United Way force donations coming soon for 2011.


This is not what I meant and you know it. I think having two separate UW drives would create some friendly competition and UW would be the ultimate winner as I do think more money would be raised.

BTW, I pledged what I thought was a very generous amount (1 hours wage per week) and designated 100% to our local hospice as I think they provide an invaluable service.

two seperate or the teamsters running it, its all the same to me.


Well-Known Member
I've never been in the position to demand anything.
Nor was I addressing any concerns of whether or not the Tieguy wanted credit for anything.
I'm pretty sure we all know where he stands on this subject.
It's this one way arrogant attitude that blinds him to an alternate solution.
I simply saw a way to approach a situation that might appease the misgivings of many that are annually turned off by overly aggressive management across the country (except where Tie is).
Somehow he thinks because he doesn't see it in his little corner of the country, that it isn't happening anywhere.
My plan shifts the attention to a competition between management and hourlies with the United Way and it's agencies being the ultimate winner.
Tieguy, UPSSocks, Pretzelman, and the rest of the management posters here are in a much better situation to "demand" what I consider to be a viable solution to flaw in our workplace culture.
We have hourly committees for safety and sales leads, why not one for the United Way drive?
It's probably that they are afraid of losing or that company will require them to beat us costing them a bigger annual contribution.

I just spitting vomit out of mouth to type this but........ I agree with you 100%


Ponies and Planes
I havent seen anyone get browbeat over uw in a long time. If anything we are very low key now . yet the excuses keep coming. new boss , old boss can't afford it etc. Same bull**** excuses even though the management tactics have certainly become less aggressive.

I really just wish you guys would be honest about it. go down to the homeless center, or muscular dystrophy building or march of dimes chapter or disabled veterans chapter look em in the eye and tell them to go screw theirselves cause you're too cheap to help them out.

I give at the leadership level or above. I've seen close people suffer for many years. I give to others outside of the United Way also. Being cheap has nothing to do with not liking to be forced or pressured. The United Way is a good cause in general, but they also support some pretty useless causes. Any non-profit organization is eligible for support. I can start a nonprofit tree hugger camp or a knitting club and receive united way support if someone designates me as the beneficiary organization. Its not all tear jerking desperate need agencies that receive support. Save the trees, save the whales, safe the cats, save the whatever.

Give what you choose should be the mandate.


Well-Known Member
Why does everyone think Management has to give to the United Way???

....because we aren't stupid.
Do you truly think a management person who didn't give to the UW wouldn't be blackballed and held in contempt be his/her superiors to the extent that it might impede promotion?


Well-Known Member
....because we aren't stupid.
Do you truly think a management person who didn't give to the UW wouldn't be blackballed and held in contempt be his/her superiors to the extent that it might impede promotion?

Actually you are but..... Any decent person gives.. It just the right thing to do... Most employees aren't decent people.. Enough said..

Everyone in management fills out the neccessary paperwork to donate but they all don't neccessarily give.. See the form that management submits to donate can be retracted with a simple phone call... I knew a guy, a good friend of mine that would put a large amount on his donation form every year. After the forms were submitted he would call the United Way and cancel his donation before one deduction was made from his check. No one ever knew... He was an office hero.... This year all managers were to give their donation online... Probably because people like you said they were feeling pressure. Now no one will know what anyone gives..


Age quod agis
I introduced the word CHEAP to this thread; I posted the response below in reference to using GUILT as a method of securing pledge money for the UW.

I used the word CHEAP in reference to my father-in-law.
It is his character and he is proud of it.

I posted out of anger and misdirected self-righteousness.

I did not and would never direct the word "cheap" at any of my co-workers.
Once again, I apologize for any misunderstanding in the BC community.

Your right. I will tell that to my father-in-law. He has never given and feels that the UW is a waste of time.

Right now, my father-in-law, the cheapmizer, is sitting at a Amvet Post, cracking jokes with other WWII vets.
Because, his daughter-in-law, me, found respite care or a babysitter for my mother-in-law, with dementia because a UW Agency pointed me in the right direction.

My father-in-law is a filthy rich bastard. He will has never given to any organization. He refuses to even sponser me on a MS walk (I asked him the night I posted this...). He could pay for this respite care (and allow more people to benefit from this worthy agency providing us with respite care), out of pocket, but he is a foolish old man.

