Avoidable runaway


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Ninja method is when you put the truck in park and pull ebrake at the same time

Mothership is something we use in our ysrd for unloading

U brownie drivers ever heard of these terms???

I usually deploy the parking brake before I shift to park... so the weight of the vehicle is held with the brake, not by the transmission.

As for mother ship... I'm trying to Google that term too with no success


Well-Known Member
Ive been with the company 6 years and driving for 8 months ft 3months was recently discharged for avoidable runaway i was nosed in driveway because i was on a new route and was about to pass the house and turned in the driveway i put truck in 1st pulled e-brake as i was completing the stop the truck was rolling i ran off the porch and jumped in the truck applied the brakes truck still tapped the car notified the center manager he comes out to the scene slapping the ebrake with 2 fingers and talking to me like im a child or something i then retaliated with a few words of my own i went to intergrad school driving automatic trucks i dont know anything about tightening an ebrake and niether does the last 50 or so drivers that came from driving school only ones who know are the drivers that came up driving manual shift before the automatics were implemented the mechainic told them the ebrake was a wet noodle when he arrived to the scene i was honest through the whole process and was still discharged went to local same story discharge upheld and the company threw in a few lies to keep me fired the following week i went to panel in florida where i found out my name was forged on the paperwork the company used to to discharge me and the union couldnt win tgat case we had a lady with an rollaway hit the mothership while employees is on it got 3 weeks suspension a cardinal is a cardinal right we had a guy had 3 accidents and lied until he got caught red handed still got his job they swinging the part time and full time how they want im not a troubled employee so if a pter commit a cardinal how are the getting their job back when you commit a cardinal it dosent seperate the two in the contract book
I asked Siri to read this to me and she replied "You're joking right"?


Well-Known Member
U brownie drivers ever heard of these terms???

I usually deploy the parking brake before I shift to park... so the weight of the vehicle is held with the brake, not by the transmission.

As for mother ship... I'm trying to Google that term too with no success
The mothership is a term they use for the unload at my center thats all i know they've been calling it that since i hot hired


cap'n crunch
What's that thing beside my left knee? It bends in the middle and has a checkered grip on the end that twists. We didn't go over that in Intergrad, so it must not be important. I could ask someone what it is, but since I've been here 6 years, I know everything. I'll just ignore it all day and see what happens. Oh, :censored3:.


KTM rider
Ok.. but someone does the samething hits the mothership with people on it gets 3 weeks suspension thats it i thought we were under the same contract.. we in the same building right. She said she secured her truck but it rolled in the yard and hit an occupied object still continuing her career so break that down for me

You got mouthy to the person that was making the firing decision. You burned your bridge before you crossed it.

Unless you learned something from this, you will continue to be your own worst enemy. Judging by your replies here, I see no change.


Wha?! I snap that bugger down every time

I'm sure he's right, but since it's an end-range motion who's gonna baby it 150 times a day? Also, when tightened properly that lever has a kick on release.

Our mechanics have a bad habit of suggesting that we buy and carry tools for on-road repairs. Yesterday I pulled into the shop bay; cargo door cables had snapped on the old p12 I was driving. Luckily happened at my last rear door stop, and it even got me out of a heavy skim because after lifting the door and loading a few pkgs, the damn thing rolled and slammed with a heavy thud behind me. Last time I'll do that! Mechanic told me to "think about getting a cheap pair of vise grips" so that "next time" I could use em to secure the door open and carry on delivering. Um, no.


Well-Known Member
Then why are you still here complaining about how unfair life is. Move on my guy. Later turd nugget.
Not complaining someone told me about this site and said ask some questions on here.. but i see this site is full of butt kissers so i guess I'll move along boss.. but if you guys on here are drivers or part time just remember the company don't love you they will get rid of you like you're nothing so make the money dont let it make you