WOOHOO! Feeders here I come!


Well-Known Member
Not so useful in the snow, but very nice to have, especially in the mountains. Most of our RTD's (feeder drivers) don't know how to use one properly anyway.

I'm not sure if our tractors are even equipped with jake brakes. I've been around a few when they are coming off the interstate and driving on city roads, but I've never heard one turned on.

After a long run up the road, when exiting the tractor, I do NASCAR's "Carl Edwards back flip" off the top side-step...... :rolleyes: Ok, you got me, so I exaggerated a little bit..... Usually, the first few things done after exiting the tractor is picking my underwear out of my butt, wipe the cookie crumbs off my uniform, and then stretch...

And depending on your location, the bad news is....new qualified Feeder Drivers may bounce back and forth week to week from packages to feeders, and pick their vacations dead last...

the good news is.....you'll most likely will never work another peak in packages....

I don't believe our local has such language, although the last batch of drivers feeders took was in August of 2007 before the current contract was ratified. Even if it were true I dunno where I would go since I am not in delivery. It won't make it much better being at the bottom since I will be the last to pick vacations, and I will be one of the bottom drivers on the call board.. I figure I am going to have to start somewhere so the earlier the better as I won't be the bottom guy forever.

'Lord Brown's bidding'

Well-Known Member
Soooo....was just informed that I will be going for Feeder training sometime very soon by my center manager; he said he'd let me know the exact date Monday. When I took a gander at the interest list during the information meetings they had the week before last, I was number 11. However, two of the guys ahead of me were from my center, and neither one was mentioned by my center manager as going.

They train 2 at a time, with the first two starting this week. Not everyone has their permit yet. I think I'll get my drug test done with my re-cert, which is due the 21st of Mar anyway....


Well-Known Member
Congrats! Get ready for that easy money ...

I was driving down the Northway at 5 this morning. It was in the low 30's with a light mist which made for some pretty slick roads. Drove past our newest feeder driver (the former mall driver) pulling a set of doubles form to Latham. I don't think he was thinking how easy the money was trying to keep those trailers on the road.

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Oh Yeah
Have fun driving that king kong sized truck in snow and ice. They can have that garbage. But I will say I don't have nothing but mad respect for feeders driving them things. Takes big balls and mad skills to do it. MAD PROPS TO YOU FEEDER GUYS. :laughing2:


Fight the power.
I was driving down the Northway at 5 this morning. It was in the low 30's with a light mist which made for some pretty slick roads. Drove past our newest feeder driver (the former mall driver) pulling a set of doubles form to Latham. I don't think he was thinking how easy the money was trying to keep those trailers on the road.

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:shutupsmiley:Negative Nancy ........ Congrats apettyj. Good for you. Wish you the best


Well-Known Member
Ive never driven one, but I've sat in one of our switchers in the yard.

I also see a dozen or more tractor-trailers over-turned during bad snow months. Not my thing.

'Lord Brown's bidding'

Well-Known Member
Ive never driven one, but I've sat in one of our switchers in the yard.

I also see a dozen or more tractor-trailers over-turned during bad snow months. Not my thing.

Crazy thing, the feeder dispatch sup who did our informational meeting told us to pay attention when we see/hear/read news reports about truck accidents.

I've been checking out truck forums since last year.


Well-Known Member
Wow, nearly forgot I started this thread.

APettyJ- It will be the best career decision you have ever made. Here I am over 3 years since I came into feeders and it has only gotten better. Don't fret the night work or the snowy days because in the end its all temporary and you have finally made it to the best department to work for within this company. Goodluck!


Well-Known Member
Good Luck! I was in your shoes almost exactly a year ago.

One of the most important differences in Feeders vs Package is that in Package you can make up time.....do pickups with deliveries, deliver grounds with airs, pull two handcarts etc. In Feeders you can only lose time....equipment issue - head to the shop, delayed train or sort - leave late, heavy traffic - crawl at 10 mph. If you try to hustle and make up time you'll only make a mistake or miss something and that invariably will cost you even more time. Point is be safe, take your time, and get there when you get there.

It has taken me almost a year to get the Package mentality out of my system. So glad that is is gone!:D

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Well-Known Member
:censored2:, I had to stop to switch my set around tonight because my back trailer was swaying from line to line. That took a half hour and then I got back on the road. Same thing. It must've been the heavy one on back. Ended up cruising at 50 MPH the next 3.5 hours. Feeders can suck sometimes when stuff goes wrong. I wish I didn't live in a triples state. Pulling doubles is like driving an SUV now.


Pineapple King
Thankfully where I live, there aren't any lawns to mow....
Be prepared for one week in Feeders 2 months in Package.One week in feeders 2 months in Package etc. until you get in Feeders friend/T. At least that's how it goes here. Sometimes for at least two or more years.


That’s Craptacular
What you may call negative I call reality. John was not having any fun at all trying to keep those trailers straight and on the road.

BTW, I am an adult----don't ever tell me to shut up.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
Have fun driving that king kong sized truck in snow and ice. They can have that garbage. But I will say I don't have nothing but mad respect for feeders driving them things. Takes big balls and mad skills to do it. MAD PROPS TO YOU FEEDER GUYS. :laughing2: