Mar 1 2007, 07:40 PM
Post #56
Group: Members
Posts: 57
Joined: 11-November 04
Member No.: 4,147
Why won't APWA's 2 scab officers answer these questions, even when so called members ask?
1. How many members do they have? Won't tell, but the Teamsters do
2. How much money do they have at 150 bucks per member. Won't tell, but the Teamsters do
3. Where has the money been spent? Won't tell, but the Teamsters do
3. They claim to OWN 18 states. How do you OWN a state?
4. How do they get UPS to let them off work so much when others have to beg for a day off?
5. What happened when one of them was a day late coming back from one of their scam trips? If any other member had a second job and missed work, they would be fired immediately.
6. Why does one of these two spend nearly a half hour every day or so in the managers office with closed doors?
7. How can they be so naive as to tell people that they do not need a strike fund because they can TRUST UPS to treat them fairly? Smell a scam anyone?
8. Why is it that they are so close to the National Right to WOrk committee that they use one of their attorneys? Smell a Scam anyone? And one of their "supporters" in Ohio is a Right to work "activist".
9. Where is the constitution they claim to have?
10. How many people attended their National Convention in December? Funny they have not published that? Smell a scam anyone? Tell the truth Garland!! YOu are the Southern Regional Manager!! Along with being a laughing stock and embarrassment of the Houston area!!
11. Who introduced the APWA SCAM TWINS to the ANTI UNION ATTORNEY? Smell a Scam anyone?
12. Why do they say they do not need a Political Action COmmittee or PAC FUNDS? Because they can TRUST UPS?
13. Why when anyone goes to one of their ill attended meetings and asks questions, are they removed by the rent a cops that the TWINS employ? Garland, you were allowed to ask any quesitons you had at the Houston Teamsters meetings, why did you endorse a fellow Houston UPSer being removed from the meeting you held in Houston? Heck, when he was removed, the meeting was reduced by 7 percent in attendance...DO THE MATH
14. Why does one of the TWINS badmouth the Teamsters, saying they have done nothing for him, when in fact he was fired 3 times and 391 got him back to work.....Once for ironically running flat into the rear end of an overnite rig and totalling the UPS rig.....
They are advertising this last two weeks as their national kickoff. Here in Houston they got 28 cards out of 3 large centers. Long way from a kickoff, and Houston was reported by them to be one of their "owned cities" and 'areas' with a Southern REgional Manager for APWA residing in a rural center.
Why would they call their officers REGIONAL MANAGERS? Sure sounds like a UPS driven scheme.
These are just sample of the outlined scam these guys are running. It is fortunate that most UPS members are smart enough to recognize a MONEY SCHEME when they see one.
More Questions and No Answers.... Plus a gay theme song.... This gets funnier by the minute.