2016 Republican Convention is set to be a disaster for the GOP...


Strength through joy
Are you aware that back in 1993 when she ran a task force secret meetings for “health-care reform."
She was an unelected, unappointed private citizen, whose only “credential” for heading this secret medical care reform task force was being married to, and a political ally of, the president.

Because the “Hillarycare” task force met in secret, and the documents were never publicized by the mainstream media, few medical professionals and hardly anyone among the public knew that Hillary Clinton pushed for complete elimination of private medicine in the United States.

One frightening provision Mrs. Clinton pushed hard to achieve is that doctors who engaged in private medicine would be fined $50,000 for the first offense, and then put in jail for the second offense. Patients would be forced to accept government-employed doctors, government guidelines for medical care, and rationing of services based on a political agenda.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons fought against the illegal secrecy of the task force meetings in 1993, and secured the release of the documents to the National Archives.
Copies of many of these documents are online
Mrs. Clinton’s modus operandi of deleting documents required to be produced in legal proceedings was evident in 1993: A number of the floppy disks, purportedly containing documents that had to be preserved by law, were blank. This was not made public on a broad scale at the time. Clinton’s failure to produce all of the secret task force documents is even more troubling in light of the current investigation into Clinton’s more than 30,000 deleted emails from her time as secretary of state.

Voting for Hillary? It may cost your life

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

TED CRUZ makes a MOCKERY out of the GOP convention on DAY 3, making the title of this thread completely APPROPRIATE.

AS if DRUMPF needed another fiasco on the convention floor, someone inside the campaign thought it would be a great idea to give Ted Cruz 30 minutes to ramble on and on and on, until the moment came when he said this...

"On election night, get out and VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE"

THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It spurred booos and hisses all across the convention floor! What great OPTICS coming from the GOP who now looks like a bunch of buffoons waiting for the circus clown himself to speak on Thursday.

Cruz failing to endorse DRUMPF was a laughing moment for the rest of thinking America who understand that DRUMPFs campaign is a total Clusterfluck.

Paul Manafort has already been proven a LIAR for the Melania speech scandal, and now, he has the CRUZ missile to deal with.

Instead of each night being closed on a high note, leaving the next days media coverage about the "message", the DRUMPF campaign has to deal with damage control when the sun comes up the next morning.

If DRUMPF can even manage his campaign, how is he going to run a country?

Republicans Turn on Cruz After He Torpedoes Trump's Convention

Allowing Ted Cruz any floor time whatsoever was the second biggest mistake of the convention after trying to have Melania Drumpf taking credit for a speech she didnt write but read aloud, only to look like a complete idiot.

Its bad enough, the DRUMPF campaign LIED about Melania's college education on the GOP program. The misrepresentation of her education is another laughable moment for DRUMPF and it goes to show the level of BULLCRAP that Drumpf is trying to sell the American people.

Last day coming up, and this has to be even better!

I cant wait to hear DRUMPF repeat every sentence he says THREE TIMES in order to KILL TIME.

He will say absolutely NOTHING of any substance, but he will repeat himself OVER and OVER and OVER blowing every dog whistle he can come up with...

Believe me, Believe me, Believe me. Just wait, just wait just wait, we going to win big, we going to win big, etc etc etc...

I expect Drumpf to get a nothing bounce in the polls after all this nonsense..


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The person who needs to be fired from the DRUMPF campaign is PAUL MANAFORT himself. He is running DRUMPFS campaign straight into the ground.

Despite a speech writer falling on the sword for Melania's speech, Manafort is still trying to maintain it was only a coincidence. He fails to address why Melania took ownership for writing the speech, and denies that a speech writer wrote it, but the campaigns press release refutes everything manafort is saying.

Watch him try to squirm out of the Melania speech scandal with CNN's Chris Cuomo.

CNN Anchor Battles Paul Manafort During Heated Exchange Over Trump Campaign’s ‘Pattern’ of Lying


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge

TED CRUZ makes a MOCKERY out of the GOP convention on DAY 3, making the title of this thread completely APPROPRIATE.

AS if DRUMPF needed another fiasco on the convention floor, someone inside the campaign thought it would be a great idea to give Ted Cruz 30 minutes to ramble on and on and on, until the moment came when he said this...

