
Don't underestimate crypto currencies, we are still in the infancy for this revolutionary technology. My advise is to invest 10% of your net worth in crypto especially Bitcoin. Bitcoin is becoming a store of value asset its becoming digital gold, buy just 1 bitcoin if you can't buy one bitcoin buy 1/2 of one in 10 years sell it, it will be worth 10 times to 100 times more than today. We have to look forward in to the future crypto is here to stay. Smart money is investing on bitcoin and there are about 17 million coins that have been minted and 4 million of them have been lost forever, the total amount of bitcoin will be 21 million, so it is really scarce. There is about 36 million millionaires in the world so you see if every one of them wanted one there would not be enough, buy one hold it you will be among the few.


Retired 23 years
Don't underestimate crypto currencies, we are still in the infancy for this revolutionary technology. My advise is to invest 10% of your net worth in crypto especially Bitcoin. Bitcoin is becoming a store of value asset its becoming digital gold, buy just 1 bitcoin if you can't buy one bitcoin buy 1/2 of one in 10 years sell it, it will be worth 10 times to 100 times more than today. We have to look forward in to the future crypto is here to stay. Smart money is investing on bitcoin and there are about 17 million coins that have been minted and 4 million of them have been lost forever, the total amount of bitcoin will be 21 million, so it is really scarce. There is about 36 million millionaires in the world so you see if every one of them wanted one there would not be enough, buy one hold it you will be among the few.
Spoken like a person who wants others to join his Ponzi skeme so he don't lose his rear end.


Inordinately Right
Don't underestimate crypto currencies, we are still in the infancy for this revolutionary technology. My advise is to invest 10% of your net worth in crypto especially Bitcoin. Bitcoin is becoming a store of value asset its becoming digital gold, buy just 1 bitcoin if you can't buy one bitcoin buy 1/2 of one in 10 years sell it, it will be worth 10 times to 100 times more than today. We have to look forward in to the future crypto is here to stay. Smart money is investing on bitcoin and there are about 17 million coins that have been minted and 4 million of them have been lost forever, the total amount of bitcoin will be 21 million, so it is really scarce. There is about 36 million millionaires in the world so you see if every one of them wanted one there would not be enough, buy one hold it you will be among the few.

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Not surprise that old timers don't believe in the future. It is a fact that most people that own crypto are millennials, I am not giving you financial advise you spend or invest your money however you see fit, but if you are young and like to invest in the future this a good chance at making money, buy one - half of one - 1/10 of one sell it in 5 to 10 years.


Retired 23 years
Well I paid off my mortgage bought a new c8 Corvette all with Crypto monopoly money! Still investing heavily in my 401k, crypto, ups stock and other new companies.
I see your car and I imagine it was Park Place or Boardwalk that you paid off. Nice

LOL hey I was just trying to help my fellow UPSERS with investing knowledge, I don't give financial advise you do your own research crypto has work for me in a big way and it may crash to zero one day but I already made a pretty penny and a little more so eat your heart out!