$600 Stimulus Checks


Well-Known Member
they should hear the case then and find out. you can't await evidence by not hearing it
When there is no evidence, that's a problem.

“It’s a fraud, an absolute fraud.”

Under questioning from a federal judge in Pennsylvania , Mr. Giuliani made a different admission: “This is not a fraud case,” he said. I will add that there's a reason law firms that originally agreed to represent the Trump campaign and the Republican Party have withdrawn from the litigation.


Well-Known Member
Because the suits lack credibility. It's a clown show led by the melting mayor.
and I'll take it a step further . If no court will ever hear an election fraud case than the message is clear to republicans in the future .
cheat away . do what ever you want because no court will take the case.


Well-Known Member
And Republican judges nationwide as well as the SCOTUS are awaiting the evidence.
"Specifically, Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the federal Constitution could not be more explicit. It states, in pertinent part: "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress ..." This language was purposeful."

Read, Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the federal Constitution, is this clear to you, will you agree the Constitution grants that power to the State's Legislature?

If not I am wasting my time, which I already know I am wasting.

Easy yes or no,
does the federal Constitution grant the sole authority to the Legislature for the purpose of sending Electors?

Operational needs

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