Your Next president

Brown Dog

Brown since 81
That was a fun test tie, thanks for sharing. I had hillary with 53. I honestly don't know what or who right now. Maybe I'll try an election nominee dartboard.:dissapointed:


Well-Known Member
Hey Diesel,

Not that this is about Ann Coulter but here's a link to an interview with Daniel Ellsberg (Pentagon Papers fame). Good interview with several comedic moments IMO. Found it interesting at the end where he mentions his daily reading includes which is a libertarian/antistate website favorite of mine. Seems the lines are really blurring more and more among those opposed to imperical advances and interventionists foreign policy with regard to socalled right/left politics.

Hope you enjoy the interview.


When is the 2008' versions of Daniel Ellsberg going to risk everything and come out of the closet and blow the whistle ? My theory is they are distancing their legacy's of being associated with the repeat atrocities of another unwinnable conflict and reckless constitutonal abuses in the form of the Bush/Chaney staff in favor of resignations, anonymity and or laying low till your old, gray and penniless then profit a book writing afterthought campaign about Presidential deception. Whats the other alternative, submit yourself to relentless ultimate character assassination and threats of imprisonment rewards that reap that of a whistleblower.


Well-Known Member
When is the 2008' versions of Daniel Ellsberg going to risk everything and come out of the closet and blow the whistle ?


There is one! Her name is Sibel Edmonds and in the interview even Ellsberg acknowledges this. See the "Dark Shadows" thread for details.

It's interesting how this ties in to Bill Moyer's Journal yesterday with his interview of Sarah Chayes who was a reporter in Afghanistan in the early days of the war. She left that postiion to return and actually live there and help the locals rebuild themselves by creating a co-op that does amazingly well considering as they export their product around the world. What is so interesting about the interview and how this ties into Sibel Edmonds in a roundabout way is rather eye opening based on Sarah's observations on the ground in Afghanistan.

Here's a link to the show transcript with the first half dealing with earmarks (that ties in also) but it you look aroundMoyer's website I'd venture to say you can find an actual video link.

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
I voted for Huckabee because he supported the Fair Tax,,,The biggest issue is National Security...So that will leave the democrats out......even though Mccain is almost a democrat,the war aside..


Well-Known Member
I voted for Huckabee because he supported the Fair Tax,,,The biggest issue is National Security...So that will leave the democrats out......even though Mccain is almost a democrat,the war aside..

So in the end you are gonna vote for someone in the end (McCain) who under normal conditions you would oppose?

Not a statement, I'm really asking the question and interested in reading your response.


Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
I wish we had more choices.The two-party system doesn't work for me.But every candiadate will have pros and cons.You have to pick which ones are more important to You.Not your friend,your brother,your neighbor or preachor...You.....I guess I like McCain over Hilla-Bama..


Well-Known Member
I wish we had more choices...

Hillary has been seen going around Auburn Ala. writting the leter "G" in front of Obama to make it say Go Bama in order to steer the vote towards her. I love that one.

I understand your frustration with the 2 party system and the believed control the democrats/republicans have over it but I personally believe it's an illusion and ruse. Don't be afraid to look at 3rd party choices and IMO this election is an example of there being no real clear differences between the 3 candidates when you honestly look at their records.

For example:
Healthcare, with all 3 there may be suttle differences but in the end there will be some kind of gov't mandate, gov't growth and less open free market.
Immigration, lots of talk but inthe end nothing will change.
War on Terror, McCain and Hillary are easy because their records are so overpowering. No change between those 2 at all. One reason Hillary is loosing to Obama is she is seen as really Pro-War. But what about Obama? Before he came to Washington and was an Ill. State Senator, he was clearly and vocally anti-war. However, since he's come to Washington he's voted for continuing war funding

