When Trump Loses, Who Will He Blame?

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Ghost in the Darkness

Well-Known Member
I have a CCW, carry all the time except at work, and could probably whip your ass at the range.

Don't pigeon-hole liberals.

Not even in your best dreams, want to challenge me... come and bring it, the wolf is waiting and hungry!!
Anyone with half the experience you claim to have wouldn't be a panzy ass liberal. Go back to tending your sore ass and bloodshot eyes.


Inordinately Right
Do I have the freedom to yell "Fire" in a crowded theater?
No but that's off topic, we're talking about one BLM supporter's statement on facebook vs Ghostinthedarkness's statements here. Baba thinks one needs a visit from secret service and the other doesn't..... so it seems subjective to me:

There's this statement by one BLM person in Virginia:

I'm encouraging everyone to get in shape and grab a few #firearms for your household #warisimminent....

Then there's these statements by Ghost in the Darkness on this forum:

It is nice to know that I won't have to fight a civil war to defend my 2nd Amendment rights for atleast 4 more years.
An actual war will happen, not terrorism. People won't stand for it... its unconstitutional.
If you are refering to continued attacks on the 2nd Amendment by Hillary or anyone else then yes our country will have another civil war in the near future.

I'll throw this in just for fun:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Thomas Jefferson

Ghost in the Darkness

Well-Known Member
So it's ok for educated rural people to arm themselves based on a fear of impending civil war (lol), but not "urban" people?

For anyone who forgot this guy is the one who can't keep track of his weapon(s) and ammo. If your rights are infringed upon then you have to fight, but these protestors aren't being violated. Losing an election vote isn't a civil rights violation, violence from being a sore loser just doesn't seem like valid reason to put it all on the line.


Inordinately Right
For anyone who forgot this guy is the one who can't keep track of his weapon(s) and ammo. If your rights are infringed upon then you have to fight, but these protestors aren't being violated. Losing an election vote isn't a civil rights violation, violence as a sore loser just doesn't seem like valid reason to put it all on the line.
Who can't keep track of their weapons?
You need to lay off the booze all my weapons and ammo are accounted for.


Engorged Member
Not even in your best dreams, want to challenge me... come and bring it, the wolf is waiting and hungry!!
Anyone with half the experience you claim to have wouldn't be a panzy ass liberal. Go back to tending your sore ass and bloodshot eyes.

This "pansy ass liberal" drives a politically incorrect diesel 4x4 most of the time, owns 3 guns, and believes in the death penalty.

I love how you equate competency in life with being good with a gun, which speaks volumes. I'm sure I could out-shoot you, and beat the crap out of you afterwards...with 1 hand tied behind my back.


Engorged Member
yea if he can learn to say Trump without crying we might let him serve us at the victory table. :)

I just say Tuck Frump. You won't be savoring your "victory" very long before Trump implodes. Read about his connections with Russia and see how well having a President with direct ties with a hostile enemy goes over with the people.
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