Ahmaud Arbery's killers all found guilty of Murder


All Trash No Trailer
Well, I know this is hard, but.....

Thieves are bad people. Thieves who die trying to kill good people are bad people.

You following?
The video of him in the home showed he didnt steal anything, nice try. Even of he had stolen from the house it certainly doesn;t give these cretins the right to chase him down and shoot him in the street.
One very good thing is that these men will be in ADSEG until they die: 23 hours a day spent in a cage.


All Trash No Trailer
He walked into a house under construction to shoplift?
the video showed he didnt steal anything. LOTS of folks had been in and out of that house. Why weren't the White Folks chased down and murdered? I mean we KNOW why , it's very clear but why do you think the White Folk weren't chased down?

the video showed he didnt steal anything. LOTS of folks had been in and out of that house. Why weren't the White Folks chased down and murdered? I mean we KNOW why , it's very clear but why do you think the White Folk weren't chased down?

It sounded like the house had been under construction for several years with a multitude of people walking through it. No windows or doors.


Well-Known Member
the video showed he didnt steal anything. LOTS of folks had been in and out of that house. Why weren't the White Folks chased down and murdered? I mean we KNOW why , it's very clear but why do you think the White Folk weren't chased down?

White people weren't the thieves.