Leave troops for protection of Americans & counterterrorism

The first thing I will do is initiate a phased redeployment. Military personnel indicate we can get one brigade to two brigades out per month. I would immediately begin that process. We would get combat troops out of Iraq. The only troops that would remain would be those that have to protect US bases and US civilians, as well as to engage in counterterrorism activities in Iraq.
Source: 2007 Democratic primary debate at Dartmouth College Sep 26, 2007

so troops would stay to "protect US assets" ie bases and civilian contractors and here's the real kicker "engage in counterterrorism activities in Iraq." Now that one line proves to me the most interesting of all. This is the sounds of someone totally committed to an antiwar stance? OK, so you still think he'd pull them all out? Well he had his chance to make that committment to the public but instead refused to go that far.

Q: Will you pledge that by January 2013, the end of your first term, there will be no US troops in Iraq?
A: I think it's hard to project four years from now, and I think it would be irresponsible. We don't know what contingency will be out there. I believe that we should have all our troops out by 2013, but I don't want to make promises, not knowing what the situation's going to be three or four years out. Source: 2007 Democratic primary debate at Dartmouth College Sep 26, 2007

If you are committed to an antiwar stance, everyone comes home, period!

What about Pakistan?

Here's an interesting Q & A with Obama.

Q: If you get us out of Iraq and somehow al Qaeda takes over anyway, what will you do then?

A: Well, look, if we had followed my judgment originally, we wouldn't have been in Iraq. We're here now. And we've got no good options. We got bad options and worse options. The only way we're going to stabilize Iraq and make sure that al Qaeda does not take over in the long term is to begin a phased redeployment so that we don't have anti-American sentiment as a focal point for al Qaeda in Iraq. We can still have troops in the region, outside of Iraq, that can help on counterterrorism activities, and we've got to make sure that they don't establish long-term bases there. But right now, the bases are in Afghanistan and in the hills between Afghanistan and Pakistan; that's where we've got to focus. Source: 2007 AFL-CIO Democratic primary forum Aug 8, 2007

Redeployment to where? If antiwar it would be "I'll bring the troops home!" but instead he spoke of "we can still have troops in the region, outside of Iraq" Where at Mr. Senator?

What about Pakistan!

Let's start with this. The question goes first to Sen. Clinton and then a followup to Sen Obama.

Q: [to Clinton]: You criticized Sen. Obama for ruling out the use of nuclear weapons against Al Qaida in Pakistan, yet you said the same against Bush's use of tactical nuclear weapons in Iran, saying: "I would certainly take nuclear weapons off the table." What's the difference there?

CLINTON: I was asked specifically about the Bush-Cheney administration's policy to drum up support for military action against Iran. Combine that with their continuing effort to try to get "bunker-buster" nuclear bombs that could penetrate into the earth to go after deeply buried nuclear sites. This was not a hypothetical, this was a brushback against this administration which has been reckless and provocative.

Q: Do you accept that distinction?
OBAMA: There was no difference. It is not hypothetical that Al Qaida has established base camps in the hills between Afghanistan and Pakistan. No military expert would advise that we use nuclear weapons to deal with them, but we do have to deal with that problem. Source: 2007 Democratic primary debate on "This Week" Aug 19, 2007

OK, my question would be, how would you deal with them? and Where again would you deploy the troops? OK, let's see if we again can figure this out.

OBAMA: We know right now, according to the National Intelligence Estimate, that al Qaeda is hiding in the hills between Afghanistan & Pakistan. And because we have taken our eye off the ball, they are stronger now than any time since 2001. As president, I want us to fight on the right battlefield, and what that means is getting out Iraq and refocusing our attention on the war that can be one in Afghanistan. And that also will allow us to free up the kinds of resources that will make us safer here at home because we'll be able to invest in port security, chemical plant security, all the critical issues that have already been discussed.
Source: 2007 AFL-CIO Democratic primary forum Aug 8, 2007


Q: [to Dodd]: If we have actionable intelligence on al Qaeda operatives, including bin Laden, [within Pakistan], and President Musharraf cannot act, then we should. Now, I think that's just common sense. For us to authorize [military action in Iraq] where the people who attacked 3,000 Americans were not present--which you authorized--and then to suggest that somehow we should not focus on the folks that did attack 3,000 Americans, [al Qaeda in Pakistan, makes no sense].

