Brown Cafe to Announce Site Improvements on Tuesday May 8th

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Dave is retiring from UPS tomorrow May 7th.
Let's take this time to remember and thanks Dave for his contributions to Brown Cafe as ...

... Dave will no longer post on Brown Cafe effective Tuesday May 8th per his promises for many years.

Good luck Dave and enjoy being a grandfather and relaxing in your part-time job to ease your way into retirement.
I think that is a smart move!


I’m full of it
Dave is retiring from UPS tomorrow May 7th.
Let's take this time to remember and thanks Dave for his contributions to Brown Cafe as ...

... Dave will no longer post on Brown Cafe effective Tuesday May 8th per his promises for many years.

Good luck Dave and enjoy being a grandfather and relaxing in your part-time job to ease your way into retirement.
I think that is a smart move!
Maybe he’ll get a pet cat or something to keep him busy


Retired 23 years
We can only dream that he has moved on for good this time. I still say he will (or may already be) back under a different name or at least by next peak when he hires on as a Christmas helper.