Build That Wall!!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
They put their kid in a klan cloak and act surprised when polite society is upset by it. They aren’t the brightest bulbs.
You mean like when Octomom had her kids dress up in black face?



Well-Known Member
Unaccompanied Alien Children apprehensions are up 374% since last year
Single Adult apprehensions are up 82% from last year
Family unit apprehensions—up 1,816% from last year
30% of family units are fraudulent
Children are being exploited
Why do Democrats refuse to act?


Well-Known Member
Unaccompanied Alien Children apprehensions are up 374% since last year
Single Adult apprehensions are up 82% from last year
Family unit apprehensions—up 1,816% from last year
30% of family units are fraudulent
Children are being exploited
Why do Democrats refuse to act?
Who were the idiots who came up with the asylum policies for families? Did they not comprehend the loopholes they were creating that has led to child trafficking?


Well-Known Member
Lots of things happen.
In terms of frequency....
He's just making numbers up.
Hundreds of kids are being used over and over to beat the system and get "asylum" seekers into the U.S. where they then disappear, not showing up for their hearing. The Border Patrol has gotten savvy to it, but it still happens. Funny how the MSM was all over the Trump administration separating families, but has reported little about this.


Inordinately Right
Hundreds of kids are being used over and over to beat the system and get "asylum" seekers into the U.S. where they then disappear, not showing up for their hearing. The Border Patrol has gotten savvy to it, but it still hapoens. Funny how the MSM was all over the Trump administration separating families, but has reportedly little about this.
Funny how the "MSM" doesn't report on the things you guys make up?
Not really.