APWA presence across the country


Well-Known Member
Last week the good people of UPS Freight in Harrisburg, PA got to hear first hand the opportunities that an ALL UPS union could offer. APWA was well received, and authorization cards are being signed. From what I understand, the APWA will be in the midwest this upcoming week.

What are the issues being discussed in the different faciliities, Freight or Parcel, across the country? Any particular topics of concern being thrown about in the NorthEast versus the South versus the Mid-West, Plains, West Coast? Id be interested in hearing from other parts of the country on this. Good or bad, Id be interested in hearing them.


Well-Known Member
Meeting last week for freight went well in Ohio, I attended and there was a good crowd there with several people joining the APWA and signing cards, we are having small meetings here in Ohio and it is good to say, "OHIO is APWA country"!!!


adirondack man
Up here in the great northeast the vast majority are for the APWA or no union at all.The IBT doesn't stand a chance.


Down in South Florida we had tremendous interest in the handouts of the comparatives between IBT vs APWA. Seems like the information that is 100% accurate lets the people now whats going on !


Well-Known Member
you all need to do more back ground check of the apwa. i was at the hrs. meeting and i found it to be a joke. be real folks these guys cant produce what the are feeding us. state and fed employees dont get this in retirement and benifits. if dog rabbit thats the way it goes. THE APWA DONT HAVE THE MONEY TO SUPPORT THIS UNION. SO WHOS MONEY ARE THEY GOING TO USE..YOURS. THEY ARE LISTED AS A NON PROFIT IN THE STATE OF DEL. I WILL ASK HOW THEY WILL COVER CATASTROPHIC ILLNESS.


Well-Known Member
Going strong in Tennessee also. We had a meeting Sunday a week ago for our area centers. There were people from every center withing about 100 miles. The turnout was better than if it had been an IBT meeting. Several issues were discussed. The issues will be the same across the board. No seperate issues or contracts like across the country unlike the situation now, having several different contracts for different parts of the country. There will be ONE MASTER contract across the country.

The APWA has a strong presence in 27 states and they are continually bringing on others. Just because it hasn;t made it to your part of the country yet doesn't mean it won't. The APWA is not YET funded like the IBT. They are operating on the money right now JUST from memberships and small donations from it's members. ALL of it's representatives are UPS employees and have to work there regular shift everyday. They have to schedule meetings pretty much on the weekends. It started out with just 2 guys. Now there are several teams that are able to lighten the load in other parts of the country.

The best thing you can do now is SPREAD the word. Show them that the APWA IS for REAL and they are sincere in what they preach.

It's nice to see that about a 3rd of the posts on this forum are now some sort of APWA message or question. Keep it up guys, the more talk there is the quicker it will happen.


you all need to do more back ground check of the apwa. i was at the hrs. meeting and i found it to be a joke. be real folks these guys cant produce what the are feeding us. state and fed employees dont get this in retirement and benifits. if dog rabbit thats the way it goes. THE APWA DONT HAVE THE MONEY TO SUPPORT THIS UNION. SO WHOS MONEY ARE THEY GOING TO USE..YOURS. THEY ARE LISTED AS A NON PROFIT IN THE STATE OF DEL. I WILL ASK HOW THEY WILL COVER CATASTROPHIC ILLNESS.

Local 776 whats to worry if you think the APWA has no merit ? Why are the teamsters dogging the meetings where ever the teams go ? Lets see we (ups drviers) are only receiving part of what ups puts into the fund and if we don`t have to cover all the non-ups pensions. Teamsters can take care of that end we would end up with (lets see) 100% and renegotiate a better insurance plan hmmm ! Local it should be like any business - books should be open - no restrictions in New York area but down south there are work restrictions ? We pay them not vise a versa. Accountability !!!!!!! Like everybody says i can`t do 40 years in packages . Our company puts in the most $ and we get the least amounts ! Thats why the APWA have surfaced because the people want a better deal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The APWA is offering alot on speculation. Who's to say that they run out the Teamsters and claim to be the workers new bargaining unit and the company does'nt recognize them as such. WE'RE SCREWED!!! Alot of drivers that are covered under Central States Pension plan are not aware that the Pension benefits were just increased. Look in Teamwork magazine "Summer 2006", page 12. Having an all UPS Union sounds great but we would also be a single employer pension fund and if UPS ever went belly up we'd end up with little. Oh, you say that could never happen. That's what my father thought when he worked for Brannif Airlines and now he draws 20 cents on the dollar for his retirement. What we have now might not be the best but considering the alternative I think I'll stay Teamster.


