Union Politics - The local 25 Boston bullies are in the news again!


Nine Lives
Yea and you talked poop about them. Hypocritical to say the least.

Where have I disparaged Jimmy Hoffa Jr?
I actually did not know he did manual work as a Teamster ... still not too sure.
And as usual, you spun an obvious attempt at humor into an attack.
You don't even know when you are telling the truth and when you are not.
I, and many others, have noticed this many times over many years on Brown Cafe.


Resident Suit
Just damn wonderful, just what we need right now. A large group of the people that is anti-union hold forth that all unions are corrupt. a year before both the POTUSA and teamsters election. Just perfect timing...idiots.
What has the democratic party done for labor in the last 10 years? Nada.
You have no clue about being a teamster. You have no clue about Jimmy. Here is a bio. His dad was the arguly the greatest labor leader ever. He controlled America. His son became a lawyer. Would you expect him to be a dock worker for 29 years? You have no clue.
James P. H grew up on picket lines and in union meetings. He is the only son of James R. H, former General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. On his 18th birthday, H received his own union card and was sworn in by his father. Prior to becoming Administrative Assistant to Michigan Joint Council 43, H was a labor lawyer in Detroit for 25 years.
I bet you're the same people that rails against people inheriting their parents wealth. But inheriting their job is okay?
Full time jobs and wages that are so superior that management pays for their healthcare pays to smoke now and doesn't offer pensions to new management. I think we stuck the nail in your coffin and not you are going to cry and say we got nothing. That's just the tip of the iceberg Hoak. The best contract in ups history. We brought your precious company to their knees. Treated ups like a biaioutch. You my unfriend are just a sore loser. Keep typing on your keyboard.
God forbid we have to pay for something that we use. And best contract in union history? Half this forum is complaining about how bad Hoffa is.

I want what you're smoking. @Photog 's must not be strong enough.

10 point

Well-Known Member
And a very responsible UPS management employee in '97.
That was the strike about nothing wasn't it.
So much good has come out of that for the Teamsters ... well at least the IBT since it drove a wedge between UPS and it's Union employees.
That is the number one goal of Union management ... to separate the loyalty from the company and attach it to themselves.
I'm sure you do a good job as a Teamster management employee.
The wedge between the management and hourlies was already present.

The harassment, the lies, the threats, that's the glue that held the strike line together...at least in our building.

We're seemingly pawns in a bigger game now but in 97 we were witnesses to the true relationship (or lack thereof) between supervision and workers.

Is the hate something I like?
Nope. But it's evident that the company has no problem keeping and supporting their management and firing bargaining unit members for like offenses.

We're all just numbers and most understand that now.
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Where have I disparaged Jimmy H Jr?
I actually did not know he did manual work as a Teamster ... still not too sure.
And as usual, you spun an obvious attempt at humor into an attack.
You don't even know when you are telling the truth and when you are not.
I, and many others, have noticed this many times over many years on Brown Cafe.
With your original post that caused me to give his bio. Go back and Reread it.
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I may be a loser but not regarding the 97 strike.
I kept my positional pay but lost 90% of my responsibilities.
I went from traveling 200 plus days a year to 4 or 5 days a year.
I got to sit around my cubicle banging on my keyboard all day ... great gig.
The 97 strike was a wanderlust for me personally,
But if your beliefs make you feel better, I am all for it.

PS - ... pays for their healthcare, pays to smoke now and doesn't offer pensions to new ...
That's UPS Teamsters' fate in the future ... hopefully out a few years but it is an eventuality.
Doubt it. You just hate teamsters. You were corporate after all. Their spy all along.


Well-Known Member
What has the democratic party done for labor in the last 10 years? Nada.

I bet you're the same people that rails against people inheriting their parents wealth. But inheriting their job is okay?

God forbid we have to pay for something that we use. And best contract in union history? Half this forum is complaining about how bad H is.

I want what you're smoking. @Photog 's must not be strong enough.
Democrats haven't done anything, see all my posts recently. Last 2 Democratic presidents let jobs go overseas. Republican presidents lined the pockets of corporations, billionaires, and the stock market at the expense of the non-union blue collar worker while trying to bust the unions. They've all been terrible for the worker since 1980.
Democrats haven't done anything, see all my posts recently. Last 2 Democratic presidents let jobs go overseas. Republican presidents lined the pockets of corporations, billionaires, and the stock market at the expense of the non-union blue collar worker while trying to bust the unions. They've all been terrible for the worker since 1980.
You forgot Jimmy Carter. He didn't help anybody.