UPS on MSNBC last night?


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Unfortnately, regardless of which of the 3 gets elected, we are still screwed. It's sad that in a country this size (with a huge population), these are the choices we are left with.

Of course, there is so much BS involved, no sane person who is qualified for the job actually wants it. So we are left with these 3 hacks to choose from.

We truly do get the government we deserve.

So far, kene1024 has made the best post in this thread, with LeftInBuilding a close second. I am not very impressed personally with any of these three candidates. These people are only in it for themselves, anybody that believes any politician's rhetoric during the Election Cycle is naive. This thread started when someone asked if UPS was on MSNBC, and soon went political. Because of that, it now belongs in Current Events instead of the UPS Discussions Forum.

I am afraid that this topic is just going to get more combative from now to November. The personal attacks from a certain few posters needs to be toned down some. If you can't make a point without insulting other members, you don't need to be here. The Moderating Team will have to start deleting certain posts and and take further steps to bring some sort of civility back to these Forums, including removing member privileges. I hate to have to read the Riot Act to everyone, I am just trying to get you folks to try to get along a little better. :no_flames:


Well-Known Member
I would like to see the reference to the Bush quote.

On 10-17-06, George Bush dissolved the constitution and made that quote truth whether he uttered those words or not. With this fascist war profiteer in the white house the constitution IS just a piece of paper. If you support Bush, you support the dismantling of the constitution and therefore are anti-American. It's just that simple.


Well-Known Member
All because of ethanol?? No other reason whatsoever??? That is really hard to believe.

A % of corn is to be use for ethanol...Which is raising the price of corn...Farmers get more for corn...They are cutting rain forrest to grow corn...Other commodities aren't being planted because corn means more money...A shortage of other commodities such as wheat will raise their prices.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
This is a perfect example of the old saying, "Never discuss religion or politics"

How true, HazMatMan. People feel strongly about these two topics. Strangers insulting each other over the internet aren't going to change anybodys mind. More often then not, they just make themselves look bad when taking things to an extreme. I have no problems with anybody that has a different point of view than I do. I would just hope that we can have an intelligent discussion of our differences and try to understand each other a little better.


Cog for the man
Hillary and Obama arn't rich white men. They are rich though, and they have ran the country for several years now.

Let's see, Democrats didn't take control of the House until the midterms which were Nov. 2006... the Senate is still split. Precisely HOW did you arrive at the conclusion that Clinton and Obama have "run the country" for the last 'several' years?


Well-Known Member
If we weren't borrowing billions of dollars to piss away on a stupid war that should never have been started, the dollar wouldn't be getting hammered so bad, and oil wouldn't cost over $100 a barrel.

If things keep going the way they are, pretty soon you'll need $10 to buy a loaf of bread.

I blame Bush and the Neocons, because they are the ones who started this war.

Maybe we would not have to borrow billions for war if we had not promised trillions that we did not have for social security.


Active Member
Maybe we would not have to borrow billions for war if we had not promised trillions that we did not have for social security.

Wouldn't have to borrow billions for war if we were not fighting one. And how is social security at all relevant to the cost of a pointless war? I don't understand the connection.


Well-Known Member
How true, HazMatMan. People feel strongly about these two topics. Strangers insulting each other over the internet aren't going to change anybodys mind. More often then not, they just make themselves look bad when taking things to an extreme. I have no problems with anybody that has a different point of view than I do. I would just hope that we can have an intelligent discussion of our differences and try to understand each other a little better.
You are so right Scratch. I am officially retiring myself from this particular post. Besides, I need to study for the Derby.


Tea anyone ?
I've watched many videos of his pastors speeches and I have yet to see that he is racist. Please start listing exact and direct quotes that paint him as a racist because I have yet to see any. All you have managed to do here is regurgitate Fox News headlines. As of right now I don't even think you know what the term racist means, I suggest you look it up.

This country and world has always been run by rich white men. That isn't being racist, it's being truthful.

you are a wigger


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't have to borrow billions for war if we were not fighting one. And how is social security at all relevant to the cost of a pointless war? I don't understand the connection.

That is easy I see the war as needed. I see social security as pointless. You make the complaint of borrowing billions for something but ignore the giant pink elephant in the room where we will be borrowing trillions. If your problem with the war is the cost why can't you target the social security first? So I see our government spending billions to fight a needed war and wasting trillions on a pointless, wasteful, government retirement program called social security. The connection is I see the Federal government as having the power to wage war, but I do not think our founders want the Federal government to take money from me to give it to someone so they would not have to work.


Where next? Venice
A % of corn is to be use for ethanol...Which is raising the price of corn...Farmers get more for corn...They are cutting rain forrest to grow corn...Other commodities aren't being planted because corn means more money...A shortage of other commodities such as wheat will raise their prices.

Wow, what a smart move and it is encouraged by our ?leaders? Using a basic food to run our cars rather than a gooey black gunk that is good for little else. Yup, that's showing those middle eastern despots we don't need their oil!

"They are cutting rain forrest to grow corn."

Just a heads up, the Brazilians are mostly using sugar cane to produce ethanol, not corn. A much better source to use and it grows rapidly too.


Well-Known Member
That is easy I see the war as needed. I see social security as pointless. You make the complaint of borrowing billions for something but ignore the giant pink elephant in the room where we will be borrowing trillions. If your problem with the war is the cost why can't you target the social security first? So I see our government spending billions to fight a needed war and wasting trillions on a pointless, wasteful, government retirement program called social security. The connection is I see the Federal government as having the power to wage war, but I do not think our founders want the Federal government to take money from me to give it to someone so they would not have to work.

First off,
"you are a wigger"....thats kind of rascist UKGuy, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you meant Whig-ger....An American favoring independence from Great Britain.:peaceful:.

Anyhow, AV8 wants to take away money from our retiree's (veterans and non-veterans) who paid into the SS fund for years and instead give it to a un-neccessary war and occupation(majority opinion) we started under false pretenses? So you want to support the citizens and infrastructure of another country before our own citizens. I know your a veteran and love your country but this statement doesn't strenghten your case. Our founding fathers would not have started this war or thought it was needed and certainly would have followed the constitution to the tee. And BTW SS is for retiree's so they don't have to work, or maybe your confusing it with welfare.


Well-Known Member
A friend left a message saying he was watching MSNBC last night and they where running a huge story that I really needed to see. Of course he didn't say what it was and I can't seem to find it in any searches.

Anyone see it that could shed some light on the subject??


LMFAO@ US on in this forum!!!!! How in the world can we take a thread that starts off with a completely innocent and totally unrelated question and twist it to the point that the entire thread has to be moved over to the "political" (I know they call it current events) forum?

We truly are :censored2: UP!!!!!!!!!



Least Best Moderator
Staff member
LMFAO@ US on in this forum!!!!! How in the world can we take a thread that starts off with a completely innocent and totally unrelated question and twist it to the point that the entire thread has to be moved over to the "political" (I know they call it current events) forum?

We truly are :censored2: UP!!!!!!!!!


I think that it is probably my fault. I made that comment that not too many people watch MSNBC and Griff gave his interpretation of that. Sorry to turn a thread.............:dissapointed: