8:00pm rule?

By The Book

Well-Known Member
The new 4 year progression definitely has the company on a hiring spree. It's obviously warranted with a lot of old timers hanging it up. Had the new contract still been 3 years, I don't think they'd be hiring like they are.
I think Amazon forced their hand a bit and coupled with the 4 year progression it works well for UPS.


Oh Yeah
I think Amazon forced their hand a bit and coupled with the 4 year progression it works well for UPS.
I think in my opinion one of the reasons the first 6 months of the year why it was so bad as far as shortage of drivers and mad ot was they didn't make as much a profit as the year before because of the weather and the xmas clusterphuck so they were trying to get some of that profit back. Their doing the right thing, and I cant believe im saying that, for once these dumbphux are doing something smart for a change and trying to get drivers on in preparation for xmas peak this year. Maybe this new ceo is a little more brawn than that :censored2: Scott Davis. Could be also a lot of retirees are retiring at end of this year or right after peak.


I think in my opinion one of the reasons the first 6 months of the year why it was so bad as far as shortage of drivers and mad ot was they didn't make as much a profit as the year before because of the weather and the xmas clusterphuck so they were trying to get some of that profit back. Their doing the right thing, and I cant believe im saying that, for once these dumbphux are doing something smart for a change and trying to get drivers on in preparation for xmas peak this year. Maybe this new ceo is a little more brawn than that :censored2: Scott Davis. Could be also a lot of retirees are retiring at end of this year or right after peak.
Or right before peak. I think there's a driver at our center w/ 30+ in that wants to retire the week of Thanksgiving to stick it to Brown.

Sent while chasing down unnecessary Dish Network call tags.


Man of Great Wisdom
Or right before peak. I think there's a driver at our center w/ 30+ in that wants to retire the week of Thanksgiving to stick it to Brown.

Sent while chasing down unnecessary Dish Network call tags.
We had one of those. Worked the week of thanksgiving plus the Friday after for holiday pay plus double time and was done.


Well-Known Member
Or right before peak. I think there's a driver at our center w/ 30+ in that wants to retire the week of Thanksgiving to stick it to Brown.

We had one of those. Worked the week of thanksgiving plus the Friday after for holiday pay plus double time and was done.

We had a driver who thought he was due to retire 1/1/13 but was actually eligible on 12/1/12. They begged him to stay for "just one more Peak". He left and somehow we survived without him.


Imagine that another pissed off old timer lmfao.
The funny part is he's been providing quality service on his route forever. I've covered his route 3 times & his customers always wanna know where he is, more than on any other route I've covered. He also gets off by 5 most days during peak. I delivered out in his neighborhood & couldn't believe I'd see his pickup already at his house most days when I had at least a couple hours worth of work left. I asked him how & he basically says friend--- 'em & keeps his helper all day instead of that usual 4 hour window. He's funny as hell. Will be missed.

Sent while chasing down unnecessary Dish Network call tags.


Well-Known Member
Any else one notice how these rules come and go on a 24 month cycle? Two years ago we had these rules in effect, last year they were gone now they're back. It's all a big shell game.


Geek in Brown
This is a corporative directive and I am sure rules regarding enforcement are forthcoming.
They can come up with whatever rules they want. Botom line is they determine 90% of what time we get back based on dispatch so not the driver's problem unless we're directed to sheet up the remaining packages missed and told when to start returning to center.

Sent from my 28 year old brown truck


Oh Yeah
Why are they doing this 8pm curfew thing?
Im trying to figure it out myself. It cant be compassion toward the drivers that's for sure. We were told at pcm dis morning that ups corporate doesn't want us drivers on the street past 8pm and their trying to keep paid days down. So read between the lines and my best guess would be all the 9.5 grievances adding up with all the crazyazz ot their paying out the ying yang for. Now the real reason, I don't have the faintest idea. I know about as much as you do about the absolute truth behind this. Is it here to stay or just a fad aka flavor of the week or month lol.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Eta = ESTIMATED time of arrival. This is real world. Where real world situations arise. Traffic, coustomer questions, heavy pick ups, so on and so forth. This " warning letter" isn't worth a :bsbullf:
In my world management says ETA=" Exact" time of Arrival. Nothing like this ever happens, not in the summer. Everything is predictable and figured in to your time. All else is your fault.