3rd bid assigned language? (Feeders)


Got the T-Shirt

I'm somewhat confused with your post.

Are you referring to Article 3 Section 8, of the Central Region language ?

I've always glossed over it.... because, it's mainly pkg car language.

My Local has a very specific (written) local rider with probably the best feeder

language in the country. Not saying you're wrong, I just haven't seen it applied to feeders.



cap'n crunch
But if there is no bumping going on, and if you are in a building that does not have annual or semi-annual bids, the last guy just hit the lottery.

Even if you have annual bids, this low guy could be on a great job for almost the entire year.
my old feeder department could never leave well enough alone. They were always changing elements of jobs, start times, etc. There was a lot of bumping going on. Hell, I got bumped 3 times in one day.


Light 'em up!

I'm somewhat confused with your post.

Are you referring to Article 3 Section 8, of the Central Region language ?

I've always glossed over it.... because, it's mainly pkg car language.

My Local has a very specific (written) local rider with probably the best feeder

language in the country. Not saying you're wrong, I just haven't seen it applied to feeders.


Article 3 Section 8 of the Central Region Supplement refers to full time new permanent jobs or permanent vacancies, it does not differentiate between package car or feeder.

It talks about bidding within the classification and further states, in this same section, that feeder drivers are not limited to 3 bids per year as are other FT employees.

Section 14 doesn't say very much.

New tractor-trailer openings or vacancies will be filled from the list of qualified employees in their Company seniority order at that location. In the event no employee on the list of qualified employees elects to fill an opening, the employee with the least seniority on the list must fill the opening.

This could be taken as unlimited moves, but just like Holiday work, one section seems to contradict the other section.

So unless your local has better language for feeder drivers, which we do also, Section 8 refers to feeder jobs as well as package jobs, with 3 moves per opening.

I believe that there are many more locals with better language for feeder job openings, but if your local follows the Supplement, then it is 3 moves even for feeder jobs.
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Light 'em up!
Where? I thoroughly understand the 3rd bump rule in my supplement and even posted the page concerning it. It seems very fair since we bid every six months. I find it hard to believe that language that could make feeder seniority skip a hundred drivers or more (I've been to hubs with over 100 drivers on the Q list) is still in the master.

Not in the Master, in the Supplement. And this is the reason why many locals don't follow the Supplement language on this and have written their own. It could, and sometimes does, bypass seniority.


Section 8

Qualified full-time employees with six (6) months or more seniority may select permanent vacancies and new permanent jobs as provided for in this Article in all months except November and December. When a permanent new job or permanent vacancy becomes open in a center, it shall be posted by the Employer, within ten (10) days, for a period of five (5) working days, except in the months of November and December. A permanent new job, for the purpose of this Article, shall be one that has been in existence for a period of thirty (30) calendar days.

Pending the job becoming permanent and the operation of the job selection procedure, management shall have the right to assign any employee to perform the work on a temporary basis. The job selection procedures shall be limited to three (3) moves, the original opening and two (2) others.

Only those employees within the classification in the building shall bid said vacancy. The vacancy shall be filled by the senior bidding employee. If the vacancy is not bid by an employee within the classification the vacancy exists, the bid shall be open to all employees within the center. The vacancy shall be filled by the senior bidding employee. The procedure shall be repeated the second (2nd) and third (3rd) time in the classification in the building, the successful bidder vacated. Employees are limited to three (3) bids per year. When the successful bidder for a full-time combination job fails to qualify it shall be awarded to the next qualified most senior employee on the bid sheet. Feeder drivers are not subject to the three (3) bid limitations within their classification.