BLM means WHAT ????

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American

And there you have it.
Treason is criminal disloyalty, typically to the state. It is a crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's nation or sovereign.

Firing squad is the ideal solution.


Well-Known Member
Treason is criminal disloyalty, typically to the state. It is a crime that covers some of the more extreme acts against one's nation or sovereign.

Firing squad is the ideal solution.

If only the republicans were so bold. Bunch of spineless cowards. Theyre gonna tip toe around these criminals until ppl have no choice but to launch their own attacks


nowhere special

The big package

Well-Known Member
Someone probably will. In broad daylight. Like this guy.View attachment 305943
Yes it just goes to show you how hypocritical these people are in the Black Lives Matter movement , not one word about the death of that man , also no outrage nothing said about the Seattle police chief ( a black female ) Carmen Betts who retired because nobody's got their back and she said nobody pointed fingers at any of the department heads just her and she took that personally Where's the BLM outrage ???

The big package

Well-Known Member
All of you BLM supporters that are white and own a house , I certainly hope you are packing your stuff and are moving out of your house immediately . That's what BLM wants , that's what you need to do !!! NOW