspended so he can not run for office!!! Just like a union brother should act! Our own Pete Mastendrea outright threatened a member to his face! Not a general statement to membership in attendance? like he normally does at meetings! This attack happened at a building meeting with members around! If Sean O gets suspended so should Pete Mastendrea!! Hold all accountable!! Fairness for all!! Tim S should be held accountable for doing absolutely nothing! Tim hasn't stated publicly that Pete was wrong and members should not be treated this way because there political issues differ!

Find out what a real threat is!! Ask Pete Masendrea what he to a member that he represents!!

You will never get Brown or any of the TDU members to admit that any of the people they support do anything wrong. How about the tough guy they sent into 43st and threatened the inside worker and then had to get his wounds tendered to. What about the two that went to Melville to intimidate the inside stewards. They won't even admit that the majority of the members of 804 who voted in the last election did not vote for this executive board. That they can thank Buhlert for getting back into the union hall, I hope Buhlert was at their victory party.
​So if you think they care you are wrong they just cause trouble until they get in power and then do what they want.


Well-Known Member
You will never get Brown or any of the TDU members to admit that any of the people they support do anything wrong. How about the tough guy they sent into 43st and threatened the inside worker and then had to get his wounds tendered to. What about the two that went to Melville to intimidate the inside stewards. They won't even admit that the majority of the members of 804 who voted in the last election did not vote for this executive board. That they can thank Buhlert for getting back into the union hall, I hope Buhlert was at their victory party.
​So if you think they care you are wrong they just cause trouble until they get in power and then do what they want.

That's right! Liam Russert and Mark Holmes! I forgot all about those two Business agents/ thugs! Oh ya! Dave Orringer!! Hehe personally put two shop stewards in front of an arbitrator and had at-least 50 drivers who walked off jobs a 3 day suspension! All in the same day!! Tim S and CoMpany! Including TDU are guilty of the same crimes! They just haven't been brought up on charges yet?


Well-Known Member
Tim S and Company is showing us that he's a Conservative republican and unions that squander there funds away regardless of matter should have to bare the brunt of the members not the company!! Tim S and Company doesn't seem to realize that the unfounded liability always fell on ups! That meant ups was 100% liable for fund efficiency or inefficiency! So when the fund was above 85% we would get a pension increase which drops the funding level! Before the ERISA act it didn't matter how much fund had in it or funding level. The only thing we did not need was to be fully funded! Why? Company doesn't have to give a dime to fund that 100% funded.

Tim S carries those same views to our healthcare! When TS took office Howie and Tony had filed for arbitration on healthcare! Which most of us knew! What we are funding out now is? TS raised our copays, lab work and x rays ahead of the arbitration why? TS didn't not want arbitrator to rule on case! So they cut a horrible deal! Tim S and Company proved that the members could afford to pay more out of there own pockets and the company could put pennies in! Even though we break our bodies for them on a daily basis! Now! We think twice about going to the doctor? We use to go for check ups quarterly! Now we relate the doctor as another bill we can't afford!

Tim S and Company along with the TDU affiliations is sending our local into Fighting against ourselves and causes problems throughout the country teamster unions!

So, genius, you are trying to tell us that Tim, the man who flew to Wisconsin IN FEBRUARY of 2011 to march and protest against that anti union, Koch brothers- bought Governor Walker,is a "conservative republican"?? LOL!!
As for you knowing that our healthcare was in arbitration under Redmond/buhlert, well that would only mean that you were a member of that old board yourself then!! NO ONE knew it was in arbitration UNTIL tim and pete and jim walked into that hall that december day and redmond said to them: "Congradulaions, your health fund is in arbitration!" Tim didnt want the arbitrator to rule because he could have ruled that the funds can no longer afford to pay retiree healthcare, etc. Tim did not want that to happen.
DO you ever read the stuff you post on here?? In one sentence you say he is a conservative repub ...then next he is a socialist TDU member?? Make up your mind!!


Well-Known Member
So, genius, you are trying to tell us that Tim, the man who flew to Wisconsin IN FEBRUARY of 2011 to march and protest against that anti union, Koch brothers- bought Governor Walker,is a "conservative republican"?? LOL!!
As for you knowing that our healthcare was in arbitration under Redmond/buhlert, well that would only mean that you were a member of that old board yourself then!! NO ONE knew it was in arbitration UNTIL tim and pete and jim walked into that hall that december day and redmond said to them: "Congradulaions, your health fund is in arbitration!" Tim didnt want the arbitrator to rule because he could have ruled that the funds can no longer afford to pay retiree healthcare, etc. Tim did not want that to happen.
DO you ever read the stuff you post on here?? In one sentence you say he is a conservative repub ...then next he is a socialist TDU member?? Make up your mind!!

So you have personally named me fool and genius! Which I dislike? So I must name you something? How about Dave? Or Dan? Speaking about past post! You have some rather strange or unorthodox post out here! So watch your keypad son! Tim S is a politician! That has sold himself to TDU! And is forced to follow you!


Well-Known Member
So you have personally named me fool and genius! Which I dislike? So I must name you something? How about Dave? Or Dan? Speaking about past post! You have some rather strange or unorthodox post out here! So watch your keypad son! Tim S is a politician! That has sold himself to TDU! And is forced to follow you!

Should I post the multiple infractions of wrong doing on the thread that you started yesterday! Go play damage control in the central states Dave!!
Many of our members have great concern over our pension increase that will go into effect once national contract is ratified. Our pension fund has been in the critical status for more than 5 years and currently stands at 65% funded. We are excepting a increase of 400.00 dollars over the life of this contract but our accrual rate stays at 144.00 dollars. My concerns are? Can we receive this increase being in such horrible shape? And if we retire expecting increase and we do not receive can we come back to company and continue employment for breach of contract.
Many of our members have great concern over our pension increase that will go into effect once national contract is ratified. Our pension fund has been in the critical status for more than 5 years and currently stands at 65% funded. We are excepting a increase of 400.00 dollars over the life of this contract but our accrual rate stays at 144.00 dollars. My concerns are? Can we receive this increase being in such horrible shape? And if we retire expecting increase and we do not receive can we come back to company and continue employment for breach of contract.
Put some money in your 401k!
This is good advice regardless of the status of your pension fund. For us older guys we have the traditional but the younger guys have the Roth. I like the traditional as I get the tax break now as opposed to when I am retired. If I were just starting out I would choose the Roth.

Save...save.save.....whats the worst you can do????.Have too much cash!...............Cant always depend on anybody........to save you!


Well-Known Member
My only concern, not so much for us older guys, but eventually the government will look at all of the money sitting in 401k's and try to figure out how they can get their hands on it.


Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone would complain of a well deserved pension increase...but the concern is what we gave up for it...bit like Obamacare..( for the record I was never a supporter of it)...sounded good until it started to roll-out and now if not corrected will harm the country..I think the same will be found out about our contract..."the price of increase wasn't worth the end result of what UPS will get..VCD's, lower ground rate of VCD's etc...only time will tell...bit like Obamacare