Action Was Reckless - Tulsi Gabbard

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says she is ‘seriously considering’ a 2020 White House bid

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), who has made recent trips to Iowa and New Hampshire, confirmed Wednesday night that she is “seriously considering” a 2020 White House bid.

Gabbard, 37, considered a rising star in the Democratic Party, was one of the first female combat veterans to join Congress and was a high-profile supporter of the 2016 presidential bid of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

During an appearance Wednesday night on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” Gabbard was asked if she is planning to run for president, “I’m seriously considering it,” Gabbard said, adding: “I’m concerned about the direction of the country.”

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I’ve recently discovered Tulsi Gabbard, Representative for Hawaii and US Army Reserve Major. Sounds like she’s running. Young, attractive, intelligent and eloquent to boot. Would vote for her over any Democrat that’s expressed interest in a 2020 Presidential run so far.

Here she is on Joe Rogan’s podcast a few months ago. Can skip around and get a feel for how she presents.

I agree with you


Well-Known Member
I agree with you
Today we see a bunch of tired old Democratic governors kissing up to Wall Street bankers. Please spare me. I'll take my chances with a young, impressive and decidedly different Tulsi Gabbard. Keep in mind something. Barack Obama'a ascension to the presidency was driven to a considerable degree by the fact that he was young by presidential standards (47) and he was different. Nothing exceptional just a welcome change from what the parties had been offering us.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Today we see a bunch of tired old Democratic governors kissing up to Wall Street bankers. Please spare me. I'll take my chances with a young, impressive and decidedly different Tulsi Gabbard. Keep in mind something. Barack Obama'a ascension to the presidency was driven to a considerable degree by the fact that he was young by presidential standards (47) and he was different. Nothing exceptional just a welcome change from what the parties had been offering us.
I started this thread when I identified Tulsi as a possible future President of the USA.
On the drugs a bit early today aren't you?


Well-Known Member
I started this thread when I identified Tulsi as a possible future President of the USA.
On the drugs a bit early today aren't you?
Go back and read what I said. I said that I'll take my chances with Tulsi Gabbard over another long in the tooth governor whose time has come and gone.


Well-Known Member
Tulsi Gabbard will not be on the national Democratic ticket at any time soon. She is an Assad apologist.
Trump's decision to bail out of Syria is undeniably a surrender of Syria to Assad and his Russian backers and his refusal to stand up to the Saudi's for their murder of Jamal Khashoggi is a clear appeasement. So what is Trump doing that's any better or different.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Trump's decision to bail out of Syria is undeniably a surrender of Syria to Assad and his Russian backers and his refusal to stand up to the Saudi's for their murder of Jamal Khashoggi is a clear appeasement. So what is Trump doing that's any better or different.
I don’t get why a Jew Hater is concerned about Syria, Iran and the nothing burger Ruskies gaining power in the Middle East.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Tulsi Gabbard will not be on the national Democratic ticket at any time soon. She is an Assad apologist.

It is strange that she can meet with Assad on one hand, and accuse Trump of being Saudi Arabia's bitch on the other.

If somebody like her believes the US shouldn't be involved in regime change, fair enough. But when they go visit the regime and then cast doubt on actions it's been accused of, that's a whole different thing.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
It is strange that she can meet with Assad on one hand, and accuse Trump of being Saudi Arabia's bitch on the other.

If somebody like her believes the US shouldn't be involved in regime change, fair enough. But when they go visit the regime and then cast doubt on actions it's been accused of, that's a whole different thing.
She learned it from Kerry and Carter.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
She learned it from Kerry and Carter.

The Democrats don't exactly have a monopoly on meeting with the bad guys.


Rumsfeld and Hussein

8 Republican Congress members and the Russians Just Last Year



Well-Known Member
I don’t get why a Jew Hater is concerned about Syria, Iran and the nothing burger Ruskies gaining power in the Middle East.
If a person who finds Israel's boorish behavior toward it's Arab neighbors disdainful is in your opinion a Jew hater then chances are there are more Jew haters out there than you realize. As for the "nothing burger Ruskies". Tell that to Crimea Ukraine and Syria. Now what does Putin want with Syria? Simple. It's home to the only remaining naval base he has in the region What does he want with Crimea and Ukraine? Again simple. He has made it quite clear that he wants them and all of the Central European nations that were once part of the old Soviet Empire become part of a new Russian Empire and he's spending some big money on military hardware to back up his intentions.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
She still seems like a long shot. More of a fringe candidate that won't get enough support from the party insiders.

Doesn’t seem like as much of a long shot as Obama felt like in 2007. What parts of her platform would you consider to be fringe?


nowhere special
Doesn’t seem like as much of a long shot as Obama felt like in 2007. What parts of her platform would you consider to be fringe?
Its not her policies but who she is. And isn't. Delegates go to who the party picks. Not what the people want. Just like with Hillary.


Well-Known Member
Trump's decision to bail out of Syria is undeniably a surrender of Syria to Assad and his Russian backers and his refusal to stand up to the Saudi's for their murder of Jamal Khashoggi is a clear appeasement. So what is Trump doing that's any better or different.
It's called mission creep, going in for one reason then sticking around, expanding the scope of the mission. Trump went in, not Obama. Trump says he accomplished what he wanted to, time to go. A refreshing change.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Its not her policies but who she is. And isn't. Delegates go to who the party picks. Not what the people want. Just like with Hillary.

It could theoretically work that way, but have Democratic delegates ever overridden the will of primary voters? Didn’t happen for Hillary in 2008.