Instead, my husband and I pay (paying is not the problem - I felt under appreciated by the situation when I posted) a simple $20 for a four hour stretch of care - to provide US (family members) with a break from the stress of being care givers. And tonight, I am being billed by a transport company to get that cheap bastard, (even guys like him need to walk away from stress) out of the house and for a caregiver to assist his wife or my mother-in-law in their home. (He had fun and he talked to other WWII Vets. He met guys that went on my other pet project, Honor Flight to the WWII Memorial. He actually asked me about Honor Flight - making it all worth it.)

The (respite) agency receives funding from the United Way.

So for the guilt trip...stick it. (Sorry, this was rude of me and I should have refrained from the emotion.)
It won't work on the cheap bastard, so why would guilt work on you or anyone else.

And when I say, United Way Agencies will still be there for you, regardless if you give or not give...my father-in-law is absolutely NOT WORTHY of help. (Sorry, this was rude of me and I should have refrained from the emotion. Everyone is worthy of help when needed.)

So before you ( I attacked fellow UPSer's - misdirected situational emotion) slam the door on the United Way...freaking do some GD research.
I really am tired of people pissing all over the United Way.
Give or don't give.

I will still purchase Girl Scout Cookies from your daughter or grandchild. Those coupon book's that I never use, you can sign me up for one. Oh, you're walking in a 5k walk....of course, I will sponser you. Etc, etc, etc


Staff member
Hopefully the 15% that UPS matches ($234) will offset the administrative "fees" and my pledge will go directly to the Hospice.
There is a sign posted in my center that says ALL United Way administrative fees are paid by UPS. 100% of your donation goes directly to those who need it.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Where was the United Way in the Summer of 97 when we had a friendly little dispute with UPS!! They turned down request to many driver I know !!!! Screw them !!!!


Where was the United Way in the Summer of 97 when we had a friendly little dispute with UPS!! They turned down request to many driver I know !!!! Screw them !!!!

You're kidding right? One of the big stinks of the 97 strike was that a top executive at united way came out and publicly spoke out in support of the teamsters.
Other then that you guys were only out for two weeks. two weeks of your choosing. why would united way be feeding you and paying your bills when there are so many people out there who don't have a job to strike against?

This is one reason why I constantly wonder if you guys just make up these excuses as you go.


I introduced the word CHEAP to this thread; I posted the response below in reference to using GUILT as a method of securing pledge money for the UW.

I used the word CHEAP in reference to my father-in-law.
It is his character and he is proud of it.

I posted out of anger and misdirected self-righteousness.

I did not and would never direct the word "cheap" at any of my co-workers.
Once again, I apologize for any misunderstanding in the BC community.

I have no problem using the word cheap.
As this thread shows too many people come up with all kinds of half cocked excuses to avoid giving their money to help better the community.
After constantly listening to all the contrived excuses I think cheap is really the real reason.


Well-Known Member
Where was the United Way in the Summer of 97 when we had a friendly little dispute with UPS!! They turned down request to many driver I know !!!! Screw them !!!!

Tell me you are joking... You want aid from the United Way because you were on strike?? Typical, the guy that doesn't donate to the United Way but expects them to help him.


cove's post is reminiscent of another point. Where someone says they did not get help from united way when they asked for it.

first off united way is not an insurance plan. You don't pay two dollars a week to get unlimited help when you need it. United way is a pipeline that promotes funding to those agencies helping your community. Its not a charity in itself.

Its like the pipes that feed water to your house. Now you could decide to turn the water off and get the water directly from the river when you need it. But your walking or driving to the river everytime you need it would not be as efficent as turning that tap. That what united way does is make it easy for all of us to contribute to fixing or helping issues in our community. The als chapters I give to would only get a fraction of the funding they currently work with if not for UW beating the bush's for them.
it makes it so easy for me to give through payroll deduction. i don't have to buy no stamps, write no checks dont have to drive anywhere to make my donations. I set it up once a year and I'm done with it.


Für Meno :)
Give it up Tieguy, we know you like to support the unemployed community. (They are unemployed if they need help, right ) ?
Or don't have health insurance, because of unemployment.

Anyways, I hope you do know, a majority of your donations go to those unemployed.

Just a thought !


Well-Known Member
Give it up Tieguy, we know you like to support the unemployed community. (They are unemployed if they need help, right ) ?
Or don't have health insurance, because of unemployment.

Anyways, I hope you do know, a majority of your donations go to those unemployed.

Just a thought !

Perhaps you should have kept that thought to yourself.