Air Driver Seniority

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
It is one thing to shuttle a misload out to a driver. Another to pull 25 resi's or business stops and deliver. Or transfer a drivers regular pick up's to you. Yeah, top driver pay and the boss is happy to pay it. Pick your battles.


Well-Known Member
It is one thing to shuttle a misload out to a driver. Another to pull 25 resi's or business stops and deliver. Or transfer a drivers regular pick up's to you. Yeah, top driver pay and the boss is happy to pay it. Pick your battles.

I get used and abused for mere morsels. I am picking my battle.


Well-Known Member
OK, now, anytime a ground package is delivered or transported from center to center, driver to driver, etc. and I'm the person doing this, any package that is driven/delivered by me counts as a day correct?

Are you a Sat air Driver ???? When your not delivering Air what do you do. Do you deliver Air sometimes M-friend. When you shuttle ground M-friend do you also deliver Air or any ground piece or do you just shuttle the ground packages ???? Different scenarios would impact how mush you would get paid for any given day.


Well-Known Member
Are you a Sat air Driver ???? When your not delivering Air what do you do. Do you deliver Air sometimes M-friend. When you shuttle ground M-friend do you also deliver Air or any ground piece or do you just shuttle the ground packages ???? Different scenarios would impact how mush you would get paid for any given day.

I dont think there's a contractual difference with exception air vs saturday air, as far as how the top-wage penalty is applied. Im an exception-air driver and have recieved the penalty pay many times for delivering ground packages.

But im pretty sure that contract language does NOT include shuttling ground packages, only delivering or picking up ground packages. My shop steward told me that the only times I would be eligible for top ground driving wages is if I make a diad scan on the package, meaning I would have to be delivering or picking up the ground package.


Well-Known Member
No difference between Saturday Air drivers and regular PT bid air drivers. Both get same rate, both are air drivers. A Saturday air driver who already completed progression, does not have to start all over again if they do a M-friend air driving job.

Drink Craft Beer

Well-Known Member
As a pre-loader, I have a question. Is a FT Air Driver allowed or can made to do pre-load work once he gets back to the Hub? Everyday they have the Air Driver dump forever bags (that is 95% ground) and he spa's / scans those packages. Even if one of the doors is open for him to pull up on, they continue having him do pre-load work until they want him to un-load the air.

It wasn;t like that until about 5yrs ago. I was under the assumption that FT air drivers wasn't allowed to do ground pre-load work. They send a pre-loader home while he stays so he can do that pre-loaders work.

Is he allowed to do that pre-load work?

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
All of our FT Air drivers are article 22.3's. Work preload and then deliver NDA for their 8 hours. Have two that work for PE sweeping the floor and PM air letter PU route.