2016 Republican Convention is set to be a disaster for the GOP...


Staff member
"...our tax dollars."

--Eric Trump

I wonder how many of those dollars show up in Donald's tax returns.

The world may never know.


Inordinately Right
A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.
You realize the troops were pulled out in 2011. When did isis start their rise?
1999? 2001? 2003? 2006? 2011? 2014?
Maybe 1953 with the installation of the shah of Iran?

Are you talking about the Organization of Monotheism Jihad, or AQI, or Mujahideen Shura Council, or ISI, or Al-Nursa Front, or ISIL, or ISIS, or Daesh......

Like I said, a rose by any other name.... give the problem whatever name you want if it makes it easier to place blame.

This "war" can't be won. Because there is nothing to win. It's been going for thousands of years and the delusion that we can fix their problems is only making it worse.


Well-Known Member
I think you're missing the bigger picture. Republicans are going to vote for Trump.
Democrats are going to vote for Clinton.

The small percentage of indepents that will be deciding the election and watch the conventions are weighing their options.

Trump is setting a low bar. What's Trump going to say when the Democrats pull off a professional convention? "Oh, they just put on a good show."
Really? The great showman himself being shown up by the establishment?

lower then a career criminal like Clinton?