A Lamb Wins the PA 18th District


Well-Known Member
The constitution is exactly the rules of the system, what else would you call it?

The debate here is what we should all be taking from the recent special election. I'm saying republican ideas are bad and most people agree with me. Low turnout in 2016 doesn't mean people think the republicans have the best ideas.
The Marine ran as a republican, I know the Constitution, you need to understand what it is. It's the foundation of this nation. Not rules. I can prove, through audio where Obama said he couldn't do something Constitutionally, then later did it. Don't attempt the Constitution game with me. You'll embarrass yourself.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The Marine ran as a republican, I know the Constitution, you need to understand what it is. It's the foundation of this nation. Not rules. I can prove, through audio where Obama said he couldn't do something Constitutionally, then later did it. Don't attempt the Constitution game with me. You'll embarrass yourself.
Stop with Lamb ran as a republican. It's silly, you know there was an actual republican on the ballot, right? This wasn't democrat vs Whig.


Well-Known Member
Yes a republican in favor of universal healthcare and against the tax scam. Why did voters pick that brand of "republican" over the Trumpier version.

is this the same guy that said he loved guns, backed trump and hated Pelosi or did you guys sneak someone else in there.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
is this the same guy that said he loved guns, backed trump and hated Pelosi or did you guys sneak someone else in there.
And Saccone campaigned for gun control, hated Trump and loves Nancy? Didn't think so, voters didn't chose the republican, it's very weak spin that falls apart under any basic scrutiny.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
now you're getting off topic ...again. Conor lamb was against any additional gun control . that is a republican position and an important position to take in southwest pa.

Conor Lamb, a Democratic candidate, warns against new gun laws
So desperate, not all candidates fully agree with the national party, that doesn't mean they are running as the opposition. Trump ran against free trade, a hallmark position of Republicans for decades, that doesn't mean he ran as a democrat.