New Member
I just hope the smart drivers look at the whole pic of APWA. All their big offers are just speculation. They assume that enough people will jump onboard to vote the Teamsters out and APWA will become our barganing agent. This will only divide and let the company gain power. They assume that they will get a certain return on money invested for your Pension. What if investments go sour? They assume that they can get better medical benefits while medical costs are skyrocketting. They assume that we will believe their "pie in the sky" great representation. Don't let them make an "ASS" out of "U" and "Me". Stick with the Teamsters and if you don't like their benifits or representation '"DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!! DON'T CUT AND RUN!!!

P.S. Those covered by Central States have just had their Pension Benefits increased. (Teamworks mag "Summer 2006, page 12)


Well-Known Member
Those covered by Central States have just had their Pension Benefits increased. (Teamworks mag "Summer 2006, page 12)

You're misleading everyone on that "increase". Here's a quote from the Leedham debate where Leedham called yall out on it.

They're not being straight with Teamster members. In fact, this just came out from Teamworks. It's a newsletter from Central States, and in it it indicates participantswith national contracts receive a 43 percent combined increase, but in the small print, it tells you that you have to work another 30 years from today. So if you make it to 2036, you might see an increased benefit

And he's correct. Look at that table and at the bottom is a some small print saying amounts based on contribution years earned after 2006.... So if you can work another 30 years, then you might get to enjoy those benefit increases. How big of a supply of BenGay do you have?
They assume that enough people will jump onboard to vote the Teamsters out and APWA will become our barganing agent. This will only divide and let the company gain power. They assume that they will get a certain return on money invested for your Pension. What if investments go sour? They assume that they can get better medical benefits while medical costs are skyrocketting. They assume that we will believe their "pie in the sky" great representation....DON'T CUT AND RUN!!!
The only division here would be the one where IBT's cash flow gets divided in half after they lose their largest member whose back they have been riding the past 15years. And you attack market speculation as "assuming" as if its some risky, wild new idea. IBT 'assumes' that the market will perform well when they invest our money. The rest of the free world 'assumes' that the market will perform well when they invest their money. So how is this such a risky endeavor if THE REST OF THE FREE ENTERPRISE WORLD is doing it? And from the benefits we're getting now, any change would be an improvement. And the medical benefits aren't assumptions. These are actual bids that have been placed by insurance companies who are courting the APWA. You think the Van and Danny pulled these insurance claims out of their ass? After evaluating the benefit proposals of several insurance companies, the best offer was accepted and was posted on the website. Not much assumption there. And if healthcare cost do skyrocket, these increases would be felt by IBT also, so increased cost of healthcare would not be a problem isolated to APWA members. Pie in the sky representation? Currently the Teamster BA have to provide services for 1.4 million people. APWA BA would have to provide services to approximately 250,000 UPS employees.

Which business agent is going to have more time to spend at my hub or barn? The IBT business agent who has to take care of 5 times the number of members at multiple workcites or the APWA business agent who has fewer members located at one employer? Think about that....


Well-Known Member
Those covered by Central States have just had their Pension Benefits increased. (Teamworks mag "Summer 2006, page 12)

You're misleading everyone on that "increase". Here's a quote from the Leedham debate where Leedham called yall out on it.

