Biden Put Americans At Risk By Trading Dangerous Russian Arms Dealer For Brittney Grinder


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
So did the Biden administration have “the choice” between freeing Griner or Whelan in exchange for Bout? Like the Paul Pelosi story, the first report is probably correct.


Well-Known Member
Could be. I would love to know what the internal CIA discussions were. What was the threat assessment after 15 year? Does he still have significant connections? Would those connections want anything to do with him after all this time? Could tracking him lead to other targets?

I’m sue a lot of people just leave it at Joe doing something stupid. Again, that could be the case. But I don’t see him as someone who does things without viewing multiple angles.
But if Trump did this you would surely have the same perspective...


Staff member
But if Trump did this you would surely have the same perspective...
Actually, yes. That’s how trades go. Assess the positives and negatives and decide yes or no.

I understand people disliking the trade and thinking it was foolish. What I don’t get is people insinuating that we should have left Griner there and gotten Whalen back. That wasn’t really an option Putin appeared to have considered. And yes, it does matter what Putin thinks.

So the critics don’t seem to dislike the idea of a trade. They dislike who the other side was willing to trade. Somehow one US citizen was worth it and the other (for what seem to be political disagreements) is not with it.

I disagree with that.


Staff member
Except it's the opposite now.
Marc Fogel is literally in jail over there for the same thing. But in the Democrat intersectionality contest, black lesbian wins out over straight white guy.
It kinda matters who Putin is willing to give up and who he isn’t.


Staff member


Well-Known Member
It kinda matters who Putin is willing to give up and who he isn’t.
He's trying to win a war that's not popular in Russia. If he had traded Whelan who was accused of espionage it would make him look weak. He got an international criminal held by Americans in exchange for a pot smoking basketball player. Makes him look brilliant.