"On election night, get out and VOTE YOUR CONSCIENCE"

THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It spurred booos and hisses all across the convention floor! What great OPTICS coming from the GOP who now looks like a bunch of buffoons waiting for the circus clown himself to speak on Thursday.

Cruz failing to endorse DRUMPF was a laughing moment for the rest of thinking America who understand that DRUMPFs campaign is a total Clusterfluck.

Paul Manafort has already been proven a LIAR for the Melania speech scandal, and now, he has the CRUZ missile to deal with.

Instead of each night being closed on a high note, leaving the next days media coverage about the "message", the DRUMPF campaign has to deal with damage control when the sun comes up the next morning.

If DRUMPF can even manage his campaign, how is he going to run a country?

Republicans Turn on Cruz After He Torpedoes Trump's Convention

Allowing Ted Cruz any floor time whatsoever was the second biggest mistake of the convention after trying to have Melania Drumpf taking credit for a speech she didnt write but read aloud, only to look like a complete idiot.

Its bad enough, the DRUMPF campaign LIED about Melania's college education on the GOP program. The misrepresentation of her education is another laughable moment for DRUMPF and it goes to show the level of BULLCRAP that Drumpf is trying to sell the American people.

Last day coming up, and this has to be even better!

I cant wait to hear DRUMPF repeat every sentence he says THREE TIMES in order to KILL TIME.

He will say absolutely NOTHING of any substance, but he will repeat himself OVER and OVER and OVER blowing every dog whistle he can come up with...

Believe me, Believe me, Believe me. Just wait, just wait just wait, we going to win big, we going to win big, etc etc etc...

I expect Drumpf to get a nothing bounce in the polls after all this nonsense..


I dont think anyone reads a page long of stuff on here.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The Melania speech SCANDAL continues to grow and grow as it appears that the DRUMPF campaign makes up a phoney speech writer to fall onto the sword of plagiarism!!

As if we didnt already know that the story was bogus from the jump, the DRUMPF campaign has even photo shopped an image to purport to show the speech writer with both DRUMPF and Melania..

Check out this "Old" image of DRUMPF and Ivanka and Melania.

Now, look at the photo released by the DRUMPF campaign, allegedly showing DRUMPF, Melania and her speech writer "Meredith Mclver" who took the blame for the plagiarism....


This is such a CHEAP photoshop it isnt even funny.

What is does demonstrate however, is that Donald Drumpf is not only DESPERATE, but willing to do anything to get elected. They know they LIFTED Michele Obamas speech, and rather than just OWN up to it and take responsibility for it, they tried to deny it, they they tried to say it was a coicidence, then they tried the my little pony defense, and now, they appeared to have CREATED a person out of thin air.

They created a facebook page for this "woman" just yesterday, and also started a Twitter account just yesterday for this "woman".

Amazing how you people will accept this action and will vote for him anyways. It goes to show how DESPERATE you people really are.

BREAKING: Speechwriter Blamed For Melania's Plagiarism Likely A FAKE Person!



Staff member
The Melania speech SCANDAL continues to grow and grow as it appears that the DRUMPF campaign makes up a phoney speech writer to fall onto the sword of plagiarism!!

As if we didnt already know that the story was bogus from the jump, the DRUMPF campaign has even photo shopped an image to purport to show the speech writer with both DRUMPF and Melania..

Check out this "Old" image of DRUMPF and Ivanka and Melania.

Now, look at the photo released by the DRUMPF campaign, allegedly showing DRUMPF, Melania and her speech writer "Meredith Mclver" who took the blame for the plagiarism....


This is such a CHEAP photoshop it isnt even funny.

What is does demonstrate however, is that Donald Drumpf is not only DESPERATE, but willing to do anything to get elected. They know they LIFTED Michele Obamas speech, and rather than just OWN up to it and take responsibility for it, they tried to deny it, they they tried to say it was a coicidence, then they tried the my little pony defense, and now, they appeared to have CREATED a person out of thin air.

They created a facebook page for this "woman" just yesterday, and also started a Twitter account just yesterday for this "woman".

Amazing how you people will accept this action and will vote for him anyways. It goes to show how DESPERATE you people really are.

BREAKING: Speechwriter Blamed For Melania's Plagiarism Likely A FAKE Person!

Some People Think Donald Trump Invented Meredith McIver. Some People Are Wrong.