DODD: It was a mistake to suggest somehow that going in unilaterally here into Pakistan was somehow in our interest. That is dangerous. And I don't retreat from that at all.
OBAMA: I did not say that we would immediately go in unilaterally. What I said was that we have to work with Musharraf, because the biggest threat to American security right now are in the northwest provinces of Pakistan and that we should continue to give him military aid contingent on him doing something about that. Source: 2007 AFL-CIO Democratic primary forum Aug 8, 2007

Does Obama really want to go into Pakistan?

FactCheck: Yes, Obama said invade Pakistan to get al Qaeda

Sen. Obama rewrote history when he defended his controversial remarks about invading Pakistan if necessary to eliminate al Qaeda, saying, "I did not say that we would immediately go in unilaterally. What I said was that we have to work with [Pakistan's President Pervez] Musharraf."

That's not exactly what he said. Obama is referring to an Aug. 1 policy address, in which he made no direct mention of working with Musharraf. Instead, he said he would "take out" al Qaeda if Musharraf failed to act.
Obama (Aug. 1):
I understand that President Musharraf has his own challenges. But let me make this clear. There are terrorists holed up in those mountains who murdered 3,000 Americans. They are plotting to strike again. It was a terrible mistake to fail to act when we had a chance to take out an al Qaeda leadership meeting in 2005. If we have actionable intelligence about high value terrorist targets and President Musharraf won't act, we will.​
Source: on 2007 AFL-CIO Democratic primary forum Aug 7, 2007

For anyone to think Barack Obama is antiwar or opposed to war then let him/her not think that way any longer. Boiling this down, Barack will redeploy the troops to Afghanistan/Pakistan with a troop presence left in Iraq.

So you see Bad Gas, in the end the 3 candidates really don't differ at all but you've been sold an illusion by policy wonks hoping to protect self-interest political control. Don't be so quick to play their game.


Where next? Venice
Ashame that some people just can't find a good laugh and sense of humor!



Apparently you took my little guys seriously when I meant them to be a funny reaction or perhaps a bit of a sarcastic (wasn't that actually reported on "60 Minutes" last week????) reply to the Diebold clip.

I did think it was hilarious!


Hope these little guys seem more appropriate to you...


golden ticket member
After hearing Obama's preacher and all his rantings & ravings, I question Obama's 20 yr. affiliation with this religious leader.

Scary stuff !! :dissapointed:


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
After hearing Obama's preacher and all his rantings & ravings, I question Obama's 20 yr. affiliation with this religious leader.

Scary stuff !! :dissapointed:

Obama says he has belonged to this church for twenty years and this "Pastor" Wright was his mentor who led him to Christ, married him, blessed his kids and his house. And that he never heard Wright say any of this garbage? Sure.

People are judged by the company they keep. No wonder Mrs. Obama made that statement she "was ashamed to live in the United States". I wish I could have afforded an Ivy League education like she got.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Obama must think that everyone in this country are fools. Does he really expect us to believe that he's never heard sermons like that ones in question? Does he really expect us to believe that he didn't know about all this before hand? People, I'm telling you that allowing this Obama character to be our president would be one of the biggest mistake in U.S. history. I encourage everyone to get out and vote and keep this loon from wrecking our country. Even if it means voting for Hillary Clinton (god forgive me for that suggestion) or writing in your own.


Well-Known Member
Interesting op-ed about the democrat contenders and the Iraq war.


Well-Known Member
This just in. Hillary was telling the truth about her Bosnia trip. :laughing:

Hillary WASN'T LYING! Bosnia gunfire footage discovered...