They're not being straight with Teamster members. In fact, this just came out from Teamworks. It's a newsletter from Central States, and in it it indicates participantswith national contracts receive a 43 percent combined increase, but in the small print, it tells you that you have to work another 30 years from today. So if you make it to 2036, you might see an increased benefit

And he's correct. Look at that table and at the bottom is some small print saying amounts based on contribution years earned after 2006.... So if you can work another 30 years, then you might get to enjoy those benefit increases. How big of a supply of BenGay do you have?
They assume that enough people will jump onboard to vote the Teamsters out and APWA will become our barganing agent. This will only divide and let the company gain power. They assume that they will get a certain return on money invested for your Pension. What if investments go sour? They assume that they can get better medical benefits while medical costs are skyrocketting. They assume that we will believe their "pie in the sky" great representation....DON'T CUT AND RUN!!!
The only division here would be the one where IBT's cash flow gets divided in half after they lose their largest member whose back they have been riding the past 15years. And you attack market speculation as "assuming" as if its some risky, wild new idea. IBT 'assumes' that the market will perform well when they invest our money. The rest of the free world 'assumes' that the market will perform well when they invest their money. So how is this such a risky endeavor if THE REST OF THE FREE ENTERPRISE WORLD is doing it? And from the benefits we're getting now, any change would be an improvement. And the medical benefits aren't assumptions. These are actual bids that have been placed by insurance companies who are courting the APWA. You think the Van and Danny pulled these insurance claims out of their ass? After evaluating the benefit proposals of several insurance companies, the best offer was accepted and was posted on the website. Not much assumption there. And if healthcare cost do skyrocket, these increases would be felt by IBT also, so increased cost of healthcare would not be a problem isolated to APWA members. Pie in the sky representation? Currently the Teamster BA have to provide services for 1.4 million people. APWA BA would have to provide services to approximately 250,000 UPS employees.

Which business agent is going to have more time to spend at my hub or barn? The IBT business agent who has to take care of 5 times the number of members at multiple workcites or the APWA business agent who has fewer members located at one employer? Think about that....


Well-Known Member
you all need to do more back ground check of the apwa. i was at the hrs. meeting and i found it to be a joke. be real folks these guys cant produce what the are feeding us. state and fed employees dont get this in retirement and benifits. if dog rabbit thats the way it goes. THE APWA DONT HAVE THE MONEY TO SUPPORT THIS UNION. SO WHOS MONEY ARE THEY GOING TO USE..YOURS. THEY ARE LISTED AS A NON PROFIT IN THE STATE OF DEL. I WILL ASK HOW THEY WILL COVER CATASTROPHIC ILLNESS.
My union dues will go to APWA, just like IBT but they will be less and put to better use. As far as any illness, they are a union not a insurance co. Come on, you can do better than that.:wink:


Well-Known Member
What are the issues being discussed in the different faciliities, Freight or Parcel, across the country? Any particular topics of concern being thrown about in the NorthEast versus the South versus the Mid-West, Plains, West Coast? Id be interested in hearing from other parts of the country on this. Good or bad, Id be interested in hearing them.

Yes, we are interested in knowing the current financial status of the APWA and would like a list of all its major financial backers. Also, we were aware that the APWA has a union busting lawyer it employs and would like to know the status of its search for a replacement. Finally, could you please furnish me a list of all the companies the APWA has signed labor contracts with so I can see for myself just how well this union works.



Industrial Slob
AWPA reminds me of fascist/communist regimes. People feel they have it bad, someone comes up with a quick and easy solution, people feed on to it, people vote it in, things go ok, give it 5-10 years, and everything goes to crap. I'll be back in 2016 to judge this.

If we want a regime change, I say we put it in the hands of another established union, not a rogue union run by a freight driver from NC with no financial or budget experience.

The grass is not always greener on the other side.


adirondack man
AWPA reminds me of fascist/communist regimes. People feel they have it bad, someone comes up with a quick and easy solution, people feed on to it, people vote it in, things go ok, give it 5-10 years, and everything goes to crap. I'll be back in 2016 to judge this.

