2nd day. 156 stops. 10 hrs


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How many stops will you do at peak? Curious
Depends on who's Cheerios I piisss in any particular morning. If I behave myself, I will most likely have a 55-70 stops with 350-500 miles.

If my tourettes kick in and I do not behave, I will have a junk route made up of 350 stops from every route in our building.


Staff member
Depends on who's Cheerios I piisss in any particular morning. If I behave myself, I will most likely have a 55-70 stops with 350-500 miles.

If my tourettes kick in and I do not behave, I will have a junk route made up of 350 stops from every route in our building.

So, you are going to try to be a good boy?


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So, you are going to try to be a good boy?

Cos, I ALWAYS try. It's the end result where I usually falter.

This message brought to you by the fine folks of Home Depot, Walmart, The citizens of Arizona, Wyoming, Nevada, and Massachusetts, and by the letter friend & U!


Well-Known Member
I normally do between 192 to 220 stops and finish (get back in the building) around 6:30 to 7pm. Last tuesday I was given 263 stops and had to get help twice so that i could make 8pm because the load was horrendous and so was my helper who showed up an hour later then the meet up time.

walk it off

Well-Known Member
Is that good or bad? Hilly area, had to type most addresses into phone until I got to a street with multiple stops. All residential. Body feels like I got ran over..
And you thought "just driving around all day" was it? Sorry to break the news but let us know when you have 225-230 and a week left in peak. You aint seen nothin' yet