I had a safety ride with my superviser on friday. He is a pretty good friend of
mine so it was not very painful. I was able to get off at 11:30am.
How cool is that. There is nothing better than going to work and finding out that you can go home once your there.
Driving away is like bliss.
Even though i need some more money, i cant turn down a day off.
I just look at it as one less day that im not going to get injured.
One more day that i have to spend with my mutt....and my best gal.
My best gal is pretty cool though. Even though i met her on my route.
I try to make it a point not to date girls on my route, but sometimes its unavoidable.
Problem is, though is that when you break up with her you still have to see her everyday. I have been trying to break this habit, but damn!, its hard not flirting withe some girls.
It is not a good scene.
I know ive gotten off subject but thats the truth......
NEVER date a girl on your route..
They turn out to be psycho, retarded immature people,
This is a pro tip.
nobody wants a girl crying into her salad at lunch because mr. Brown could not give her what she wants.