Bernie Sanders 2016


nowhere special


golden ticket member
As "friend'd" up as the gov't is today, that might come across more as a positive for Bernie than a negative. Ron Paul was also known for doing about as much, maybe even less as I don't even think he got the first Post Office named. If such purely PR events/appeals to emotion actually mean a damn thing to begin with.

And not unlike Ron Paul, seems Bernie may be striking a cord with the youth movement as well. Now I find this interesting and if one puts aside the purely partisan narratives, while there are differences, there is common ground between the 2 men as well. I'm more curious what evolves from this 20, 40, 60 years out but then I'm far more interested in the long view of which likely I won't see instead of the short term (the next election) which I know the current generations who now hold power will just continue to "friend" up. We've yet to demonstrate anything different.

Bernie Sanders is the future of the Democratic Party
Post offices need to be closed, not renamed!!! downsize.


Well-Known Member
Post offices need to be closed, not renamed!!! downsize.

Wouldn't you need to amend the US Constitution, specifically Art. 1 Section 8 Clause 7, first or are you just intent on doing what many accuse President Obama of doing?


golden ticket member
Wouldn't you need to amend the US Constitution, specifically Art. 1 Section 8 Clause 7, first or are you just intent on doing what many accuse President Obama of doing?
By all means, do it the right way.......but re-naming post offices is a whole lot of nuttin'.
Downsizing them is much more the book of course.
I have 2 zip codes in my city......2 post office old and one new. . . rent out the old one and make some money and use the new one as a p.o..
It might mean that all those "leaners" might have to actually work now.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
As a Teamster of 36 years I can say without a doubt that Trump can give a dam about working class people!In the latest debate he had no idea what the a nuclear triad was!
Sanders has been fighting for working class people for all of his 40 years as a public servant!
The following article sums up Trump: a great observation on Trump and bios supporters : Taibbi interprets the “Trump phenomenon” as a rather damning indictment of an American culture guided by worship of the superficial: Trump’s relentless media barrage and his complete lack of interest in sticking to a single topic for more than a media cycle half-life is tailor-made for a generation of Americans with terminally diminished attention spans, eager to be fed quick, sound-bite solutions before surfing off to the next channel. Trump simply embodies the TV culture that created him and that most Americans wallow in every night of their lives. His views and pronouncements, in their idiotic simplicity and unworkability, follow suit: Trump will not close Guantanamo, He will not do anything about the Patriot act while he is telling you about Drug dealing rapist mexicans and filling you with hate around Muslims. Trump has lobbyist right now!
Serious question Zorroinhell, do you support an 80% tax rate?

The experts are saying that it would take roughly an 80% to 90% tax rate to pay for all of what Bernie wants.

So, would you like to see the federal government take 80% of your paycheck?

And don't forget about state income taxes and social security and medicare.

You might owe money every week to the government.

After all, someone has got to pay to give free stuff to other people.


Serious question Zorroinhell, do you support an 80% tax rate?

The experts are saying that it would take roughly an 80% to 90% tax rate to pay for all of what Bernie wants.

So, would you like to see the federal government take 80% of your paycheck?

And don't forget about state income taxes and social security and medicare.

You might owe money every week to the government.

After all, someone has got to pay to give free stuff to other people.

You will have to name those experts, because otherwise you are just making stuff up again.


Well-Known Member
when you see that the corporate sell out hillary is winning with the older than 40 crowd, you can see whos mislead in america, and whos likely confused on this forum


Well-Known Member
Yes you are confused .
On the delegate count she is winning
just talking in terms of which age groups vote for bernie.

im guessing the younger the voting age is, the more in favor of socialism they are as well.

the older generation is partly holding america back with their fear


Well-Known Member
just talking in terms of which age groups vote for bernie.

im guessing the younger the voting age is, the more in favor of socialism they are as well.

the older generation is partly holding america back with their fear
A lot of the older generation (the ones that grew up under FDR) are supporting him too. by older you actually mean 40-65/70


Well-Known Member
Serious question Zorroinhell, do you support an 80% tax rate?

The experts are saying that it would take roughly an 80% to 90% tax rate to pay for all of what Bernie wants.

So, would you like to see the federal government take 80% of your paycheck?

And don't forget about state income taxes and social security and medicare.

You might owe money every week to the government.

After all, someone has got to pay to give free stuff to other people.

That is a 80% TOP rate, and you should know that. It doesn't mean that anyone working at UPS would EVER pay that much. When you start netting, after all deductions and write-offs, more than $1 million per year, you might have to pay a high tax on the amount over $1 million.

And that is still lower than the previous top rate. And you are either ill informed, or trying to pass misinformation if you think anyone, even millionaires, would ever pay an 80% net rate. After write-offs and deductions, they could still be paying a lower effective federal tax rate than you and I pay.

The best growth in US history came under a 90% top rate, which forced people to re-invest business profit, rather than take it out as personal profit. Those small business owners re-invested in machinery, buildings, and personnel and their net worth rose even if they didn't take it out as profit. Only if they took it as personal profit was the income taxed. The super high rate created a huge incentive that forced the economy to grow. And even then, there are deductions that the wealthy can take that saves them greatly on taxes.

You should also get a clue about the 'free stuff' people get, when you are getting just as much. You have a job only because the gov provides protection for transport industry, from the US Navy keeping the shipping lanes clear for cargo ships, to snow removal on your local highways and streets. You use those 'give-aways' more and make more from those 'give-aways' than any poor person ever makes on food stamps or Medicaid, or a 'free' cell phone that is used, and has no data allowance.

So your big fear of high tax rates is misplaced. You shoud just remain afraid of ISIS, Muslims, ebola, and little brown children crossing the border, which are really just as misplaced.