New Member
I am a full-time package driver that qualified for feeders in July 2022. I am out of DENCO/local 455. I, along with 7 others, are listed as cover/back-up drivers qualified for feeder work and go back and forth between packages and feeders. I have been trying tirelessly to get into the department permanently by winning a bid but it seems impossible. Currently there are about 350-400 feeders drivers in the center. I'd estimate that the bottom 100 in seniority are off the street with less than 3 years of company seniority. I have a few questions and hope you can help. I've been reading the contract but can't find all of the information I need. What applies to me contractually are the master contract ( https://teamster.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/ups18nationalmaster.pdf ) and the Central Region of Teamsters Supplement Agreement ( https://teamster.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/ups18centralregionsupp.pdf ). I've talked to some union stewards and I don't trust them, I feel like they don't like to stand up to management even when they know it's something they can win but if I can get something definitive then there's no reason to not fight it. Please if you have a definite answer to the questions please provide the source, like article and section.
Thank you in advance. I am tired of the non-stop harassment and micro managing in packages and need to get out ASAP
- How are back-up drivers like myself supposed to be listed in terms of seniority? For the central region agreement I can't find anything that talks about this but in the Join Council 3 Rider ( https://teamster.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/ups18jc3suppsortrider.pdf ) it says that back-up feeder drivers are supposed to be listed in order they qualified for feeder work not company seniority. Out of the 8 qualified back up drivers I qualified 3rd but in terms of company seniority I'm 8th. They say company seniority doesn't kick in until you win a bid in the department so wouldn't it make sense to have us listed in the order we qualified? Let's say that they are indeed listing us in the incorrect order do you think the union would be able to fight to get me in the department on this technicality?
- From what I've been hearing, the best way to win a bid in feeders is to win a sleeper bid. I found someone that is willing to partner up for a sleeper run. He's in the feeder department full time and he's #209 so he would be the "A" driver. I keep getting told that if another team signs the bid and both the "A" and "B" driver are in the department they would win the bid even if they have less seniority than my "A" driver. Does a team whose members are both in feeders FT get the bid even if they have less seniority than another A driver? I've looked at the contract and Article 43 Section 2 (1)(a) essentially states that only the seniority of the "A" driver will be considered and the "A" driver chooses the "B" driver regardless of seniority.
- I'm also being told that when a sleeper bid gets posted, a driver that is already in the sleeper department gets priority over drivers doing local jobs. The guy I've decided to partner with has a local bid and has more seniority than any other "A" driver listed, but there are other teams whose "A" driver currently has a sleeper bid. Do drivers with sleeper bids get priority over drivers with local bids?
Thank you in advance. I am tired of the non-stop harassment and micro managing in packages and need to get out ASAP