Being provided handcarts.


Drive safe and look twice...always! Slow down.
This is an old thread, but answered my question. I think I need a hand truck for my golf cart too. I lifted two packages yesterday that weighed over 70 lbs each. One weighed 83 lbs and getting it in my trailer and then back out to carry it up a drive way with a steep incline almost did me in. So not impressed.


Never bought my own handtruck
This is an old thread, but answered my question. I think I need a hand truck for my golf cart too. I lifted two packages yesterday that weighed over 70 lbs each. One weighed 83 lbs and getting it in my trailer and then back out to carry it up a drive way with a steep incline almost did me in. So not impressed.


Retired 23 years
This is an old thread, but answered my question. I think I need a hand truck for my golf cart too. I lifted two packages yesterday that weighed over 70 lbs each. One weighed 83 lbs and getting it in my trailer and then back out to carry it up a drive way with a steep incline almost did me in. So not impressed.

Steal one out of you centers most senior drivers truck. They don't mind.


Just a turd
This is an old thread, but answered my question. I think I need a hand truck for my golf cart too. I lifted two packages yesterday that weighed over 70 lbs each. One weighed 83 lbs and getting it in my trailer and then back out to carry it up a drive way with a steep incline almost did me in. So not impressed.


Staff member
This is an old thread, but answered my question. I think I need a hand truck for my golf cart too. I lifted two packages yesterday that weighed over 70 lbs each. One weighed 83 lbs and getting it in my trailer and then back out to carry it up a drive way with a steep incline almost did me in. So not impressed.

Why didn't you just back the trailer up the driveway?


This is an old thread, but answered my question. I think I need a hand truck for my golf cart too. I lifted two packages yesterday that weighed over 70 lbs each. One weighed 83 lbs and getting it in my trailer and then back out to carry it up a drive way with a steep incline almost did me in. So not impressed.

No idea what your whining about now

But I want to commend you for using the search function

Keep up the good work


Active Member
Do what I did Monday.. Had a bulk stop for a Hospital 30 pkgs .. Had to carry every single pkg one at a time to the basement took me 3 hours .. They learn ed their lesson.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Sooo, we've been having a lot of base routes put in to deal with the recent volume and I've had to go out without a handcart because my center and every other center seems to not have any spare handcarts. It makes my job so much harder as most drivers know. What can I do here? File a grievance for not being supplied proper tools and equipment? Kindly ask my division manager to order more handcarts? Just suck it up and kill my back carrying one box at a time to all the damn apartment buildings? Thanks.
Go to the shop and "borrow" one dummy. Look in the trucks.