America's friend Rick Perry at it again


You guys always forget those special 2 years right after 'O' was elected when you controlled all 3 parts of the equation and did nothing but cram a health bill down American's throats. Jobs & budget were nowhere on the agenda.
How many times do I have to tell you that I do not vote and I am not a democrat. "you guys" is so damn simple minded and goes to show you are just clearly trying to troll people with your crappy politics. So no, I don't buy into any of the crappy politics that Americans buy into. I just call it as I see it and I hope everyone has the ability to also think for themselves some day.
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Oh get over yourself, it's a freakin discussion forum. Any thread that has Rick Perry's name on it is open to any post with that name attached. Keep acting like a spoiled brat that has to have everything your way, yea that'll work out for ya. Even the "candidates other than 0bama" thread would accommodate your little Perry bashing party.

So are you saying that the republican party has been in full control of the WH and the legislature for 30 years? At no time was democrats in control of both house and senate with a setting democrat in the WH? Is that seriously what you are claiming?

Apparently you are just too concerned with making a stand on an issue than actually reading it.

"however it is not time to take full responsibility for mostly 30 years of Republican setting the U.S. up to fail."

That word in bold is called a qualifier.
: one that qualifies: as
a : one that satisfies requirements or meets a specified standard
b : a word (as an adjective) or word group that limits or modifies the meaning of another word (as a noun) or word group

I'll assume you simply read my post too quickly to pick up on that important small detail. Otherwise I'll assuming you are a troll like moreluck.
Apparently you are just too concerned with making a stand on an issue than actually reading it.

"however it is not time to take full responsibility for mostly 30 years of Republican setting the U.S. up to fail."

That word in bold is called a qualifier.
: one that qualifies: as
a : one that satisfies requirements or meets a specified standard
b : a word (as an adjective) or word group that limits or modifies the meaning of another word (as a noun) or word group

I'll assume you simply read my post too quickly to pick up on that important small detail. Otherwise I'll assuming you are a troll like moreluck.

You say you don't vote, you aren't a democrat and yet you fall in lockstep with the democrats in ideology and methodology. You have recently became very political on this threads for someone without a committed voice. As a relatively newcomer to "Current Affairs", you've talked trash about republicans, TEA party members and just about anything on the right side of the isle while claiming no affiliation. Yet, now you are calling two posters that are almost daily contributors trolls? As I said get over yourself, and then your self assessed non-partisanship and at least admit what you are.

Throwing in weak "qualifier" words in outrageous claims doesn't release you for the burden of substantiation. How many of the "mostly 30 years" were the republicans actually in full control?



You say you don't vote, you aren't a democrat and yet you fall in lockstep with the democrats in ideology and methodology. You have recently became very political on this threads for someone without a committed voice. As a relatively newcomer to "Current Affairs", you've talked trash about republicans, TEA party members and just about anything on the right side of the isle while claiming no affiliation. Yet, now you are calling two posters that are almost daily contributors trolls? As I said get over yourself, and then your self assessed non-partisanship and at least admit what you are.

Throwing in weak "qualifier" words in outrageous claims doesn't release you for the burden of substantiation. How many of the "mostly 30 years" were the republicans actually in full control?
Why does everyone have to be painted Democrat or Republican? Are you really that simple? annoying


golden ticket member
People who laugh at voting lose huge points when arguing their opinions if they don't vote. It comes down to "put your vote where your mouth is".
Why does everyone have to be painted Democrat or Republican? Are you really that simple? annoying
Maybe you need to read the post before commenting? I didn't say you were a democrat, rather that you follow the democrat mantra.
So you don't vote because you don't feel any of the candidates are worthy of your time and trouble to cast a ballot ? Is that correct? If that is the case, why do you come on these threads to discuss politics? Clearly you aren't going to be happy with anyone that becomes president or senator, or representative so either your agruments are for argument sake because it doesn't matter who is elected or your are trying to hide something.


Maybe you need to read the post before commenting? I didn't say you were a democrat, rather that you follow the democrat mantra.
So you don't vote because you don't feel any of the candidates are worthy of your time and trouble to cast a ballot ? Is that correct? If that is the case, why do you come on these threads to discuss politics? Clearly you aren't going to be happy with anyone that becomes president or senator, or representative so either your agruments are for argument sake because it doesn't matter who is elected or your are trying to hide something.
When a good candidate comes along that I agree with to *at least* 70-80% of their ideologies, I will vote. I don't vote when the two candidates are clearly corporate phonies who could care less about society ( Bush, Obama, etc)

I don't follow a Democrat mantra at all...I think you are just confusing my posts with reducing the clear and frankly insane winger Republican bias that I read on this forum.

I post my opinions to hopefully expose or debunk the crap and lies that both sides come up with. Since it seems (in this forum) the conservative side seems to throw the most crap and lies out there, and well completely insanity (Moreluck) I try to debunk that the most often. If it were democrats and Obamanites on here spewing the lies, I'd probably try to debunk them, but they don't seem too extreme.

Overall ,I don't see any viable left libertarian candidates coming into any major elections anytime soon, aside a solid grassroots movement in coming years, that will never happen in this country.


golden ticket member
"..................If it were democrats and Obamanites on here spewing the lies,.............." (sleeve)

Oh no, that never occurs! No, never. Keep those blinders on.


"..................If it were democrats and Obamanites on here spewing the lies,.............." (sleeve)

Oh no, that never occurs! No, never. Keep those blinders on.