If we want a regime change, I say we put it in the hands of another established union, not a rogue union run by a freight driver from NC with no financial or budget experience.

The grass is not always greener on the other side.
The most successfull people in life take chances.You are so uninformed that you think they are from the frieght side they are feeder drivers who have been sh-t on for the last time by the corrupt under funded lies,back peddleing so called brotherhood of a union.The IBT sucks and your not smart enough to see it .You spill all kinds of garbage from your mouth but by reading what you post you can tell you don't no anything about the APWA.Get the facts then post why your at it keep an eye on the IBT as IM sure all the new contract will go in the favor of UPS not the employess that the corrupt IBT union represents.Get ready for more give backs.


adirondack man
Yes, we are interested in knowing the current financial status of the APWA and would like a list of all its major financial backers. Also, we were aware that the APWA has a union busting lawyer it employs and would like to know the status of its search for a replacement. Finally, could you please furnish me a list of all the companies the APWA has signed labor contracts with so I can see for myself just how well this union works.

So when you joined the teamsters you new the financial status?If you did you made a big mistake fore the IBT is just as broken as social security.I think you would be better off playing the long shot in the Kentucky Derby.SMARTEN UP FOOL.:lol:


Well-Known Member
So when you joined the teamsters you new the financial status?If you did you made a big mistake fore the IBT is just as broken as social security.I think you would be better off playing the long shot in the Kentucky Derby.SMARTEN UP FOOL.:lol:

What a great organization! When I ask legitimate questions I get ridiculed! Where do I sign up!?!?!?!?


adirondack man
What a great organization! When I ask legitimate questions I get ridiculed! Where do I sign up!?!?!?!?
All you have to do is pick up the phone and call van or danny they will answer all of your questions.the numbers are on the web site Parcelworkers - A NEW LOOK! WHAT MAKES THIS UNION LOOK DIFFERENT''. Don't be afraid they won't turn you into the IBT.Or attend a meeting they will tell you where the next meeting is going to be held.Then call the IBT and ask how the contract talks are going let me know what answer you get.


Industrial Slob
The most successfull people in life take chances.You are so uninformed that you think they are from the frieght side they are feeder drivers who have been sh-t on for the last time by the corrupt under funded lies,back peddleing so called brotherhood of a union.The IBT sucks and your not smart enough to see it .You spill all kinds of garbage from your mouth but by reading what you post you can tell you don't no anything about the APWA.Get the facts then post why your at it keep an eye on the IBT as IM sure all the new contract will go in the favor of UPS not the employess that the corrupt IBT union represents.Get ready for more give backs.
All I said was that the APWA is a rogue union IMO, and rogue unions never tend to last IMO.
Check out the AMFA and what they did to NWA mechanics.
And isn't the APWA the idea of some feeder driver from NC? If I'm so wrong, why don't you PROVE me wrong and present the CORRECT FACTS instead of NAME CALLING? That may win you some votes.

I like how you confront me violently, you're a great ambassador and I'll be sure to vote for the APWA.

Oh, and I never said the IBT was a good union, either. I think you read my posts rather than plugging your ears and yelling "AHHLALALALALA", you would have seen that


adirondack man
When did I dispute any facts, or present any facts?

All I said was that the APWA is a rogue union IMO, and rogue unions never tend to last IMO.
Check out the AMFA and what they did to NWA mechanics.

I like how you confront me violently, you're a great ambassador and I'll be sure to vote for the APWA.

Oh, and I never said the IBT was a good union, either. I think you read my posts rather than plugging your ears and yelling "AHHLALALALALA", you would have seen that
Well i suggest you look up the deffinition of rogue.It's ashame that you would trust the current lieing,corrupt bullsh-t union and won't support two of your own who are trying to make changes for the long term because they know what its line to be an eployee for UPS and know that you bust your but for this company and you deserve better than what the IBT is getting for your dollar.:thumbup1: