America the Beautiful


Well-Known Member
You said all I need to hear with this post.
You like to make things up as you go along, anything that suit's your needs.

You must have been educated in the same era as those people.
Our Constitution has inspired no constitution, beyond Liberia 1847.
It was suspended in 1980.

You are as uneducated as the clowns in the video.
Bold statement wasn't that?
I stand by it.
Wrong. Read "American Constitutionalism Heard Round the World, 1776-1989."

Poop Head

Judge me.
I clicked the link after my initial post.

No answer to pick a better country.

Not that the answers would be different from college males but each of these Marxists were female, ungrateful sponges. Rescind their right to vote until they have some skin in the game.

I roll like that.
I love you


Well-Known Member
I'm correct.
You need to cite any constitution beyond Liberia 1847 that comes remotely close to ours.

Show off your education.
I gave you a book, but that's kind of a cop out, so here's a much simpler article that summarizes it. Influence of the American Constitution Abroad |

You're saying America is great because of its constitution, which had no influence on the freedoms in the rest of the world, and I'm saying, no, America is great because of our spirit and ingenuity that created the constitution, which is great because its influence led to freedoms in the rest of the world, too. This is one of the most pointless and pedantic arguments I've ever had lol I'm gonna go have a beer


Well-Known Member

Every time I hear this song it brings tears to my eyes. I’m proud to be an American. Does she have her flaws and is not perfect? Yes. But our country has been a beacon for the world for many years, regardless. People die every day to try to get here from other countries. Most of them come to start a new life with the advantages afforded here that are unavailable from where they came. Others come here for the freedoms we take for granted. Freedoms that over a million Americans and want to be Americans have died for, and many, many others fought for. Saying that, it makes me so sad to read an article like this. It also scares me. Despite the struggles that our country has gone through from within or without, the one thing that always brought us back together was our patriotism and love for this country and what it stands for. What will happen down the road when all these Americans are ashamed to be Americans?

This stuff really doesn't matter. America has been a quasi democracy for like 50 years. It was dead broke during most of the 1930's with mass suffering and only pulled out of that by massive government spending and the destruction of Europe to become number 1. So we have been the number 1 economic power for what like 80 years. In terms of history, that's not that long. What I mean is America has to reinvest in it's citizens again, that's what we can do to show we love America, love the American people by helping them.


Well-Known Member
I gave you a book, but that's kind of a cop out, so here's a much simpler article that summarizes it. Influence of the American Constitution Abroad |

You're saying America is great because of its constitution, which had no influence on the freedoms in the rest of the world, and I'm saying, no, America is great because of our spirit and ingenuity that created the constitution, which is great because its influence led to freedoms in the rest of the world, too. This is one of the most pointless and pedantic arguments I've ever had lol I'm gonna go have a beer
No, I'm not saying anything of the sort.
My claim is our rights (freedoms), the Bill of Rights are based on rights from our Creator, other countries "rights" are based on the will of the people, government grantor of rights.
I stand by what I said, irrespective of any
citation you may offer. Our constitution may have been looked at in crafting's but none come close enough to even resemble what we have.

Precisely why the left attacks and tries to change, in unconstitutional methods, our superior document (s).

Enjoy your beer. :thumbup1:
This stuff really doesn't matter. America has been a quasi democracy for like 50 years. It was dead broke during most of the 1930's with mass suffering and only pulled out of that by massive government spending and the destruction of Europe to become number 1. So we have been the number 1 economic power for what like 80 years. In terms of history, that's not that long. What I mean is America has to reinvest in it's citizens again, that's what we can do to show we love America, love the American people by helping them.
We have never been a democracy.
America cannot invest in it's citizens, the government has only what it takes from it's citizens. The money it prints without backing leads only to devaluation, through inflation of legitimate commerce.


Inordinately Right
How many “commies” have grown into titans of industry? How many fascists have stood beside their neighbors enjoying the greatest freedoms citizens have ever known while shouting for the stripping of another’s freedoms?
Great Americans have fought back against that. Stupid POS left wingers are gaslighting by pretending radicals on the left aren't a problem.

Carry on homie.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
May the Flag stand tall and proud today to the bane of libs everywhere!

Time to go shoot some union-made, American guns.