almost 10 yrs-retirement benefits??


New Member
I fell upon this site researching information for my dad. If anyone could help me out, I would really appreciate it. My dad worked for UPS full time for almost 10 years (1965 to 1975). He had to leave 2 months before his 10 year annivesary. I am helping him with a letter to inquire about any benefits or pension, but I do not have a contact name at 55 Glenlake Parkway, NE. Does anyone have any information or advice for my situation?? Does anyone even know if he is entitled to any benefits at all??

I would appreciate any information that could help out my dad. Thanks for your time.


Well-Known Member
Was he hourly or management??..Hourly would have to contact his local union, management would contact Retiree Relations in Glen Lake.


Well-Known Member
Have no names to give. You could call the UPS 800 number and try to find out who and where. I would address it to Human Resources in Atlanta with all the info you have (ie) ssn, employee number, etc, years of service, location(s), etc.


Well-Known Member
I am sure the union local will tell you, that your father back then(1965-1975) needed ten years to become vested. Looks like your dad missed it by a few months. But, you can try anyway.


Well-Known Member
I am sure the union local will tell you, that your father back then(1965-1975) needed ten years to become vested. Looks like your dad missed it by a few months. But, you can try anyway.


Retired 23 years
I agree with ups79. I had a friend that quit 4 months prior to reaching 10 years to make it rich selling bathtub liners. Needless to say he has kicked himself in the butt many times for that decision.


New Member
Thanks for the feedback. I know my dad is kicking himself now, too. We are going to send the letter and see what happens. Thanks again.


. . . He had to leave 2 months before his 10 year annivesary. . . .

Usually it's a lot easier to get a year of Vesting Service, than a year of Pension Credit. Vesting guarantees you a pension when you retire, Pension Credits determine how much that retirement amount will be, and whether you can begin collecting earlier than age 65 or so. If a year of Vesting Service requires only, say, 750 hours, then your father might have earned ten years Vesting Service without realizing it. Get a copy of the Summary Plan Description (SPD) from Human Resources or the Fund Administrator of the plan. It's all explained there. Good luck.