There are many questionable things being said by the left at times. No doubt. However, the rights lies doublespeak and etc are so oversimplifed and dumbed down, esp "your girl" Bachmann and "trps boy" Perry, it's hard not to debunk and treat them like the greedy, racist fools they are.


golden ticket member
There are many questionable things being said by the left at times. No doubt. However, the rights lies doublespeak and etc are so oversimplifed and dumbed down, esp "your girl" Bachmann and "trps boy" Perry, it's hard not to debunk and treat them like the greedy, racist fools they are.

Between you & Klein, what do I have to do to get it through the thick skulls....I am not, nor have I ever been wanting Bachmann for president. I did say several times that as a woman I think she deserves more respect than the name calling she gets.....much like Palin. They both get blasted severely. So, don't be saying Michelle is "my girl"............I haven't
made my choice yet.

Oh, I forgot to address "racist fools"....are you sure you didn't mean Maxine Waters & Rep. Wilson when you said that?


Strength through joy
like moreluck, I too have not endorsed anyone. ( except Col West, who is not in the race )
Yet the kool-aid drinkers are hell bent to attack every one whom they think I would perhaps vote for.
I too have never mentioned which party I am , but again those same kool-aid drinkers automatically assume to much.


Well-Known Member
Isn't not voting a form of voting? If I don't use a product or service in the marketplace, as a consumer am I not in effect voting against the longterm interests and wellbeing of those products and services? What happens when everyone stops using a product or service? That product or service vastly changes before the last consumers depart or when the last customer walks out, off go the lights and they lock the doors for good. That's called real change!

My choices to not use these services or products also lead to economic harm and wellbeing to good, decent people in the process but yet no one cries harm or foul against me or other consumers when we makes such obvious draconian market decisions. Never heard anyway decry me for being un-human or even un-American. In fact, market choices like this are celebrated as the greatness of the American economic ideal. Why then am I denied, chastised or called out when I make market choices in the political marketplace when it comes to it's products and services it offers?

Is it because some got conned into buying lemons all these years? I use to buy lemons too, lots of them and of a specific variety and yet one day I realized that no matter how many lemons I bought and how often I bought them, nothing changed and I was always left with a very bad taste in my mouth. In some cases I even found myself hating other lemon consumers because I thought that their buying a different variety of lemon was the reason nothing worked out but then I looked close at their lemons too and realized their lemons really were exactly like my lemons. We both were eating the same lemons, having the same bad taste in our mouths and when we were done, neither of us were ever satisfied.

So as a smart consumer in the marketplace, should I actually buy a product that does me no good and in fact always leaves me dissatisfied and even still, leaves me in a worse condition after the fact? Am I denied an opinion or voice in the marketplace as to why I think that product or service doesn't measure up and if I think or know that another product on the market is better? But what happens if there is true market suppression of other market choices? But you know we have a free market so my thinking here is just delusional so therefore I should shut up and buy them lemons like everyone else.

What if IMO there existed no such product at all and therefore as a consumer I make other market choices to compensate or no choice at all, am I still denied the right of a voice especially if the product or service chosen by the masses greatly impacts my life regardless of my not choosing it?

When no candidate running meets the voter's expectations, beliefs, ideals, (the product or service doesn't measure up) is not voting for any of those candidates still a wrong? No, not voting is another way of saying "None of the above" or in the marketplace, "I'm not buying that today!"


Stick to your guns cause you are absolutely right. Besides, in all this voting back and forth, this candidate or that candidate, this party or that party, no matter what, everything just keeps getting worse and yet we have voters who close their eyes, shut their ears and tell me, "yeah it's bad but you just wait until our guy gets elected!"

I use to believe that nonsense too!

Like the "Sun Ray of Ra" the cracks in your nationstate mythology grow by the day!



Well-Known Member
The only thing can't make a change by not voting. You let others make the changes while you whittle.

If I'm not making a difference, if I and people like me are having no impact, then why does gov't launch large PR campaigns to get people like me to buy the product and service that they offer? Why the campaigns to try and get more people to vote? In 2008' only 60 something percent (132 mil out of 213 mil) of eligible voters actually voted but what begins to happen if that number drops down just under 50%, under 40%, then under 30%? What if 75% of the public did not vote at all, took no part in buying lemons, do you think they would remain a compliant herd capable of being herded at will where ever the elected taskmasters wanted to herd them or would people begin to self organize and like Nancy Reagan wanted us too and "Just Say NO!"?


golden ticket member
If I'm not making a difference, if I and people like me are having no impact, then why does gov't launch large PR campaigns to get people like me to buy the product and service that they offer? Why the campaigns to try and get more people to vote? In 2008' only 60 something percent (132 mil out of 213 mil) of eligible voters actually voted but what begins to happen if that number drops down just under 50%, under 40%, then under 30%? What if 75% of the public did not vote at all, took no part in buying lemons, do you think they would remain a compliant herd capable of being herded at will where ever the elected taskmasters wanted to herd them or would people begin to self organize and like Nancy Reagan wanted us too and "Just Say NO!"?

Let's see, if & when Obamacare takes one will have a choice. They will all be 'herded' and forced to buy a 'lemon' some don't want.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
There are many questionable things being said by the left at times. No doubt. However, the rights lies doublespeak and etc are so oversimplifed and dumbed down, esp "your girl" Bachmann and "trps boy" Perry, it's hard not to debunk and treat them like the greedy, racist fools they are.

Oh no he didnt...