UPS Loaders, how Does your Facility Handle Miss Loads?


Well-Known Member
In our building our line is considered the "worst" with miss loads. Out of 9 load lines, we pull the business line/plus mall. Makes flow level that much more complex. Our supervisors/head supervisors, have no clue what they are doing. Everything should be done before a loader comes in, but when they are still moving trucks AFTER the line is moving. There is something obviously wrong with that. Why do I have to stack out? When my truck should clearly be in it's right spot. Do I even go into the "Add cut" sheets they hand you at 7:45 am. Which happens to be 4-5 pages long. That's where some of our miss loads come from. Do you really trust the person who is giving you an ADD cut?

As far as miss loading goes, we might be the worst, but no one is going to lose their job over it. All the pal labels should be color coded. That would make life so much more easier. Red, blue, green, yellow. Oppose to Car 413, Car 414, Car 415. After break time those numbers all look mighty a like.

Another reason people are misloading is because the belts jam up way too often. You'll be standing there, sometimes before shift and there is a mile long backup that no one will ever notice. 30-40 minutes, and you see the black shadow of terror lurk your way ever so slowly. So that's 30-40 minutes of bulk stop flow all at once, on top of everything else there sending down. Misload central. Not to mention your supervisor yelling "Don't stack out, keep your isles clear, circle your pal-labels, write on the side of the box, don't turn off the belt, don't let boxes fall, and oh yeah work faster". It doesn't bother me after so many years, but to a new hire that is overwhelming and they go into hyper mode! But if you do your best, give it your best shot every time, then the most rewarding is when your driver comes in, says good morning, great job I appreciate what you do. Then they tell you they got off early because of a great load quality you gave them. They normally don't rat you out the following day. Some drivers will shrug that 1 misload out of 800 in their car. All hail to them! haha.


Do I even go into the "Add cut" sheets they hand you at 7:45 am. Which happens to be 4-5 pages long.

I hate Add/Cuts so friend*ing much. :angry:

They're always for the heaviest truck you've got that day. The one with multiple bulk stops with things like 4'X4' boxes that weigh maybe 8lbs, but after 4 or 5 of them you've got the floor spots completely covered and more just keep coming, and every single box says "1 of 1." I've come to realize that if those floor spots are taken up by huge boxes within the first hour the truck is going to be looking like **** come 8:30-9am, and I'm for damn sure going to be handed 3 front to back pages of add/cuts the second I think Air's done running and I'm loading the last few packages up.

Yeah.... friend* Add/Cuts. The only plus side is that they give you a few extra minutes on the clock every day.


Well-Known Member
Just for the record I had one missload this week and got one intent to discharge. Looks like I have to file another article 52. Sick and tired of this! For the record I do load the heaviest trucks in our center. Also, SUP observed for 2.20hr today and found nothing really wrong. C'mon! Keep documenting how good I am doing!