
Well-Known Member
What is your theory on why Ken H wouldn't cooperate with the government investigators, forcing Hoffa's hand in filing charges against him?
I figured it was to stall, in a weak attempt to protect their slate and RA out west in the General Election...
Not so sure about a weak attempt as the numbers worked in their favor but of course KH knew any bad publicity near the election could hurt. BTW, KH did cooperate, just not at the pace the IIO desired.

And since the RA (from PA) situation, that's as far as I'll go on a public forum, as I may be subpoenaed.:wacko:


Just because younger bucks like me scream it from the rafters doesn't me a 26 point buck like Kenny will. The man is all experience and class. I'm relatively new to this game. He has 40 years. You know that saying about running done a hill because there's a cow or something? Well he/the walk down the hill.

The IIO officer was a pro Teamsters united guy that concocted this sham. The copied it off the Trump campaign. What fortitude these people lacked was the ballots were in the mail. Their scam wasn't gonna work. Now in the next month you will see that it was all a Ruse.


Not so sure about a weak attempt as the numbers worked in their favor but of course KH knew any bad publicity near the election could hurt. BTW, KH did cooperate, just not at the pace the IIO desired.

And since the RA (from PA) situation, that's as far as I'll go on a public forum, as I may be subpoenaed.:wacko:
I still have so much to learn ;)


And since I got Bubblehead and LeadBelly 2.0 agreeing on things, I'm ready for the Middle East peace talks.
Listen here:) my big brother from another mother ( since I have no biological sybllings) you got your way. I will try and exude class like you do on here. Make my point respectfully. ;) Just don't take to much credit that I agree with that other poster on anything:).

After all I am not the smartest guy in the room. :)

Ps you definitely do have that Jesse Jackson peace abilities thing going for you!!!!!


My Senior Picture
On December 5, the Independent Investigations Officer (IIO) brought a charge of embezzlement against Bill E, the former secretary treasurer of Ventura California Local 186. After E was defeated for reelection a year ago, he paid out $97,780 “severance” to himself, former president Douglas S, former office manager Dennis S and former BA Carlos T. S was also charged by the IIO.


The charge report notes that the payments were “without authority and served no union purpose” and violated the IBT Constitution clause prohibiting “extraordinary expenses” after an election defeat without the approval of the officers-elect. Incoming secretary treasurer Abel G sent E a letter citing this clause, soon after winning the election last December. The payments were made on December 28-29, 2015.

With the phony “severance” and accumulated vacation, E pulled down over $276,000 in 2015 from a local of about 1700 members.

This kind of greed has no place in the Teamsters Union. Unfortunately, under the Hoffa-hall administration, we have to rely on the Independent Investigations Officer provided in the Final Order of federal court rather than any Teamster ethics mechanism in our International union.

If these guys were charged for under $100,000 missing; how will Andy the marshmallow man at Local 104 survive over $1 million misplaced? Hahahahaha!